Horoscope For Today: Friday, October 18, 2024
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Today, October 18, 2024 the Moon in Taurus can bring a lot of calming energy after the intense Full Moon in Aries. The eclipse month has been transforming us but now with the Moon in this position, things can feel more manageable. Luna in this exalted position can allow us to focus on monitoring our emotions, decompress and to incorporate harmony in our lives. The transit is a good time to reach out to loved ones and let them know how much we care about them. See how the transit will impact your rising, sun and moon sign.
After this eclipse cycle, you can incorporate balance in the form of self care and healing. Getting ready now to look within, you may feel a lot more introspective and prepared to expand your intellectual horizons. A period of allowing yourself to explore, learn and connect with like minded people.
It can feel like a lucky period with the Moon in your sign, enhancing Venusian energy. Although the transit may be more centered on looking back, you may utilize the moment to journal to release the hold of the past and look forward with more optimism. There seems to be a good period where you are also able to find a lot of love and care in the work you do.
The Moon in Taurus today can be a period where you may be a lot more social, reaching out to friends or spending time with those you love. As you ruminate through the learning experiences of this Full Moon, now you may feel a lot more grounded with finding your focus on new things. Jupiter and the Moon can be reminders to work on new projects and trust your process.
More of this period may be focused on making things a lot more workable for you. What the lessons of this Full Moon may have taught you is the value of being a lot more in charge with your journey. You may be a lot more open to listening to others, working in teams and providing advice to those who need it. You are embracing your new roles after this Full Moon.
It can feel like an optimistic journey for you as the Moon’s energy moves into your career house, adding a lot of insight to your plans and motivation. You feel supported and appreciated by the people you surround yourself with. The transit can also be tied to how you express yourself. The day is centered on you taking the spotlight and feeling in your element.
With the Moon in Taurus making a trine to your sign, you might feel more motivated to take on new projects and finish them with ease. You are feeling a lot more self-assured, mindful of your needs and disciplined after this Full Moon transit, reminding you of your root system and the importance of maintaining balance with work and career.
During the transit you may feel a lot more prepared to take on new initiatives that involve you using a lot of your mental energy. Editing or redoing a project could be an outcome of this transit now that you feel a lot more equipped to do the work. After this Full Moon, you may experience new ideas flowing through. Put your thoughts on paper and explore them.
As Luna adds more energy to your relationship house, the day can feel like a good opportunity to connect with friends or your romantic partner. It can be a good period for you to host a gathering with loved ones or go out together to explore restaurants, museums or partake in other Venusian experiences. You may be more motivated to do something different and exciting.
The Moon in Taurus makes your day-to-day a lot more interesting since you may feel extremely magnetic now that Venus is in your sign. You are able to win over friends and colleagues with your charm for the next several weeks. Make sure to revise your plans and make them work for you. Your planner can be your best tool, so use it. Libra season wants you to work smarter and not feel burnt out.
The ups and downs of this eclipse season brings you more grounding and allows you to focus on you. The Moon in Taurus reminds you to take time for yourself and rest if needed. You may also exude more romantic energy during this brief lunar transit, which can make your relationship more peaceful and harmonious during this period.
During the next several days you can surprise yourself as you tap into your imaginative side during this transit. Get ready to work on a home improvement project that boosts your creative side. Your home for the next several days can feel like a haven, so decorate and adorn it to your heart’s content.
There are many changes happening this week and the transits are allowing you to find your voice. The Moon in Taurus can feel soothing and medicinal because it brings some freedom with how you communicate your thoughts and emotions without feeling suppressed. Venus in Sagittarius boosts your confidence and helps you to take command of the spotlight.