Horoscope For Today: Sunday, December 22, 2024
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Today, Saturn squares Jupiter—Saturn, the planet of responsibility, clashes with Jupiter, our celestial force of luck. Therefore, we will likely feel that we need to work harder than usual to produce the results that would typically come to us more naturally.
Today, you may struggle to hold back your innermost feelings, find it difficult to bite your tongue in social settings, or be surprised by the sudden emotions that overcome you. Have no fear—even if seemingly unexpected, honesty will allow a true transformation.
Remember, comparison is the thief of joy. Today, you may be basing your self-worth on unfair conditions, such as how far ahead or behind you are compared to others. Live and let live. You don’t know the reality of what happens behind closed doors, beyond someone’s highlight reel.
Your work life may be at odds with your personal needs today. It’s okay to find a compromise. You shouldn’t have to sacrifice yourself to meet your responsibilities. Power struggles with authority may lead you to feel defeated. Remember, these challenges will strengthen your self-leadership and autonomy.
Today, you may feel a sense of emotional loss or lack of direction, and your faith may waver. However, remember that your higher self or angels are always with you, even when you feel spiritually disconnected. Take time to meditate, pray, manifest, journal, or do whatever helps you connect to your idea of the divine.
Today, you may find it hard to be vulnerable to others. It can be scary to rely on people outside of yourself to care for whatever you hold sacred. Remember that there are challenges worth working out and ones that cross the line of trust. Only you can decide which is which for you. Trust your instincts.
Today, you may feel like others aren’t seeing you in the most favorable light. Or, you may have difficulty convincing others that you’re making the best choices for your purpose or future. Remember to have your own back. Let misunderstandings work themselves out over time.
Today challenges you, Libra. You must question if your actions are in alignment with your greater values. If yes, any sacrifices or hard work is worth the effort. However, if you feel distracted from who or what matters most, readjust your routines to align with your higher calling.
Today, you may struggle to connect with others. You want to be lighthearted, silly, or playful, yet your emotions feel heavy and unrelenting. It’s okay to need a break. Communicate your conflicted emotions healthily, set boundaries, and take time for yourself.
Don’t project your past onto your present. Your upbringing or other history may be tainting your view of others today. See this as an opportunity to respond differently and reclaim your power.
Your mindset needs to shift to reflect the needs of your reality. You’ve likely slipped into negative thinking, settling for less than you’re worth. It’s okay to ask for more, set boundaries, or walk away. You deserve to enjoy your daily life, not dread it.
Remember your values, even when lost in the passion of the moment. Your values shouldn’t be compromised to soothe your romantic life issues. Now is the time if you need to have an adult conversation with a crush or lover.
Today, you may feel like your current trajectory is at odds with your past. This chapter of life requires an open mind. You’re gaining experiences that you’ve never had before. It makes sense why this can be challenging. However, a world out there optimistically awaits your open mind and heart.