Juliano Astc

Horoscope For Today: Saturday, April 27, 2024

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The moon continues its transit through adventurous and spirited Sagittarius today, lifting our collective spirits and setting our sights on things grander than ourselves. It will make a couple significant aspects to other planets as we progress through the day, marking brief windows of time with more intense energy.

With Mercury now direct in Aries, the moon’s trine with it at 16° (characterized by its Cancerian, feminine qualities by proponents of degree theory) at 3:59 AM EST will provoke emotional discussions within the home, particularly with female relatives and maternal figures. Discussions regarding women’s issues will continue to dominate the news headlines, and voices will be louder now that Mercury is functioning at its highest capacity—and amplifying the female rage within us, since Aries isn’t exactly one to turn down a fight.

Shortly after, at 4:21 AM, the moon will from a square to Saturn in Pisces, also at 16°, placing boundaries and a sense of responsibility around the emotional sides of ourselves that would otherwise love to run unrestrained. This is a powerful time to speak up about issues that are important to you, as the tense aspect between the two Jupiter-ruled planets will lend some maturity and tact to your words. It’s also a time to listen to older and wiser mentors, especially if you are lacking a significant intergenerational support system.

At 3:18 PM, the moon forms a quincunx with Uranus at 22°, a critical degree associated with Capricorn—and sometimes highly destructive qualities. Though there is an abundance of inner healing going on today, the external environment might become hyper-charged by an explosive and unexpected event. Be wary of sending important messages during the late afternoon; it’s a better time to grab a coffee and put your phone on Do Not Disturb. Wait to engage in difficult discussions when the electrifying hostility of this moment has passed.

It isn’t until the very end of the day that the most tumultuous transit of the day occurs. At 9:20 PM, Mars and Neptune come into conjunction in Pisces at 28°. What do you know? That’s also known as a Cancer degree, suggesting a story is woven into the transits of the day: women, families, reproduction, and domesticity are throughlines to look out for.

There is always unpredictability associated with Mars-Neptune transits, and they’re usually indicative of watery catastrophes around the world. Keep your eyes peeled for news updates regarding floods and heavy rains, along with submerged vehicles and weapons. Crimes committed around this time are likely to be drug-fuelled and influenced by delusion. Be wary of everything you read, no matter how alarmist; it may be intentionally misleading. Right now, the best reaction is no reaction.

How will this exciting yet chaotic day roll out for you? Check your forecast below and read for your rising sign if you want the most accurate prediction.


The moon in your ninth house makes several significant aspects today, beginning with a trine to Mercury in your first. You can anticipate emotions surrounding religious or cultural topics to become front and center in your life, and you may find it difficult to hold your tongue if you’re surrounded by a group of people who you disagree with. However, if you use some tact and avoid being too divisive, you’ll find your cross-cultural beliefs have more harmony than you imagined. Later, the moon’s square to Saturn in your twelfth house lends you more control over your subconscious and internal world, leaving you less likely to be reactive. The moon’s quincunx with Uranus in your second house is likely to bring you shocking or unexpected info regarding your finances. In the late evening, Mars and Neptune conjoin in your twelfth house, triggering a potential emotional spiral as your mental health takes a hit. Avoid overindulging in substances. Other forms of escapism are healthier, such as journaling before bed or writing down what you were grateful for today.


Today the moon transits your eighth house and makes quite a few important aspects to other planets. Coming in strong early this morning, we have the moon-Mercury trine, which will hit your eighth and twelfth houses, respectively. As these are the houses associated with darkness and self-undoing, you may find it challenging to focus on material reality today and accomplish the tasks necessary to keep your life moving forward. Give yourself some grace if you’re feeling dysregulated. Later, the moon squares Saturn in your eleventh house, providing you with the opportunity to learn from older mentors in your community—even if it’s through some brutal honesty. Own up to your mistakes. The moon’s quincunx with Uranus in your first house may trigger an emotional response to whatever you’re going through today, and you’ll find it challenging not to wear your every feeling on your face. Late tonight, Mars and Neptune will form a conjunction in your eleventh house, creating chaos in your external environment that you might not want to have anything to do with. Silence your group chat notifications and go to bed.


