Beautiful, Inspiring Words From Lemony Snicket

Beautiful, Inspiring Words From Lemony Snicket

Lemony Snicket is the pen name Daniel Handler used for his children’s books. Here are some of his best quotes from A Series Of Unfortunate Events and his other novels:

“At times the world may seem an unfriendly and sinister place, but believe that there is much more good in it than bad. All you have to do is look hard enough and what might seem to be a series of unfortunate events may in fact be the first steps of a journey.”

“You know that a good, long session of weeping can often make you feel better, even if your circumstances have not changed one bit.”

“Everyone, at some point in their lives, wakes up in the middle of the night with the feeling that they are all alone in the world, and that nobody loves them now and that nobody will ever love them, and that they will never have a decent night’s sleep again and will spend their lives wandering blearily around a loveless landscape, hoping desperately that their circumstances will improve, but suspecting, in their heart of hearts, that they will remain unloved forever.”

“It is difficult, when faced with a situation you cannot control, to admit you can do nothing.”

“If we wait until we’re ready, we’ll be waiting for the rest of our lives.”

“Grief, a type of sadness that most often occurs when you have lost someone you love, is a sneaky thing, because it can disappear for a long time, and then pop back up when you least expect it.”

“Fate is like a strange, unpopular restaurant filled with odd little waiters who bring you things you never asked for and don’t always like.”

“When someone is crying, of course, the noble thing to do is to comfort them. But if someone is trying to hide their tears, it may also be noble to pretend you do not notice them.”

“Strange as it may seem, I still hope for the best, even though the best, like an interesting piece of mail, so rarely arrives, and even when it does it can be lost so easily.”

“Do the scary thing first, and get scared later.”

“Love can change a person the way a parent can change a baby- awkwardly, and often with a great deal of mess.”

“Wicked people never have time for reading. It’s one of the reasons for their wickedness.”

“It is a curious thing, the death of a loved one. We all know that our time in this world is limited, and that eventually all of us will end up underneath some sheet, never to wake up. And yet it is always a surprise when it happens to someone we know.”

“Oftentimes, when people are miserable, they will want to make other people miserable, too. But it never helps.”

“People aren’t either wicked or noble. They’re like chef’s salads, with good things and bad things chopped and mixed together in a vinaigrette of confusion and conflict.”

“Just because you don’t understand it doesn’t mean it isn’t so.”

“People don’t always get what they deserve in this world.”

“Your initial opinion on just about anything may change over time.”

“Morning is an important time of day, because how you spend your morning can often tell you what kind of day you are going to have.”

“Arguing with somebody is never pleasant, but sometimes it is useful and necessary to do so.”