God & Man

Horoscope For Today: Saturday, June 8, 2024

As we lurch toward the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere where nearly 90% of the world’s population resides, the long days and short nights pulsate with sunshine, heat, and possibility. With the imbalance between day and night nearing its apex, we often have trouble finding a happy medium between business and pleasure, between matters of the brain and affairs of the heart.

The star player in today’s celestial happenings is the planet Saturn. There is a square aspect today between Venus and Saturn that peaks in the early afternoon. This creates an intriguing conflict between the sensual values that Venus represents (love, luxury, beauty, and romantic pleasure) and the more pragmatic values Saturn embodies such as structure, discipline, and responsibility. In other words, Venus might be tempting you to go wild and have some fun, but you shouldn’t be so reckless that you wind up in jail with a hangover five hundred miles from home and no memory of how you got there. On the flip side, Saturn may be urging you to clean your room and stick to your diet, but your mischievous side knows that all work and no play makes you dull, frustrated, and crabby.

In the early evening, the Moon trine Saturn transit provides a golden opportunity for you to balance the emotional and maternal instincts the Moon represents with the more practical and organizational skills that Saturn oversees.

Here’s your daily horoscope to help you manage what the stars and planets are throwing your way. The keyword today is “balance.”


Something’s out of whack with your finances, and you need to balance your checkbook before your reckless spending leaves you broke and alone. There’s fat in your budget that needs trimming, whether it’s online subscriptions that you never use, credit-card interest that grows like an unwanted fungus, or the countless dollars you flush down the toilet by ordering Thai for delivery while you let all the food in your refrigerator slowly rot. We all know that you’re an attention-seeking extrovert who likes to be flashy, but if you ain’t got no cash, you’re gonna lose all that flash.


Venus, the goddess of love and pleasure, rules you. But today’s Venus/Saturn square beckons you to stop letting it all hang out and maybe start tucking some of it back in. If life was nothing but sensual delights and we were all naked sprites dancing through the dandelion fields under the clear-blue sky, well, that would be great. Actually, in describing it, I made it sound fantastic and hella tempting. Sadly, life isn’t that way, and the Garden of Eden was shut down for repairs ages ago. It’s fine if you want to approach life like it’s an amusement park; just make sure you can afford the entrance fee. Oh, and keep in mind that too many rides on the roller coaster may give you whiplash.


The Twins are always having some sort of spat with each other (they can’t help it), but on this day where the planets tell us to readjust our priorities in the eternal power struggle between work and fun, let the Fun Twin take the wheel. Frankly, the Responsible Twin has been an obnoxious, domineering killjoy lately who really needs to shut up and be taken down a peg or two. As you go out joyriding on this beautiful late-spring day with the convertible top down, it’s up to the Responsible Twin whether or not they want to go along for the ride. But if they do, they have to take the passenger’s seat and quit being so bossy.


Since today marks the transition from Gemini moon to Cancer moon, let it serve as a reminder that while it’s good that you are such a big breathing bag of emotions, but it’s bad when you let your finely tuned sensitivity make you an open target for those who are colder and more hardened than you could ever be.  Don’t expose your feelings to those who will mock them or use your vulnerability against you. Not everyone is worthy of your love or attention. Learn to turn away from those who will interpret your kindness as weakness.


Don’t let your competitive nature and ego-driven compulsion to outshine others overshadow the fact that no matter how strong you are physically and emotionally, you will always be outnumbered in this world. Lions may rule the jungle, but they are easily swarmed and overrun by a pack of hyenas. One-on-one, yes, you are bigger, stronger, and far more attractive than any scruffy and scrawny hyena could ever hope to be. But nobody likes an egomaniac, especially a pack of hyenas who already are touchy about their lowly station in the pecking order. If you keep talking down to others, they will find a way to humble you, and you’re not going to like it.


Ease up on the perfectionism. Live a little. YOLO, y’know? Sure, we’re heading into swimsuit season, but that adorable little slice of blueberry cheesecake sitting all alone in the glass display case at your favorite diner has your name written all over it. It won’t kill you, and any ill effects it has on your waistline can easily be counterbalanced with some sit-ups and stretches. I’m warning you—if you don’t feed your hunger for that heavenly treat and tell the server that you’ve left some room for cheesecake, you will live with a nagging sense of regret, and possibly even unbearable shame, for the rest of your life. 


Balance is what defines your personality, so the combo of Venus/Saturn square and Moon trine Saturn should serve as a little wake-up call today warning you that something’s just a little off-kilter in your personal life. Maybe the problem is that you’re not getting enough sleep. Or maybe it’s that no one has been sleeping next to you for far too long. Or maybe the person who’s been sleeping next to you has been sleeping too much while you’ve been working your pretty little fingers down to the bone and supporting both of you, and you’re starting to resent the lazy bum. You need to fix whatever’s disturbing your sleep, and I guarantee you’ll be sleeping like a baby in no time.


OK, I’m just going to say it—you need to put a leash on your desires and calm that exuberant spirit. It’s clear to everyone that you’re highly skilled in the arts of love, but your unchecked passions are starting to spill over into other parts of your life. Whether your pursuits are leading you into heartbreak, financial strain, or complicated situations, you need to consider that no matter how thrilling the moment is, sometimes the aftermath just isn’t worth the trouble.


You’re a risk-taker by nature, but there are dangers when you fly too close to the Sun. There’s something nearly irresistible about the warm nights that calls you like a snake-charmer lures a snake or like the mythical siren’s song causes a sailor to crash into the rocks and sink to the bottom of the sea. You’re not a dumb person. You know when the cost-benefit ratio is too high to indulge the thrill of taking that risk. Today you will be forced to make some sort of decision that comes with potentially heavy consequences. This time around, listen to your brain instead of your wild and restless heart.


By nature, you are extremely conscientious and responsible. You tilt strongly toward the business side of the whole business/pleasure continuum, and that has led to feelings of suffocating monotony. Today even the stern taskmaster Saturn says you’re overdoing it and need a break from all the humdrum routines. Today, you should indulge yourself. Get that makeover. Buy that luxury item. Make a bold move and tell your secret crush how you feel about them. Instead of mowing the lawn, sit out on the back deck with a cool drink and watch the grass grow.


Saturn is your primary ruling planet, but today’s Saturn/Venus square is tugging your heartstrings toward ditching responsibility and setting up a secret dinner date with Venus. There will be plenty of work to do tomorrow. You will never run out of work. It will always be there. It’s as predictable as the sun rising and setting every day. But tonight it’s time to kick off your business shoes and let off some steam. After you and Venus are finished eating dinner, take a walk together out on the beach and watch as the twilight slowly dims, the sky grows black, and a billion stars start winking at you.


Learn to balance the spiritual and the secular. For example, there’s nothing wrong with closing your eyes and paying attention to the soothing sounds of your breathing patterns as you seek oneness with the universe, but it’s probably best not to do that while you’re careening down the freeway at 70MPH. And trust me on this—seeking to erase all your negative karma so you can forever break free of the cycle of birth and death is going to suddenly seem like a gigantic pain in the ass if you forget to pay your rent and wind up out on the streets.