Taylor Harding

Find Someone Who Matches Your Energy

It was so great in the beginning. You felt special. Your partner showered you with affection. And then something shifted. You’ve found yourself always being the one to initiate things, always the one planning dates, always the one getting thoughtful gifts while getting little–or nothing at all–in return. An unbalanced relationship sneaks up on you. You’re both trying hard at the start, then one relaxes, gets comfortable, stops focusing on the other. Throw out the relationship with someone who doesn’t match your energy. They should be putting in just as much as you are.

When you find someone who matches your energy, you don’t have to wonder how they feel about you. No more agonizing over whether they like you as much as you like them. They aren’t this mystery walking through your life, sapping your energy as you try to puzzle out their feelings. You’ll know because they’ll show you.

When you find someone who matches your energy, your anxiety melts away–at least when it comes to the relationship. You’ll realize just how much you were on high alert in previous relationships once you feel the ease of dating someone who matches your energy.

When you find someone who matches your energy, you’ll feel more secure than ever before. When you’re in an imbalanced relationship, putting in all this energy into someone who seems to have one foot out the door, you start to worry about your own self worth. Maybe you aren’t good enough? Maybe they have good reason to put so little effort in? Then you finally get with someone who matches your energy and you realize you weren’t the problem. The problem? You just had to find the right person.

When you find someone who matches your energy, you won’t have to try so hard. You won’t be the only one planning things, the one always texting first. That urge to prove that you’re worth it won’t have such a hold on you. Because if you like to put the effort in, the right person will too. You can let them take the lead sometimes and breathe a little easier knowing you have nothing to worry about.

When you find someone who matches your energy, you’ll know that you finally found your equal. All those other guys were just roadblocks and speedbumps to get you into this great relationship. Let those past hurts go and celebrate what you have now.

When you find someone who matches your energy, you’ll never go back. Now that you recognize what you want and what you deserve, you won’t accept anything less.