Amina Filkins

Horoscope For Today: Saturday, March 22, 2025

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Here we are on the other side of the spring equinox, or the astrological new year, with an impressive parade of planets making up an ambitious Aries stellium.

This morning the day breaks with the moon in another fire sign—Sagittarius—and at 2:53 AM EST, it will make an exact square with Neptune at 29° Pisces.

The collective impulse to double down on spiritual, philosophical, and ideological beliefs is strong right now, and especially with so much Aries energy dominating the cosmos, prominent politicians, legislators, and religious leaders are going to use this opportunity to sound off. However, there is a strong propensity for wishful thinking, susceptibility to delusion, and deception, so tread carefully.

By 3:29 AM, the moon will have ingressed into the more logical and calculated sign of Capricorn, where it will square off against various planets throughout the day, beginning with the sun at 2° Aries at 7:29 AM. While our emotional worlds will be oriented towards success and hard work, our external drive for action might just encourage us to bite off more than we can chew.

What’s more, at 7:52 AM, the sun and retrograde Venus form a cazimi at 2° Aries, otherwise known as a conjunction in which the planet of love sits “in the heart of the sun.” This window of opportunity is brief but immensely powerful if you wish to communicate something to your partner with strength, boldness, and courage.

It’s the time to make radical declarations, whether that means confessing your infatuation in a way that demands attention or walking away from an abusive relationship that has been holding you hostage. Sometimes love requires you to get your hands dirty. Expect some fighting words to be heard around the world like a metaphorical shot.

However, since Venus is retrograde, you might end up regretting a choice you make in love right now; take comfort in the knowledge that even if you’re rebuffed now, or you accidentally drunk-text your ex begging for them back, you’ll be able to go back to the drawing board once Venus is direct again. Furthermore, if you partner up around this time, you might have some struggles, but it’s not necessarily a death sentence for the relationship.

At 3:13 PM, the moon makes a square to retrograde Mercury, reflecting our collective desire to get our point across with both confidence and precision—but you can never exactly predict how things will go during a Mercury retrograde, and with the messenger planet in the notoriously volatile sign of Aries, you could end up triggering someone accidentally—or getting triggered yourself—by a seemingly innocent comment.

How can you make the most of this wild energy while it lasts? Read on according to your rising sign for more information.


Early this morning, the moon in your ninth house squares off against Neptune in your twelfth, reflecting your desire to double down on your convictions despite conflicting information. Once the moon ingresses into your tenth house, however, your career and public standing become more important, whether you want that or not. When it squares the sun-Venus cazimi in your first house, your emotional connection to your professional reputation is challenged by a partner’s influence. If you feel your identity shifting, almost as if it is on very shaky ground, the best thing to do is lean in and embrace the change. Accept that clinging to the past is no longer possible—although with Venus still retrograde, you might be tempted to lapse back into old, self-destructive habits relating to your beauty routine and romantic life. Let’s be real: impulsivity is the name of your game on a normal day, so right now, with an Aries stellium enhancing your “act first, think later” attitude, you’re going to be tempted to give yourself bangs with kitchen scissors or restart a whirlwind relationship with your most toxic ex. This afternoon, the moon’s square to retrograde Mercury in your first house gives you the courage to hit them up, but be wary of coming on too strong and putting your foot in your mouth.


In the early hours, the moon in your eighth house forms a square to Neptune in your eleventh, suggesting conflict between your relationship to intimacy and the way you express your deeper and darker feelings in your community. You may be scaring some people off, either because you’re breaking generational patterns and triggering the envy of others—or because you’re falling too far into delusion and losing sight of what’s appropriate. When the moon ingresses into your ninth house, you’ll feel more connected to your spiritual and ideological beliefs, for better or for worse. And when the moon squares off against the sun-Venus cazimi in your twelfth house, you have an opportunity for healing from significant trauma, if only you listen to reason. While Venus remains stubbornly retrograde, you’re particularly vulnerable to stalkers, secret opps, and betrayals from friends, along with overindulgence in substances, especially if you’re certain the ends justify the means; for instance, the strong conviction that a dangerous drug trip will help you find God, so it’s worth taking the risk. This afternoon, when the moon squares off against retrograde Mercury in your twelfth house, avoid picking fights with people who have revealed themselves to have impure intentions. You’re better off cutting your losses and moving on.


