Callie Byrnes

I write about astrology, tarot, and pop culture. ✨ Site director and editing manager. Check out my debut book, ‘The Words We Left Behind.’

8 Questions with
Callie Byrnes


Where do you draw inspiration from?

I have a tendency to dwell on moments, even if they aren’t particularly special. Yesterday when I was on a walk, I saw a kite shaped like a dragon stuck in a tree, and all I could think was “There’s a metaphor in there somewhere.” When I write, I always try to find that metaphor.


You’re hosting a dinner party this Friday and can invite five people. The catch: These diners can be anyone, dead or alive. You also don’t need to know them IRL. That said, who are you having over?

I’m bad at questions like this, mostly because if it were up to me, I’d want everyone at my table. We need more dinner parties with strangers!


What was the last thing you read that moved you?

‘Just Kids’ by Patti Smith—I’ve been reading it slowly, languidly, and eating up every bite.


If AIM was still A Thing, what would your away message be?

Sad lyrics that make no sense out of context, guaranteed.


What would the title of your memoir be?

“I Swear I’m Not Making This Up (But Sometimes I Wish I Was)”


How would your best friend describe you?

Straight from the mouth of a true bestie: “Kind, loyal, colorful. Someone who pushes me to do the right thing but also encourages me to take risks.”


Favorite word, and why?

Quintessential. I’m not really sure why, but from the moment I learned it I’ve been drawn to it.


If you could give one piece of advice to everyone in the world, what would you say?

Choose to spend your time around people who not only make you feel loved but who also allow you to take up as much space as you need, who appreciate the nuances that make you who you are, and who encourage you to become everything that you can be—and choose to be that person for others.


Zodiac Big Three:

Pisces sun, Leo moon, and Pisces rising





Current Era:

Author Era

User (Or Not) Of Oxford Comma:

Both (depending on the vibes)

Favorite Emoji:

Articles by
Callie Byrnes