Key Notez

Horoscope For Today: Sunday, June 16, 2024

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As we enter the very heart of frenetic Gemini season (with a stellium of planets, including Jupiter, now gathered in the sign of the twins as well), the moon offers a more congenial energy as it drifts through Libra this morning.

At 6:49 AM EST, Venus in Gemini reaches the anaretic degree of 29°, offering a turning point in relational and financial matters. The flighty, non-committal vibe associated with Venus in Gemini—perhaps unfairly—reflects the possibility of quick, short-lived flings and the urge to spend a little recklessly.

There’s no two ways around it: some people will make rash decisions without thinking of the long-term consequences. You can avoid causing destruction to your own life by avoiding temptation at all costs. Block your ex, don’t go window-shopping, and keep your delusions on the downlow. There is a serious possibility that you could get scammed or swindled, with Venus making a tense square to Neptune at 29° of Pisces.

At 12:24 PM, the moon makes an exact opposition to Chiron in Aries, which has been stationed firmly at 22° for a while, carrying the energy of death and rebirth. Our deep generational wounds have felt particularly raw.

Around this time, emotional repression will reach its breaking point: expect conflicts between partners, explosive reactions, and outrage to perceived injustice. Any interpersonal relationship, romantic or otherwise, that isn’t built on a solid foundation may end at this time. Yes, breakups are possible, especially thanks to Venus’ critical degree, but so are re-negotiations surrounding the relationship and a more profound bonding of souls.

At 6:10 PM, speedy, quick-thinking Mercury in Gemini catches up to the anaretic degree, closely behind Venus. After a fairly chaotic day, this is the time when many of you will wrap up a project that has been consuming a lot of your time recently. It’s also a pretty ideal time to speak your truth, if you’ve been holding back out of fear of offending someone. Take advantage of the energy to use your silver tongue.

How is this exceedingly Gemini-heavy day going to play out for you on an individual level? Check out your forecast below, according to your rising sign for the best results.


Your focus is on your partner today, with the moon transiting your seventh house. You’re nothing if not loyal, but it’s possible your duty to them has caused you to sacrifice your own health—mental and physical. Your body needs to rest today. Give yourself a much-needed break. Otherwise, you might end up resenting your partner from draining you of energy, and entirely misplacing the blame. If they are in it for the long haul, they will understand your need for alone time. Meanwhile, Venus and Mercury hit the anaretic degree in your third house, offering you a chance at all kinds of love and dialogue in your own neighborhood and community. If you’re already romantically satisfied, you might find a different sort of camaraderie, such as an older female mentor. Everyone is going to be chatty and ready to engage today, so don’t be afraid to jump headfirst into a conversation you overhear at the coffee shop. Of course, you’re an Aries rising—you can do this stuff fin your sleep. But it’s a good reminder nonetheless. Don’t censor yourself when your words might be desperately needed in a certain situation.


The moon in your sixth house implies routine obligations: work, health, exercise. Whichever one you’ve been slacking on is going to manifest in the form of sluggish and foggy feelings, so try to get going and stay active today. Your mind, body, and soul will all thank you for being proactive and using a healthy outlet rather than an escapist indulgence to avoid the Sunday scaries. Meanwhile, Venus hits the anaretic degree in your second house. That means money. Think a potential new client who’s willing to practically throw money at you, or a meet-cute with someone who has a significantly higher net worth. Mercury follows behind Venus later in the day, giving you the eloquent tongue necessary to charm just about anybody. If you want to start living your dream lifestyle, start now. A year from now you could be watching the Grand Prix from a yacht.


The moon in your fifth house puts you in the mood to go out, be seen, and cause some trouble. Actually, today is pretty much all about you, and if you are a late-degree Gemini rising, you’re not going to be able to ignore the cosmos pointing a neon light at your first house. You’re ready to take the plunge and completely rebrand yourself from the roots of your hair to the soles of your shoes. If you’re tempted to throw your credit card at the Aritzia website and buy everything, take a moment to remember what obligations you have to your friends, close colleagues, and partner, if applicable. Should you be saving your money for the luxury trip they’re planning for you this summer, or tossing it all away on a sudden random impulse? Be aware of your own tendency to act first and think later. Venus hits the anaretic degree early in the day while Mercury follows closely behind, promising a reward from the universe for staying true to your authentic self. It’s a great time to show off your OOTD or launch a brand-new Instagram for your burgeoning influencer career.


Your nurturing side is out in full force today, thanks to the moon’s passage through your fourth house. Your family is extremely important to you right now and you may have had to take some public hits as a result of your seemingly backwards priorities. You might suddenly have to put your career on pause due to an elderly relative or disabled sibling, or you might decide to take an extended leave in order to care for your new baby. Others might lash out with mockery or cruelty, expecting you to maintain the same corporate momentum. Your life is your own; let their insults roll off your back. Venus at the anaretic degree in your twelfth house promises a supportive partner or possibly a final lump sum of money from your job as you prepare to go into hermit mode for the summer. Mercury catches up in the evening, providing you with an opportunity to craft a very concise and tactful resignation letter.