Early this morning, the moon in your seventh house squares off against Neptune in your tenth, creating friction between your partnerships and the way you show up professionally. Whether you’re having creative differences with your closest collaborator or your spouse is jealous of the amount of time work is taking up in your life, you’re bound to disagree on many things—especially if you’ve been projecting a slightly fake version of yourself on the public stage. You can expect this illusion to fall very soon; prepare yourself ahead of time and get more comfortable with the idea of radical authenticity. The moon’s ingress into your eighth house brings a darker and more powerful energy, under which you’ll want to explore your shadow and experiment sexually. While the moon’s square to the sun-Venus cazimi in your eleventh house will inevitably attract the attention of romantic prospects, and you might even win an ex back (thanks to Venus retrograde), you’d be wise to take this new adventure as slowly and cautiously as possible. This is an admittedly daunting task under an Aries stellium, but the least you can do is try. This afternoon, the moon’s square-off against retrograde Mercury in your eleventh house gives you a golden opportunity to slide in your most outlandishly delusional crush’s DMs, but be advised not to give away too much personal information right away and scare them off.


In the early hours, the moon in your sixth house squares off against Neptune in your ninth, giving you the motivation necessary to apply your philosophical knowledge in very practical situations. However, you may feel as though your spiritual and academic knowledge doesn’t get you very far when faced with the grey area that is reality. Try to keep your mind open and refuse to allow your own personal biases to influence your decisions. Your work may demand more of you than you are used to today, especially on the mental, emotional, and psychological levels. Use it as an opportunity to embrace doubt and wonder. The moon then ingresses into your seventh house, placing your attention on your closest partnerships and friendships, but when it squares the sun-Venus cazimi in your tenth house, you’ll face obstacles balancing your personal and professional life—and your partner may be disapproving or jealous of all the attention you’re getting. While Venus is retrograde, your partner may be acting all kinds of crazy, but this doesn’t necessarily mean a breakup is imminent if there isn’t a pattern of jealous, vindictive behavior. That said, it’s probably not a good idea to hard-launch anyone right now, as the public will have a whole lot to say, and it might not be flattering on the part of yourself or your partner. Actually, it’s best to stay off social media completely today if possible: this afternoon, when the moon squares retrograde Mercury in your tenth house, your words are almost guaranteed to be misinterpreted as more hostile and aggressive than you intend.


Early this morning the moon drifts through your fifth house and makes a square with Neptune in your eighth, placing you solidly in delulu territory—even if you’ve been having great sex and conversations with a new partner, you’re probably missing the forest for the trees. This might not be the best time to have deep talks about the future, as you’re both going to be tempted to keep the façade up for as long as possible, especially if the topic of money comes up. One or both of you is probably keeping a pretty important secret, and it could be a dealbreaker once it’s revealed in the light of day. Once the moon ingresses into your sixth house later on, you’ll feel motivated to get up and moving, staying productive and physically active. But when it squares off against the sun-Venus cazimi in your ninth house, you’ll find yourself challenged by the strength of your convictions and the cognitive dissonance your reality provides. The universe operates according to its own rules, and sometimes it’s difficult to see things objectively when we’re too caught up in living “our truth.” With Venus retrograde, any romantic or financial benefit you’ve been getting from your ideological, academic, or religious practices is likely to feel like a rerun of old drama, but if you’re into that, have fun. The moon’s square to retrograde Mercury in your ninth house serves as a reminder to think before you speak: anything you say with utter sincerity will be taken as gospel, so don’t say anything offhandedly that you’ll have to apologize for later. This is the cosmic weather under which people get cancelled.


