Snow White

Date These 4 Zodiacs If You’re Looking For Passion And Intimacy


Taurus is so intentional with their affection and attention towards a romantic partner. They know how to illicit a response with eye contact alone. If you’ve never experienced it before, get ready to feel like you’re going through puberty for a second time. Your heart starts racing, your face turns red, you might even get sweaty or clammy from all the suspense. Because when they wait for the perfect moment to give you a kiss that makes you forget your password, address, and mother tongue you are going to need some help coming back down to earth. Their transparency builds a level of trust that allows you to relax and let go in and fully immerse yourself in the moment.  


Scorpio will keep you on your toes in the passion department because you’ll never know what they have up their sleeve. They aren’t creatures of routine, because they know laziness and repetition can kill the spark between you. So they’ll take some lessons from a professional masseuse, or surprise you with hotel room service. Beyond the gimmicks and romantic gestures, they’re also extremely observant. They will pay the closest attention to how you’re feeling and responding to them in the moment, and make sure to follow that subtle feedback. You’ll feel like there is a psychic connection between the two of you, but they’re just really good at picking up on non-verbal cues.


Aquarius will make you feel seen and heard on a level deeper than you ever imagined possible with another human being. Your physical passion and connection will always mirror the strength of your mental and emotional bond. There is something to be said for really getting to know someone before you’ve ever even kissed, and no one knows it better than Aquarius. Everything they do is loaded with intention, so when they finally reach that point in a relationship, the meaning and emotion intensifies everything. Their partners need to be ready for that level of vulnerability, but those who are will be handsomely rewarded with consistency, devotion, loyalty, and the kind of glow that sends your exes into a jealous fury. 


A Cancer is known for being nice to everyone, but don’t make the mistake of thinking the same maxim applies to their romantic life. They won’t even bother sleeping with anyone who doesn’t absolutely drive them crazy. This selective nature means if you’re lucky enough to catch a Cancer’s eye, you’ll quickly become the friend everyone comes to for sex advice. When you can’t help but gush about the unbelievable chemistry in your relationship, everyone will want to know how they too can find that kind of passion. Cancer’s know what they’re looking for in a partner, and aren’t afraid to state it or ask for it. When they find it, they don’t fuck around with games or insecurities. They know how to take care of a good thing.