Fifty Ways You Can Be Kind On Random Acts Of Kindness Day
1. Have a pizza sent over to a friends house.
2. Call your family members, they miss you.
3. Pick something off of your local animal shelters wish list and order what they need
4. Set up a tiny library in your community.
5. Be a parking meter fairy, and drop quarters in peoples meters.
6. Donate blood, especially during COVID it is needed more than ever before!
7. Write a great review for a small business.
8. Go dine in at your local mom and pop restaurant.
9. Advocate for a day of service in your city or town.
10. Donate old books to your local library.
11. Prepare a home cooked meal for your local nursing home.
12. Write messages for kids in the children hospitals.
13. Take time to listen to your grandparents reminisce about the “good old days.”
14. Be a storyteller for a local elementary school classroom
15. Hold open the door for someone.
16. Tip your local barista.
17. Thank your local city worker for their consistency.
18. Plant a tree.
19. Forgive someone who didn’t apologize to you.
20. Don’t discuss the negative side of life on this day only.
21. Love yourself a little bit extra.
22. Donate your hair to wig charities.
23. Sign up for a food pantry.
24. Spread positivity on social media.
25. Offer mentorship’s to your newer coworkers.
26. ACTUALLY take your customer service survey.
27. Send a care package to a deployed soldier.
28. Return your grocery cart to the designated spot.
29. Sweep up some trash in your local parks.
30. Pick a 5K you want to train for, for your desired charity.
31. Bring treats to the office!
32. Invite a new hire to your lunch table.
33. Resist the urge to be petty on social media.
34. Share someone’s GoFundMe.
35. Help a blind or visually-impaired person with Be My Eyes. The app lets you video chat with someone who needs help seeing their day to day chores.
36. Host a workshop of a skill you have, and network with your community!
37. Dress up as a super hero and visit your local children’s hospital.
38. Go to an arcade and give a kid all of your tickets.
39. Leave a box of feminine products in a public restroom.
40. Leave an extra big tip.
41. Assume the best in people.
42. Post your favorite inspirational quotes.
43. Give someone your parking spot while you’re pulling out of it.
44. Start a community garden.
45. Help your neighbor with chores.
46. Hang out at your local animal shelter.
47. Tell a teacher you appreciate them.
48. Stop holding that grudge.
49. Pay for someone’s laundry.
50. Make Spotify playlists for your friends to share.