A Tarot Reader Predicts What Each Zodiac Should Expect Before Valentine’s Day
Your card: 4 of Cups
You’re feeling a little lonely right now. Even if you’re surrounded by friends or a partner, there’s a disconnect happening. Perhaps it’s just Seasonal Affective Disorder bringing you down. Either way, you’ll just have to weather a bummer week and hopefully everything will be fine after Valentine’s Day.
Your card: The Empress
Your feminine energy is through the roof right now. You feel like you could nurture the world, and all the people and animals in your life are going to benefit from that. So hand out hugs freely, tell everyone you love them, and embrace this feeling of connectedness.
Your card: Death
The Death card is about change, transition, or things ending. Hopefully this doesn’t spell a breakup for you. Heck, maybe it means that you’re about to fall in love with someone new. Either way, you’ll have a feeling of change and renewal this week, and it’s not always a bad thing despite the scary name of this card.
Your card: Page of Wands
You’re going to feel particularly motivated this week when it comes to trying new things and going out of your comfort zone. That’s the exact right attitude to have if you’re single in the lead-up to Valentine’s Day. And if you’re coupled-up, maybe your relationship is about to get extra spicy.
Your card: 3 of Pentacles
This card is all about teamwork. Since this is the season for love, teamwork and collaboration is a great way to go about the holiday. If you’re setting up a special date, make sure it’s something you both want to do. You could even plan it together. If you don’t have a date, you’re going to be a lot more likely to find one this week.
Your card: 6 of Cups
You’re normally go-go-go when it comes to dealing with the present and planning for the future, but this week you’ll be looking in the rearview more than ever. It’s all about nostalgia for you. It makes sense–a lot of people think about past relationships in the lead-up to Valentine’s Day. Just make sure the nostalgia doesn’t turn toxic.
Your card: The Hierophant
You have your traditions, and this week you’ll want to stick to them more than ever. It’s okay to have an idea of what you want, but being so rigid in the execution could mean that you’re missing out on something special. Hold on to the traditions that serve you well and let everything else drop away.
Your card: 3 of Swords
I wish I could say that you’ll be happy and fulfilled this week, but the cards say otherwise. The 3 of Swords is all about grief and heartbreak, which is especially shitty considering the upcoming holiday. Try not to let the emotional pain pull you too far under.
Your card: 9 of Pentacles
This card is about luxury and independence, which is perfect if you’re single. You won’t be sitting around crying about being alone–you’ll be making this week extra special regardless. You know you deserve the world, and you’ll be manifesting great things for yourself this week.
Your card: The Magician
You’ve got a lot of power this week. Whatever you want, you’re a lot more likely to make it happen. So choose what you want wisely. Manifest positive things for yourself or your power may end up having negative consequences.
Your card: The Sun
The Sun shines on everything, creating a positive atmosphere and a warmth you might have been lacking lately. This week will be positive and fun, especially if you go with the flow of it all. Embrace change and say yes when you’d normally let anxiety keep you from doing something out of your comfort zone.
Your card: 10 of Cups
You’ll have inner happiness in spades this week. At the very least, you’ll feel a lot more fulfilled than usual. This is a good time to make your dreams come true. Do that thing that you’ve been thinking about for a while. Regardless of the outcome, you can handle anything this week.