As the moon makes its way through your seventh house today, you’ll be focused on your relationships, but expect some bumps along the way as la luna makes no less than three major aspects with other planets over the course of the day. The first is a trine with Mercury in your eleventh house, bringing the potential for you to be introduced to your partner’s friends—or find love in a wider network. You’ll find it easier to speak up and pursue that charming stranger. Next, the moon will square Saturn in your tenth house, placing you and your relationships under public review. Don’t shy away from constructive criticism from people in positions of authority. You can’t always be objective about your own brand, especially when you’re involving other people in it. The moon’s quincunx with Uranus in your twelfth indicates a blow to your ego and the potential to get triggered by some old wound; try not to misunderstand people who are well-meaning. Finally, near the end of the night, Mars and Neptune conjoin in your tenth house, delivering more chaos to your public life. If you haven’t taken accountability for your actions on social media, you might face a sudden scandal; if you have been misleading your audience, even unintentionally, you might face consequences. Turn off your phone and worry about it in the morning. This too shall pass.


The moon in your sixth house makes you a hard worker today with your sights set on success, but the numerous aspects this luminary will make with other planets today is sure to shake things up, starting with the trine to Mercury in your tenth. Have you been putting in the hours at work, hoping for accolades or notoriety? You might just receive that promotion today—or go unexpectedly viral on social media. Next, the moon will square Saturn in your ninth house; seek guidance from spiritual or religious mentors who might be able to help you zoom out and see the bigger picture. The moon then forms a quincunx with Uranus in your eleventh house, creating awkwardness between your personal feelings and the external vibe of your social group, who may not respond the way you want once they hear about your professional level-up. Later into the evening, Mars and Neptune will form a conjunction in your ninth house, creating friction between academics, foreign friends, and people in your religious community. Watch out for people seeking to slander or attack you based on their own (presumably quite unreliable) narrative.


With the moon transiting your fifth house today, you will be in the mood for fun and romance, but the luminary will make several aspects to other planets that seek to ruin the party. Try to stay in good spirits as the moon trines Mercury in your ninth house, presenting difficult ideological and cross-cultural conversations. You have the responsibility to disengage if you wish—or speak up boldly for what you think is right. Later, the moon squares Saturn in your eighth house, bringing a harsh reality check to your sphere of shared resources. If your partner and you have been talking about cohabitating, you might make the decision final today, or arrange a meeting with a financial advisor to handle a recent inheritance. When the moon forms a quincunx with Uranus in your tenth house, your reputation might take a hit—or you might blow up on social media, drawing in tons of new opportunities for passive income. Enjoy your time in the spotlight. Later tonight, Mars and Neptune will form a tight conjunction in your eighth house, presenting lots of opportunities to make money in your sleep—but be wary of any contracts that look too good to be true.


As the moon transits your fourth house, your thoughts will drift towards beautifying your existing home—or looking for a possible new one. The moon’s trine with Mercury in your eighth house is likely to instigate feelings of inferiority regarding shared resources and money, and you might have to have some hard conversations about your finances with your partner, should you be planning on moving in together or getting married. Next comes the moon’s square to Saturn in your seventh house, lending a greater sense of maturity to your relationship or relationships—business, romantic, and deeply meaningful friendships are all included under this umbrella. Seek guidance from a mentor like a marriage counselor if you are getting cold feet, or talk to a couple you really admire who has stayed the course for decades. The moon’s quincunx with Uranus in your ninth house is sure to bring unexpected news from abroad, whether that’s related to a new job opportunity that would require relocation, a publishing deal, or acceptance into your dream grad program. Tonight, Mars and Neptune conjoin in your seventh house, blending the intense chemistry of love with the blinding influence of lust. Be careful who you’re letting into your energetic—and physical—space.


Today the moon drifts through your third house, making communication easier, especially when it trines Mercury in your seventh house early this morning. Your dialogue with lovers, business partners, and close friends will flow more seamlessly than usual, though you may find you each possess a single-minded passion about a certain project you’re supposed to collaborate on. When the moon squares Saturn in your sixth house, seek guidance from an older figure in your workplace and figure out how you can delegate work without making anyone feel unimportant or excluded. The moon’s quincunx with Uranus in your eighth is likely to bring disorienting news regarding your financial situation—or, more accurately, your partner’s. If you’ve been hustling hard and they have been throwing away money frivolously, you’re going to learn about it. On the other hand, you might receive news of a surprise inheritance or client retention bonus at work. Keep focused on your own goals, and hope that your partner pulls their weight. Later this evening, Mars and Neptune make a very close conjunction in your sixth house, lending an air of confusion to your daily routine—or simply, perhaps, making your commute to work tomorrow morning a bit difficult due to heavy rains.


