Here’s When You’ll Meet Your Soulmate, According To Astrology
Everyone wants to find their soulmate. If you’re tired of downloading apps or approaching strangers, it might be time to turn to astrology. While endless dates and texting are great for some, others want a more proactive approach to finding love. One way to find your soulmate is to locate your seventh house ruler. In astrology, the seventh house ruler is responsible for your relationships (and yes, that includes romantic relationships!) To find the ruler of your seventh house, read on:
How to Find Your Seventh House Ruler
To find the ruler of your seventh house, you’ll need to consult your birth chart and find what sign occupies your seventh house. That sign’s ruling planet is the ruler of your seventh house.
If you’re having trouble determining your seventh house, sites like Cafe Astrology will generate a birth chart for free!
If Your Seventh Ruler is in the First House:
The first house is known as the sign of the self, so your soulmate will be very similar to you. They’ll likely enjoy the same hobbies, have a similar personality, and may even look like you! You’re most likely to meet your soulmate in a place where your personality shines through. This could be a small gathering at a friend’s house or even the hobby shop you frequent.
If Your Seventh Ruler is in the Second House:
The second house is the house of value. You covet new experiences and material objects. Your soulmate is very similar: they enjoy sensuality and frequently indulge. You’ll meet your soulmate in a place that combines extravagance with modernity, like a new restaurant or while on a luxurious vacation.
If Your Ruler is in the Third House:
The third house values communication; your soulmate is highly intelligent and sociable. To meet your soulmate, open yourself up to new experiences that draw crowds. Starting a new hobby, volunteering, or taking a solo trip could help you find the one!
If Your Ruler is in the Fourth House:
The fourth house rules the home. Your soulmate is a warm, caring individual who values the relationships in their life. Your soulmate is someone with a direct connection to your past. If you’re trying to settle down, connect with an old flame or someone from your hometown.
If Your Ruler is in the Fifth House:
Known as the house of pleasure, those who are ruled by their fifth house will have vibrant, outgoing soulmates. You won’t have to wait long to find them – because they’ll approach you! Your soulmate will introduce themselves the next time you go to the gym, a bar, or even your local cafe.
If Your Ruler is in the Sixth House:
The sixth house governs routines, work, and health. You’ll likely meet your soulmate at work or while going about your daily life.
If Your Ruler is in the Seventh House:
Your soulmate is always forging new connections (not necessarily romantic ones!) They have a strong social circle and are always looking to network. You’ll meet your soulmate through friends and acquaintances – so pay attention the next time someone tries to set you up!
If Your Ruler is in the Eighth House:
Known as the house of sex, death, and taboos, the eighth house plays a role in our deepest relationships. Your soulmate will appear while you’re on a deep, transformational journey. You’re more likely to meet the one after changing careers or moving across the country.
If Your Ruler is in the Ninth House:
As the house of spirituality, the ninth house deals with self-expression and the divine. Your soulmate is a well-traveled, old soul. You’ll almost likely meet them on your next vacation or while exploring.
If Your Ruler is in the Tenth House:
Those born under the tenth house are career-driven individuals. Your soulmate is a force of nature: they’re paragons of hard work and responsibility. The chances of meeting your soulmate at work or when networking is high!
If Your Ruler is in the Eleventh House:
The eleventh house is the house of friendship. Your future soulmate is well-liked: they have a large social group and are always surrounded by friends. You’ll meet your kind-hearted soulmate while volunteering with a local charity or at your friend’s house.
If Your Ruler is in the Twelfth House:
Known as the house of secrets, the twelfth house deals with endings, surrender, and the subconscious. Those born under the twelfth house are proud to have creative soulmates. Music festivals, art classes, or concerts are great places to meet your soulmate.