Dziana Hasanbekava

Horoscope For Today: Monday, September 23, 2024

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Today is our first day on the other side of the equinox, which means fall is finally here. The sun sits at 0° of Libra, ushering in the season of balance, restoration, and harmony: a time during which, hopefully, we will accumulate the knowledge we learned during the toil of Virgo season to put into action in our interpersonal relationships.

Despite the chill in the air this morning, the energy is lighthearted and spontaneous, with the moon making a transit through the spirited and talkative sign of Gemini. We’re in for a fairly calm day up until this evening, at which point certain planetary alignments reflect a more somber mood.

First, there’s the moon’s conjunction to Jupiter at 20° at 6:37 PM EST. The king planet remains in one sign for approximately a year, so this isn’t the first time this has happened. You may recall the moon-Jupiter conjunction we had last month at 18° on August 27, and if you don’t, you surely will soon, because you’ll be experiencing a serious case of dèjá vu. 

Themes that surfaced on a very large scale around August 27 are likely to re-enter the cultural conversation, especially because the ruler of Gemini—Mercury—was retrograde the last time. That means that there’s plenty of unfinished business. If you missed out on an opportunity the first time around, you might get your second chance now.

We close the day with the moon inching steadily closer to a square with Mercury at 26° of Virgo, where it is exalted and allows for more critical analysis and attention to detail. However, the square will not be exact until very early tomorrow morning, so most of North America will sleep through it. Before bed tonight, the tension between versatile Gemini and straight-laced Virgo might make late-night conversations a little more challenging, so try to avoid getting into petty arguments with your partner or friends once the sun goes down.

How can you expect today to roll out for you on an individual level? Your forecast is most accurate when you read according to your rising sign. Do so below.


The sun is now lighting up your seventh house, placing a greater focus on your relationships with others; the moon is making a transit through your third house, elevating your communication skills and adaptability. Tonight, the moon makes a conjunction to Jupiter, giving you an opportunity to speak persuasively about a topic you’re passionate about—and reach a wide audience in doing so. Everything you do and say tonight will be magnified, for better or for worse. As such, be cautious of how you choose to phrase things to avoid being misconstrued. Those of you who work in digital marketing, social media, or another field that relies on fast-paced communication will find this transit particularly beneficial, especially if you felt you missed out on an opportunity back in August when Mercury was retrograde.


With the sun illuminating your sixth house, your hard work and diligence stand to be rewarded, especially if you resist the temptation to do everything on your own and instead welcome collaboration. The moon, meanwhile, will be cruising through your second house, suggesting you’ll be focused on making as much money as possible; those of you who work in a field that relies heavily on communication, especially through digital means, will find this an easy, even potentially fun energy to work under. When the moon conjoins Jupiter this evening, you can expect positive news regarding your finances. If you applied for a job back in August and got ghosted halfway through the recruitment process, you might suddenly hear back and get offered an even better opportunity. If you lost out to another applicant, it might turn out that they were the wrong choice—made during Mercury retrograde, naturally—and your chance to shine is now here. Expect people to come back with their tails between their legs. You left a good impression; they should have trusted their instincts the first time. Everything’s coming up Taurus.


The sun is now fixed firmly in your fifth house, bringing romance, pleasure, and self-love to the forefront of your mind. After a few long weeks of taking care of everyone else, you’ll feel more free to indulge in whatever makes you happy—especially since the moon is currently making its way through your first house, giving you a warm and approachable energy that easily draws others into your space. Under the moon-Jupiter conjunction tonight, you have the potential for serious popularity, not to mention a physical glow-up—so if you’re planning to launch a new business, or release a new podcast episode, book, or YouTube video, schedule it for this evening and watch the likes and subscribers skyrocket. You might have already tried and failed back in August, but the cosmos is offering you a chance to start over under a more auspicious transit. For one, Mercury isn’t retrograde this time, meaning your audience will connect with your passion project more intensely and you’ll see more ROI.


Your domestic side is about to come out now that the sun is transiting your fourth house. Whether you’re spending more time with family or bringing an autumnal ambience to your apartment, you’ll feel like more of a homebody than usual. Meanwhile, the moon is making its way through your twelfth house, further emphasizing the need for isolation and alone time. Express yourself thoughtfully through guided journaling, creative writing, or simply listening to an intellectually stimulating podcast. You’re feeling more open to different ideas and have a genuine desire to absorb as much knowledge as you can right now. When the moon-Jupiter conjunction takes place this evening, you can anticipate some kind of divine insight or spiritual revelation that will motivate you into action, especially if you have been struggling with a creative or communicative block. Return to a passion project you left behind in August and see if the words flow more easily this time. Mercury is no longer retrograde. Consider this a cosmic reset button.


With the sun now in your third house, you’ll be less ego-driven and more willing to hear other people out when they suggest ideas, and your communication style will lean more on the diplomatic side. This is beneficial especially if you are working in an industry that requires both verbal eloquence and tact, such as public relations or marketing. Remain open to collaborative opportunities, even with people who are different from you, and keep your pride in check. Meanwhile, the moon is taking a trip through your eleventh house, expanding your social circle and placing new friends right in front of you. If you open your eyes and your heart, you might find your new best friend within this group, especially tonight, when the moon and Jupiter conjoin, magnifying your influence. If you’ve been craving intentional community, this is the time to pursue it. You might have dipped your toe in the water back in August only to be let down by a certain group, but you’re being offered a fresh start now that Mercury is no longer retrograde. The friends you make now are likely to stick around for the long haul.


