Midjourney / TC Agency

Outlook For The Monkey During The Chinese Year Of The Green Wood Snake


Power struggles abound for you in the Year of the Green Wood Snake. To overcome these problems, it will help to form alliances among your colleagues. Rave reviews from your co-workers can result in a big promotion that stuns your rivals and delights your conspirators. If you’re not in the mood for drama, you should seek a job at a place that draws on your superior intellect. Work involving journalism, diplomacy, the law, or finance is worth pursuing. 


Resist the temptation to overdo it at the gym or on the playing field. Pushing your body too far can result in sprains, strains, or other injuries. Low-impact exercise like yoga, swimming, walking, and tai chi will yield great results without putting your physique at risk. A workout routine that is regular but moderate is the best bet for you in 2025; this isn’t a great time to run a marathon or participate in bike races.


You won’t lack for admirers this year, which could cause problems if you already have a romantic partner. Beware of fast and furious flirtations, as they will make your other half wildly jealous. If you’re single, you could break quite a few hearts. The idea of settling down with one devoted partner could make you feel claustrophobic. It’s better to keep relationships fun and casual this year. Above all, be clear about your intentions.