Aquarius Season Tarotscopes For Each Zodiac Sign (1/19)
As the Sun enters Aquarius, the season of the Water-Bearer begins. We’re fueled with intellectual motivation, desires for breakthroughs, and eagerness for change.
Read on to discover how this Aquarius season will impact your star sign, according to Tarot.
Aries: Six of Pentacles
This Aquarius season asks you to be open-minded to collaboration. There’s more growth going together than doing it all alone. Accept offers of support, as success is found in teamwork. You can change more as a unit!
Taurus: Page of Cups Reversed
Aquarius season encourages you to find emotional awareness. Emotions can sometimes be helpful, but not when they dictate our choices. Detach your sadness, hurt, or disappointment. Find hope through objective proactiveness.
Gemini: The Moon
This Aquarius season reveals your intuition. Follow the calling of your inner guidance. Overcoming anxiety goes hand in hand with trusting your discernment. You may feel something is off. Explore it.
Cancer: Seven of Pentacles
This Aquarius season shows you where you’re feeling lost or hopeless. Remember, you don’t need to accept less than what you desire or deserve. It’s time to restrategize and regain control over your life circumstances.
Leo: Wheel of Fortune
This Aquarius season, Leo is inspired by the Wheel of Fortune turning in their favor. Their investments pay off, cycles are broken, and uplifting energy clears their path. Destiny unlocks the next level of growth.
Virgo: King of Pentacles
The King of Pentacles promises an Aquarius season of growth. Virgo is inspired to examine their practical goals and responsibilities through an identity-affirming angle. To prosper, lead yourself to the success you crave above all else.
Libra: Judgement Reversed
You’re capable of changing the tone this Aquarius season. You likely feel stuck, at a loss, or disappointed. However hard it is to look at the truth, once matters are revealed, don’t lose sight by digging your head in the sand. Dare to change.
Scorpio: Five of Pentacles
This Aquarius season asks you to overcome fears of emotional abandonment or financial loss. You have what it takes to overcome obstacles in your path. Don’t allow anxiety to prevent you from growing.
Sagittarius: Ten of Pentacles
You’re feeling empowered, capable, and fulfilled this Aquarius season. Life comes full circle. The right career, relationship dynamics, love life, and long-term goals come to fruition.
Capricorn: King of Wands Reversed
You can make significant shifts if you reclaim your confidence this Aquarius season. Stop avoiding leadership. Your autonomy and individuality should be celebrated, honored, and encouraged to level up.
Aquarius: The Emporer Reversed
You may have felt lost in the moment. However, your season reminds you that you have more control than you realize. Don’t be afraid to say no, set boundaries, and put yourself at the center of your universe.
Pisces: Knight of Cups
You’re looking at your love life differently this Aquarius season. Your knight in shining armor arrives to save the day, whether romantic or platonic. There’s hope so long as you don’t wear rose-colored glasses. Enjoy positive connections without forgetting your responsibilities.