Growth Is Coming If You’ve Pulled These Tarot Cards
There are many cards within the tarot deck that can symbolize growth and new chapters of your life. There’s no limit on the types of growth that the tarot card might indicate for you; whether you’re beginning a new passion, shedding something that no longer serves you, or just reaching a natural close to a chapter in your life, the cards you pull might have something to tell you about when (and why) you’ll be experiencing growth next.
The Fool
The Fool is an interesting tarot card – though its name seems like a negative, the Fool is actually a happy card. The Fool is known to represent new beginnings; it’s a big sign that something in your life is about to turn over a new leaf. The Fool might represent the beginning of a new project, the start of an adventure, or an event that will push you out of your comfort zone. Whatever your growth period may be, the Fool is an encouraging card; he wants you to experience the joys of the world, even if taking that first step seems challenging.
The Empress
The Empress is a card with many meanings. She often signifies fertility and maternal care. She’s sometimes used to represent divine or feminine energy. But she can also indicate that a new period of growth is coming into your life. The Empress is known to rule over the creative aspects of your life, so she may indicate that new inspiration, projects, or passions are heading your way. She often signifies new potential avenues or opportunities in all aspects of your life, and, when upright, is a positive card to see when it comes to growth.
The Wheel of Fortune
The Wheel of Fortune is all about growth and renewal. When upright, it signifies that a major positive shift will be entering your life soon. The Wheel of Fortune knows that life is about cycles; we cannot stay the same throughout our lives, but instead must fluctuate through the good and bad times. When the Wheel Of Fortune is upright, it means you may soon see a positive shift in your own fortune; things you have been struggling with may suddenly change for the better, and you my see quick results from your own growth over these periods.
The Tower
The Tower is often hailed as a terrifying card to receive. It’s sometimes known to be a destructive one. The Tower is not just a mere change but rather a complete upheaval; it has the power to completely change the structure of your life’s fundamentals. But it also means awakening and realizations, even if these come to you abruptly and chaotically. You may suddenly realize things about your own life that need to change; you may be thrust out of things that no longer serve you or violently shoved out of your comfort zone. But The Tower doesn’t mean that something horrible will happen; it means that, by upheaving certain parts of your life, you make way for new change and growth to enter.