In the early hours of the morning, the moon makes its way through your fourth house, making a square with Neptune in your seventh that dramatizes the situation between your family and your partner. You could very easily be viewing your relationship through rose-colored glasses, or at the very least romanticizing it more than your loved ones are; it’s up to you to decide whether your family truly has your best interests at heart, but they might not be able to keep their opinions to themselves any longer. If they don’t like your partner, you’re going to hear about it. Consider whether you might be caught up in the spell of limerence right now and missing some key red flag that is glaringly obvious to everyone else. Once the moon ingresses into your fifth house, your romantic and creative side will jump out, but its square with the sun-Venus cazimi in your eighth house will make it difficult to get that energy out in a healthy way—or monetize your passion projects, no matter how much you may want to quit your day job and pursue your dream full-time. While Venus is retrograde, you might find yourself reliving old cycles in your existing relationship—or going back to an ex for one last trip down memory lane. Avoid making any vulnerable confessions in the heat of the moment that you might end up regretting later: Mercury is still retrograde in your eighth house, making you very sexually forward but blind to the potential consequences. The moon’s square to retrograde Mercury will make you want to say those three words even if they aren’t really true. Don’t make promises you can’t kept, and don’t believe anyone else when they make them, either. The relational energy is just too unstable right now.


Early this morning, the moon finishes its transit through your third house, where it will make a square with Neptune in your sixth. You will find it almost impossible to avoid having conversations with your coworkers, speaking up for what you feel you deserve and what changes need to be made, but you’re unlikely to make any progress; they’re going to hear what they want to hear, and ignore the rest, even if it’s well-intentioned advice. When the moon makes its way into your fourth house, you’ll go straight into homebody mode, seeking solace in domestic comforts and your family. However, the moon’s square to the sun-Venus cazimi in your seventh house triggers your partner into assertive, demanding action, leaving you quite blindsided. While Venus is retrograde, you might find your relationship more sexually charged and exciting, but ultimately more challenging, with lots of bickering and fighting over seemingly innocuous things. Try to wait it out and avoid being more confrontational than usual; the moon’s square to retrograde Mercury in your seventh house will inevitably trigger more verbal arguments than usual between you and your person. It’s best to communicate through other means right now.


In the early hours, the moon in your second house will square off against Neptune in your fifth, giving you an unrealistic and somewhat delusional attitude towards your creative and romantic prospects. If you think you can monetize your side hustle immediately, or your partner is really going to be able to support you on a single income while you stay at home to finish your novel, you’re probably engaging in a little bit of wishful thinking. Who can blame you, though? It’s a nice idea, and when the moon ingresses into your third house, you will definitely feel chattier and more energized by the optimistic feeling you’re carrying around. Try to connect with as many people as possible in your local community, even if you’re just smiling at your barista. However, the moon’s square-off to the sun-Venus cazimi in your sixth house will make any work-life issues immediately obvious to you. With Venus retrograde, it’s unlikely your partner is going to be as romantically accessible or financially supportive as you’re currently imagining, and they’re likely putting on a bit of bravado for your sake. Channel your productive energy into creating something during your 5-9, rather than staking your hopes and dreams singularly on one person. When the moon squares retrograde Mercury in your sixth house, you’d do well to keep any of your negative feelings about your current job to yourself, as you never know who’s listening.


