Anastasia Shuraeva

Here Are The Best Times To Pull Tarot Cards

If you’re new to tarot cards or are just looking to get some new insights, one question on your mind might be whether or not there’s a certain time you should be reading tarot cards. Many tarot readers agree that pulling cards at a certain time of day can help them focus more, gain more understanding, and even have more clarity about what their reading might mean. Here are a few ideas you can follow if you’re thinking about pulling your tarot at a specific time.

In the evening

Evenings are a popular time to pull tarot. Not only will pulling tarot at night give you the opportunity to reflect on your day, it can also provide you with more clarity on the day’s events and prepare you for what’s ahead. You might have new things on your mind that you want to settle before going to sleep – pulling tarot in the evening can also give you time to sort out your thoughts around what the cards you pull might mean.

Some tarot readers swear by pulling cards just before they go to sleep, allowing them to think about the cards as they sleep and wake up with new solutions. Allowing your subconscious to take over the interpretation can give you clarity you might not have found otherwise. 

In the morning

In the opposite camp is the tarot readers who want to begin their day with a fresh reading. Many querents want to approach the day ahead with cards in mind. Even if they don’t wake up with a specific question they want to have answered, some readers believe that the cards they pull in the morning should be kept in mind throughout the day, giving them potential solutions to utilize later. 

Morning tarot readers may also prefer to pull early on so that they can allow the tarot cards to influence their day as needed. If you’re pulling tarot cards that focus on specific aspects of your life – love, career, finances – then you may want to dedicate more time, energy, or focus to that area of your life. Pulling tarot cards in the morning could allow you to plan your day in a way that allows you to pay attention to something you’ve been neglecting.

When your intuition tells you to

If you’re not in a particular camp of wanting to pull tarot in the morning or at night, you might be wondering when, exactly, you should look to the cards. Many readers choose a daily routine of pulling either in the morning or night in order to establish a rhythm, but there’s nothing wrong with pulling only as needed.

Especially if you’re not planning on reading tarot cards every day or if you’re in a situation where you frequently look to the cards for guidance, you may want to wait until you have something specific to resolve to seek out advice from your card deck. This means that you would intentionally avoid scheduling a certain time for you to pull cards, and instead wait for a situation to pop up where you feel you could use their guidance.

Acting intuitively will give you more control over the questions you ask the cards and the type of advice you seek from them. There’s also nothing wrong with choosing a specific time of day (or two!) to pull cards regularly while still reading them whenever your intuition tells you to.