Duren Williams

Horoscope For Today: Thursday, August 8, 2024

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Today, Pluto will sextile Neptune. What does this mean for the collective? Pluto is the planet of rebirth, charged with transformative energy. Therefore, we wholeheartedly believe in our intuitive nature when it harmoniously crosses paths with dreamy, ethereal Neptune. Spirituality and emotional intelligence come to the forefront. Rather than relying on cold, hard facts, we’re more interested in how something subjectively makes us and others feel.


The future looks promising today. You become aware of your self-imposed blockages, limitations, and hurdles. A transformation is in order. While this usually may feel daunting, you’ll likely feel the natural inclination to rise to the occasion. Reclaiming your power overpowers all else. The intensity of this Thursday creates dramatic shifts in your social life and goals moving forward overnight. 


As Pluto sextiles Neptune today, your career sector is lit up. There’s change around the corner. It becomes apparent with newfound realizations that you cannot go on the way to the way things were. This is fine by you. Neptune’s rose-colored glasses allow you to focus on the silver lining. It’s all up from here. Reclaiming your power brings you to evolution in your professional image. Others appreciate your assertiveness, determination, and strategy. 


Today is less about fitting in and more about remaining true to your integrity. As Neptune sextiles Pluto, you feel empowered. You’re feeling optimistic about facing even the most difficult truths head-on. Your faith guides you. While you may have to ruffle some feathers with your differing beliefs, don’t hesitate to remain true to your values. There’s nothing wrong with respectfully disagreeing.


Compromise feels natural to tap into today. You’re willing to embrace the transformative power of mutual trust with one another. Let this process open you up to new sides of yourself, whether it’s a loved one or a professional relationship. Pluto sextiles Neptune today. This occurrence hits your interdependence sector. It’s not as empowering to go it all alone. Relying on another can motivate you more than growing on your lonesome ever could.


Feeling optimistic about relationship shifts today emperors you. Getting to the core truth sets you free. Your glass-half-full perspective allows you to navigate transformation with your chin up. Your loved ones inspire you to reach higher heights. While this journey won’t always be easy, it delivers profound hope. Interpersonal healing renews your spirit. Welcome the new you that’s emerging from the ashes.


There’s more to life than working yourself to the brink of exhaustion. However, investing energy towards your purpose feels energizing. Today is all about tapping into the difference between the two. Pluto sextiles Neptune. You feel optimistic about your responsibilities. Work-life feels intense yet rewarding and productive. Luckily, the optimistic Neptunian lens allows you to partake in transformative sacrifices with an upbeat narrative. 


Romance changes us, for better or worse. Pluto sextiles Neptune today. Your sacrifices in love have led you to transformative chapters. Luckily, you feel grateful and fortunate for the opportunity. This empowered perspective brings profound fulfillment. Replacing power games in dating with compassionate empathy brings closeness. Crushes won’t be superficial today. Instead, you feel the intense nature of fated changes in store. Yet, you still want more.


There’s no place like home—Pluto sextiles Neptune, hitting your personal life sector. Domestic matters and a sense of belonging are of utmost priority. While Pluto ushers in change, Neptune allows you to see the silver lining. The truth is revealed about your closest connections and home life. Welcome to clarity. While there are adjustments to make, today’s overall energy is solution-oriented.


Changing your mind has never felt so empowering. Feel good emotions wash over you as Pluto sextiles Neptune today. Remaining faithful to your opinions is of utmost importance. While this may come with temporary social consequences, integrity prevails nonetheless. Solutions replace confusion. With tact and precision, you’re reclaiming your power from self-defeating narratives. To change your life means to perceive the world through a hopeful lens.


To grow, you need to be adequately equipped. Your inner and practical resources are up for reflection today, Capricorn—Pluto sextiles Neptune, charging the air with transformative hope. You’re looking for solutions, regardless of what you need to invest to get there. Putting your money where your mouth is has never felt more manageable. You’ll need to change your mind about money, self-worth, and what you believe you’re worth to get from point A to point B. (Hint: You deserve it all). 


Transformative waves crash all around you. Luckily, Neptune’s optimistic energy smooths the bumps along the way—Pluto sextiles Neptune in your life path sector. Hope comes hand-in-hand with change. It becomes clear that you’ll never be the person you were before. This bittersweet epiphany allows you to move onwards and upwards. The Universe is asking you to embrace this new chapter. To do so, you must let go of self-limiting patterns and embrace your inner vision.


Your inner world is full of chatter today. As Pluto sextiles Neptune, optimistic changes are brewing. It’s natural to feel heavy about your losses. However, your faith and hope are stronger than ever before. Solutions arise. Cutting away the distractions that hinder your self-trust is key. To hear and understand your wise intuition, trust it when it provides truth, no matter how difficult it is to hear at first.