In the early hours of the morning, the moon in your first house will square off with Neptune in your fourth, putting your identity and sense of self at odds with the demands and expectations of your family. Whether your desire for freedom and adventure is being suppressed by the responsibility to care for an elderly relative or you’ve had to adapt to cohabitating with your partner, some things you have always taken for granted about yourself will be challenged and potentially disrupted entirely. You’re becoming a different person, and that’s okay. Once the moon has shifted into your second house, your main priority will be your finances, but the moon’s square to the sun-Venus cazimi in your fifth will encourage a spark of inspiration: either to surprise a casual partner with a spontaneous trip, to begin a new creative project, or to splurge to make your life a little more luxurious. Treat yourself, within reason, and remember that while Venus is retrograde you may come to regret the choices you make at this time—such as revisiting an old flame just because they provide you with nice things you wouldn’t give yourself otherwise. When the moon’s square-off with Mercury in your fifth house prompts you to express your feelings, you may do so in an uncharacteristically blunt or straightforward manner, potentially offending your partner in the process. Be tactful and diplomatic, avoiding difficult subjects if you know they’re likely to be a trigger. Unless, of course, you’re looking to start a fight—sometimes it’s necessary to get things out into the open.


Early this morning, the moon in your twelfth house squares off against Neptune in your third, giving you a strangely endearing approach to communication that may be confusing to people who aren’t quite as spiritually enlightened. Channel this energy into writing poetry or music. You have some important and valuable things to say, but you might find it difficult to do so through conventional means—and you likely won’t feel as though your closest community is the audience most deserving of your talents. Maybe it’s time to launch a Substack newsletter or upload your bedroom demos to Spotify. Once the moon shifts into your first house, your confidence will improve quickly, and the square to the sun-Venus cazimi in your tenth promises almost instantaneous notoriety, so if you do want to launch something on social media today, this is a good window of time. However, with Venus still retrograde, the money you put into this project—and the romantic partners who might have helped inspire it in the first place—might not come back in the way you expect. Later, when the moon squares off against retrograde Mercury in your tenth, the words you share with the world are bound to be scrutinized and potentially taken out of context, so try to avoid reading your press.


This morning, the moon finishes off its transit through your eleventh house, but not before making a square to Neptune in your second. This is indicative of challenges between your finances and your larger social circle, who may be pressuring you to go out too often or seemingly succeeding at a faster and more impressive rate than you. It’s time to stop putting yourself into debt just to keep up with the Joneses; it’s likely your friends are putting up some kind of façades of their own, and that their lives are not as idyllic as they appear on social media. When the moon ingresses into your twelfth house, you should take the time to seek therapy or journal privately about your feelings, purging all the bitterness, pride, and envy you’ve been carrying around. The square to the sun-Venus cazimi in your third house will trigger the urge to start a fight, particularly with extended family members who might also be giving you FOMO, but it’s best to lay low for now. You’re also extremely likely to attract an ex back into your life—whether you’re heading home for the weekend or simply hanging out at an old haunt you both used to frequent. It’s up to you whether you choose to indulge this, but be aware it’s likely to be a brief chapter, rather than a grandiose love story picking up where you left off. Similarly, try to keep your impulsive words to a minimum today, as the moon squares off against retrograde Mercury in your third, giving you the incessant and irresponsible urge to trauma-dump on your hairstylist or barista.


Throughout the early hours of the morning the moon will be transiting your tenth house, where a square-off to Neptune in your first will trigger feelings of intense insecurity and instability in your identity, especially if you’re comparing your true self to the brand you’ve been presenting to the public. You might feel as though you’re being forced to lie for a specific reason: financial gain, popularity, or respect from your professional rivals. Once the moon moves into your eleventh house, you’ll feel more confident about seeking the advice of your friends and industry leaders, but the square-off with the sun-Venus cazimi in your second fuels your intense desire to overspend, overindulge, and overshare. Hold yourself accountable even if your peers aren’t doing anything to stop you buying a third and fourth round of mimosas at brunch. Since Venus is currently retrograde, you can be pretty certain that your money won’t be returning to you anytime soon—and if you decide to text your ex, the romantic whirlwind might not be the dream come true that you hoped for, even if it’s an exciting adventure that adds significantly to your lore. When the moon squares retrograde Mercury in your second house, you can anticipate unwanted but cathartic conversations about money. If it’s been a while since you’ve talked to your financial advisor, it might be a good idea to do so now.