The sun in your second house is fixing your attention on your finances, and potentially offering you the opportunity to collaborate or go into business with a friend or partner. Meanwhile, the moon is holding court in your tenth house, shining light on your professional reputation and giving you the floor. You have been amassing a group of dedicated fans for the past several months, and now is the time to speak with confidence, adaptability, and understanding; you have successfully built the trust of your audience and they will be more willing to hear you out, even if your ideas are out of step with the status quo. Your individuality is your strength right now. The power you hold is heightened by the moon’s conjunction to Jupiter this evening, at which point your message will reach an even greater number of listeners. This is the ideal time to launch a podcast, start a book club, or start posting fit checks—your potential for serious influence is at its peak tonight. If you tried to kickstart a passion project involving reading, writing, or speaking back in August, only to have your plans foiled since your ruling planet was retrograde, it’s time for your cosmic do-over.


The sun is now in your first house, boosting your popularity and influence while also offering you the chance to glow up just in time for fall. Book an appointment at the expensive salon and buy the Free People sweater—this is the perfect time to splurge on yourself without remorse. On another note, with the moon moving through your ninth house, you’re likely to be concerned with academic or spiritual matters, if you’re not literally traveling the globe; your beauty might serve you well right now but you’re prioritizing your brain. To put it simply, your life right now could be summarized by the phrase “You can never be overdressed or overeducated.” When the moon forms a conjunction with Jupiter this evening, you are bound to receive positive news from a religious or academic leader, if you aren’t already planning to move to another country or make a public declaration of faith, such as a baptism. You may have taken some baby steps in the direction of your dreams back in August, only to be intercepted by Mercury in retrograde; this is the universe’s opportunity to put you back on track.


You’re in for a few weeks of solitude now that the sun is in your twelfth house, encouraging contemplation, meditation, and spiritual practice. Keep a dream journal by your bed, as you never know what you might discover in your non-waking hours. Meanwhile, the moon is hanging out in your eighth house, emphasizing the value of exploring your own psyche. It’s important to be journaling, writing poetry, and communicating your fears to a therapist right now; you have a lot stirring in your subconscious and nowhere to place it. You might find yourself intrigued by deeper and more profound forms of emotional, psychological, and sexual pair-bonding with your partner; try something a little weird tonight, when the moon and Jupiter link up. You might have a pretty wild realization about your own sexuality or the way you connect on a soul level with your partner. If you have been on and off with the same situationship since August, tonight might be the moment you recognize the karmic source of your relationship. Now that Mercury is no longer retrograde, your vision is clearer.


With the sun in your eleventh house, you’re feeling bright and optimistic about your social life, wanting to go out and be around people—whether they’re old friends or new, you’re comfortable engaging them with your characteristic quirkiness and charm. Meanwhile, the moon is now making a transit through your seventh, placing you in the right place at the right time if you’re looking for the enigmatic “one.” You might find your dream person while at a networking event or sipping cocktails with your old college friends when they’re back in town. The moon conjunct Jupiter tonight only further highlights your opportunity to make killer connections for business, pleasure, or both. If you’re already happily partnered, this might be the night he or she decides to lock it down, surprising you with a glamorous and well-planned secret engagement. If you thought it might have been coming back in August but got disappointed, don’t worry; the astro weather for something as serious as an engagement is much more auspicious than any time during Mercury retrograde.


Your career is your main priority right now, along with your reputation and legacy, thanks to the sun’s ingress into your tenth house. The moon, meanwhile, is transiting your sixth house, putting emphasis on your daily routine, including your work and health habits. If there is something on your to-do list that you need to check off to get where you want to be, tonight’s moon-Jupiter conjunction offers the perfect astrological terrain on which to do so; get the mundane tasks out of the way now so you can focus on the bigger picture later. If you committed to a workout regime back in August and then quickly lost stamina, you are being given a second chance now that Mercury is no longer retrograde. From now on, you can be sure your plan of action will not be diverted by any annoying interferences or mishaps. Plus, if you had any type of health scare a month ago, you’re likely to receive news now.


The sun in your ninth house provokes your desire to learn and grow spiritually while opening your mind to other cultures and belief systems. Your willingness to listen to people who are different from yourself is enhanced right now. Meanwhile, the moon is in your fifth house, creating plenty of fun opportunities to flirt and dance around the idea of romance without fully committing. Those of you who are in committed relationships might decide to take things to the next level tonight, when the moon and Jupiter form an exact conjunction; the potential for conception is definitely there, so if you’re not actively trying for a baby, be careful. On the other hand, if you suffered a miscarriage back in August, or failed to get pregnant despite your best efforts, you’ll be overjoyed to learn that tonight provides a very fertile window in which to expand your family. Mercury is no longer retrograde. The cosmos is giving you the green light.


With the sun now in your eighth house, your thoughts are drifting towards the taboo; you’re getting ready for spooky season with a stronger desire to watch horror movies, hold séances, and research true crime cases. You’re also thinking about psychosexual soul ties in a different way, especially since the moon is making a transit through your cozy fourth house. If you’re feeling trapped in a stagnant relationship or wishing to spice things up sexually, communicate these ideas to your partner—while also keeping in mind that simple chemistry isn’t enough to sustain a marriage, by any means. Be radically transparent and honest about your hopes for the future and what type of household you want to raise your family in. Some of you might end up deciding to cohabitate or have a baby with your partner, under the electrifying moon-Jupiter conjunction; a seemingly missed opportunity back in August is circling back to give you one more chance to figure out how your loved ones fit into your home and family situation. Thank God Mercury is no longer retrograde. The blinders will no longer be on, nor the rose-colored glasses.