Everything To Know About Your Third Eye, The Portal To Your Intuition
In Hinduism and Buddhism, it is believed that there are 7 Chakras in our body. Chakra is a Sanskrit word meaning “wheel” or “cycle” and they are the energy points that run from the base of our spine all the way up to the crown area of the head.
The Chakra that is the most talked about is the Third Eye.
Here is everything you need to know about it:
What Is The Third Eye?
The Third Eye, also known as Ajna, is the 6th Chakra. It is located on the forehead, near the brow line. It is above the Throat Chakra, which balances emotion and reason, and below the Crown Chakra, the center of enlightenment. The Third Eye is the energy of clarity, imagination, and intuition.
It is represented by the color indigo and a lotus flower.
The Third Eye is believed to be linked to the pineal gland, which is located in the vertebrate brain near the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. According to researchers, this gland produces melatonin and this chemical is “sometimes called ‘the spirit molecule’ or ‘the seat of the soul’ because of its supposed relationship to consciousness.”
Balancing The Third Eye Chakra
When your Third Eye is blocked or unbalanced, you might experience vision problems, headaches/migraines, insomnia, nightmares, feeling lost or stuck in your day-to-day, memory problems, and a lack of imagination.
However, when your Third Eye is open and balanced, you will feel more aware, optimistic, and imaginative. You might develop a stronger intuition or psychic abilities and you will improve your memory, especially with your dreams.
To balance and connect to your Third Eye chakra, you can do the following:
Yoga and meditation.
Try the child’s pose, plow pose, or the supported shoulder pose. Remember to breathe and focus on the placement of your Third Eye.
Use crystals and essential oils.
When meditating or doing yoga, try placing crystals around you or holding them to your forehead and diffusing some essential oils. The crystals you can use are Lapis, Clear Quartz, Amethyst, and Selenite. The essential oils you can use are Rosemary, Clary Sage, Lemongrass, and Patchouli.
Engage in mindful activities.
Engage in activities that make you more mindful and present: doing yoga, journaling, creating art of some kind. Let your inner wisdom guide you.
Say some affirmations.
“I trust the guidance I get through all of my gifts.”
“I trust my intuition.”
“I am connected to my purpose and to my true path.”
“I have a healthy mind.”
“I hear my inner voice.”
“I embody my spiritual gifts.”