You have a way with words today, and as the moon passes through your third house, you’ll feel empowered to speak out about issues that seem unjust. Activists are always viewed as radical during their time, so you can anticipate some pushback, especially from members of your religious community or cultural environment. What you’re saying and thinking these days are borderline heretical to the established order. That doesn’t mean you’re wrong, it just means people aren’t always quite so comfortable hearing the truth. However, you’ve found your people and you have a social group cheering you on from the sidelines: your packed eleventh house promises you won’t be left in the lurch. As Venus, and then Mercury, reach the anaretic degree today, you might hear a confession from one of your casual friends: they’re interested in something more. Whether you feel the same way or not, you’ll be able to handle the situation with ease. You’re so verbose today you might feel like your words are coming to you straight from the divine.


With the moon in your second house, your thoughts will be focused on your money and how you spend it, with a particular emphasis on how your consumerist tendencies reflect your deeply held convictions. A generational wound related to your socioeconomic status might be triggered, forcing you to take reflection of your current place in the world. Many of you have radically increased your earning potential these past few weeks, with Venus and Mercury hitting the anaretic degree in your tenth house, you’re about to reap a kind of abundance you’ve never dreamed possible. If it looks too good to be true, it might be—or it might simply be the consequences of a lifetime of hard work. If you feel uncomfortable with your newfound status amongst the nouveau riche, try to reframe your thinking: you’re not inherently undeserving of success, and money itself is not evil. It all depends on what you do with it.


The moon in your first house puts special focus on your individuality and identity, plus reflects the glow-up you’re probably going through right now. You’re feeling hyper-individualistic in a way that your partner is not used to, so if you’re really feeling yourself today, be aware that it might make them feel a little abandoned. Some of you will be faced with the decision to end a relationship, but it’s for the best; you have very different goals and have likely been avoiding this fact for a while. Enjoy your newfound independence and go enjoy your freedom. With Venus reaching the anaretic degree in your ninth house, you could find a rebound with a significantly different cultural background. Go have a European summer fling you’ll never forget. Later in the day, Mercury catches up to the anaretic degree as well, giving you the charming words you’ll need to navigate the streets of Rome.


As the moon makes its way through your twelfth house, you feel obligated to take more alone time than usual, feeling frustratingly self-critical. Do not fall prey to your usual escapist tendencies, as they will only isolate you further from those who love you—and your health will likely suffer. Schedule time to go to the gym and make your physical body a priority. A painful ending at work is also possible, but if you’ve been steadily building to rage-quit for a while, the initial wound will probably heal pretty quickly. Meanwhile, a cluster of planets in your eighth house draw your attention to darkness, sexuality, and taboo. With Venus at the anaretic degree, you might sneakily soft-launch your partner, hook up with your ex, or decide to break up—only after having a really romantic night together. With Mercury also at this critical degree, you’ll be able to use your words to describe your conflicted feelings and avoid the “it’s not you, it’s me” talk.


Your eleventh house is lively and active today as the moon illuminates your social life. You’re widening your circle and finding your tribe, and you’re likely very excited about it. However, your work life, which has felt stressful lately, is suffering as a result of this newfound freedom. Unfortunately, the best small joys in life can easily become vices if we’re not careful. Make sure that you haven’t committed so hard to self-care that you forget to read your Slack messages. Meanwhile, your seventh house is crowded; Venus hits the anaretic degree early in the day and Mercury later on. Some of you will get engaged or tie the knot today. Even if you’re happily single, it’s the perfect opportunity to write some vows anyway. Journal to your future spouse or draft a business plan with your best friend. You never know what genius ideas can come from a sudden flash of insight.


The moon in your tenth house reflects the sense of pride you’re likely feeling about your career and public reputation, and indeed you will be celebrated for your accomplishments today. But if you’ve been failing to balance your work and family life, you’re probably going to get called out for it. No one knows us better than family, so it’s a good idea to take accountability for your inaction or inattention. Apologize and aim to strike a better balance in the future. Meanwhile, Venus hits the anaretic degree in your sixth house, followed by Mercury later on in the day. This is the moment you’ll either level up at work or quit in a fit of frustrated rage. Keep your emotions restrained and don’t do something you might regret when you’ve cooled off.


With the moon moving through your ninth house, your thoughts are preoccupied with higher things and the mundane is likely to drag you down. Try to ground yourself and stay rooted in the world of three-dimensional reality, rather than hypotheticals and ideals. People in your local community might feel unnecessarily harsh and antagonistic towards you today, but any fairweather friendship that isn’t serving you is probably best left in the last chapter of your life. Meanwhile, your fifth house sees a lot of action throughout the day, first with Venus reaching the anaretic degree and then with Mercury trailing close behind. You might decide to swiftly end things with someone you’ve been casually seeing. If you’re looking to conceive, this is a good window of opportunity; ditto for anyone starting a brand-new creative project that requires a lot of multi-tasking and thinking on your feet.


The moon holds court in your eighth house today, triggering feelings of loneliness and melancholy that you might feel inclined to express to your closest friends or your partner. Trust them to provide a comfortable safe haven for you; if they fail to pass the test, the relationship might not be built on solid enough stuff. Meanwhile, your family might feel like it’s in chaos today, with the group chat flooded with messages you can barely keep up with. Be cognizant of how your words come across to others today when Venus, and later Mercury, reach the anaretic degree in your fourth house, instigating some petty conflicts with siblings and extended family.