The moon in your second house draws your attention to your money and values, and the trine to Mercury in your sixth house emphasizes why you need to increase your work ethic. If you want more, you have to work for it—simple as that. The moon’s square to Saturn in your fifth house may feel like a bummer, since you will be restricted from having any fun, romantic adventures today, but you can always seek guidance from a creative partner or casual fling. Later, the moon makes a quincunx to Uranus in your seventh house, potentially causing one of your close relationships to implode—for better or for worse. If someone is not meant to come with you into the next season of your life, let them go. This evening, Mars and Neptune link up in a tight conjunction in your fifth house, allowing you to get swept up in an escapist fantasy about someone or something you’ve recently chosen to fix most of your attention on. Be aware that filters and Hinge profiles can hide a lot of red flags.


With the moon in your first house, you look extra attractive today and you know it. Step out and let yourself be seen, especially with the trine to Mercury in your fifth house providing endless opportunities to flirt and catch the attention of interesting strangers. The moon’s square with Saturn in your fourth house could bring a more militant or rigid bent to your domestic sphere, with landlords, mortgage brokers, and older relatives getting all up in your business. However, their influence will only further your sense of maturity and responsibility. The moon’s quincunx to Uranus in your sixth house will bring emotional revelations about your current job situation, either encouraging you to take action to remove yourself from a toxic situation—or forcing you out involuntarily. Take everything as it comes; every rejection is nothing more than a redirection. Tonight, when Mars and Neptune conjoin in your fourth house, you might experience some literal plumbing problems around the house. If not, you can at least anticipate some emotional purging: the energetic push-pull between your desire for action, and your need for relaxation, will likely hit a breaking point. Take a pause and consider going on a wellness retreat for a few days. You’re overworked.


The moon makes its transit through your twelfth house today, placing an unusual amount of emphasis on your inner world and emotions rather than the outward, material reality you seek to conquer. Several significant aspects with outer planets will make today a complex and potentially challenging day, starting with the trine to Mercury in your fourth house. Have your relatives been forcing their unwarranted opinions down your throat? Has your house been too loud and raucous lately for you to get any work done? Set reasonable boundaries. Next comes the moon’s square with Saturn in your third house, emphasizing the importance of communication with your elders. Schedule a therapy appointment or talk to a grandparent. Their life advice is invaluable. When the moon forms a quincunx with Uranus in your fifth house, you can expect some short-term fling to circle back—or a genius creative idea to hit you out of nowhere. Late tonight, Mars and Neptune will be conjunct in your third house, giving you the gift of gab—but the power to disrupt. Use your power wisely, and don’t fire off any incendiary social media posts without carefully checking your sources.


Today, the moon in your eleventh house reflects your need to be in the middle of the action, working towards a common goal rather than shining all by yourself. The luminary makes several significant aspects to other planets today, starting off with the moon’s trine to Mercury in your third house. You’ll be ready to use your words as a weapon today; if done right, you’ll be richly rewarded for your staunch refusal to sway from your convictions. On the other hand, if you’re too sharp-tongued, you could alienate a group of people. The moon makes a square to Saturn in your second house soon after, suggesting financial consequences as a result of your communication style. This could play out in one of two ways: all the praise, or a full-scale scandal. It all depends on how well-received your words are. When the moon makes a quincunx to Uranus in your fourth house, you might be annoyed by an electrical or technological issue in your house, or just disoriented by the chaotic energy your family is exuding. By late evening, Mars and Neptune will have shifted into a tight conjunction in your second house, offering you a glimpse into how your bank account will be doing over the next several weeks and months. Be watchful for empty promises and get-rich-quick schemes.


You’re the star of the show today, with the moon in your tenth house, but it forms several important aspects with other planets that might complicate matters for you—starting with the trine to Mercury in your second house. Do you fear the spotlight too much and avoid monetizing your strengths? You might find it easier to do so today, feeling a sense of invigoration and confidence in what you have to say. You have a unique story to share and no one else can express it exactly how you can. Don’t stay silent out of shame. Next, the moon’s square with Saturn in your first house will grant you a position of greater authority, even if it’s only perceived by others during an important business meeting. Use this strength to your advantage and take the lead without fear or apology. The moon’s quincunx with Uranus in your third house might bring surprise messages from extended family members or neighbors, possibly not for the sake of pleasantries. Take a deep breath and handle it. By the time this evening rolls around, you will see Mars and Neptune make a conjunction in your first house. This will grant you two very conflicting yet powerful energies: sexual power and the ability to manipulate or obscure the truth. Be honest on your dating profiles.