Horoscope For Today: Thursday, June 13, 2024
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With both the sun and moon in mercurial signs this morning, our collective intellectual curiosity is triggered and we are capable of more pointed communication.
However, if you work in publishing or social media, your window of time for action is rather small, so rise early to take advantage of the energy. Until 8:53 AM EST, the sun sits at 22° of Gemini, forming an exact sextile with Chiron in Aries (more on that later), while the moon will be moving through the mid- to-late degrees of Virgo.
Mercury trails behind the sun, only one degree away from linking up in the heart of el sol. It won’t form an exact cazimi this time, but it’s close enough to make an impact on our communication styles and a similar energy will resonate.
Notably, Chiron sits at 22° of Aries, exactly where the Mercury cazimi on April 11th took place. And at 1:37 PM, Mercury hits 22° as well. This degree is associated with Capricorn, carrying the profound energy of deaths and rebirths; if there is an urgency to your dialogue today, this do-or-die transit certainly reflects it. There is potential for strong, disruptive, and explosive emotions to spill out, especially on social media. Strap in and get ready for the drama.
At 4:18 PM, the moon forms an exact opposition to Saturn in Pisces at 19°, traditionally believed to represent Libran qualities. Be wary of emotional dysregulation or feeling out of sorts around this time, as the mid-afternoon slump causes everyone to feel more sensitive and reactive. Avoid getting in arguments with romantic or business partners, especially if there is a power imbalance involved. It’s not the time to broach a difficult topic with your boss.
How will this intense day play out for you? Read the following forecast according to your rising sign.
With the moon drifting through your sixth house, you are driven to improve your health and daily work habits, but it might be a better idea to make a list of goals for the upcoming month rather than attempt to get everything done in a rush today. You’re running the risk of burnout, with the sun and Mercury in your third house forming a sextile with Chiron in your first; your persistent need to multi-task and accomplish everything on your to-do list has led, inevitably, to physical exhaustion. When the moon in your sixth forms an opposition to Saturn in your twelfth this evening, take some time to meditate or speak words of affirmation over yourself.
The moon in your fifth house puts you in a pleasant mood, craving a release from the burdens of responsibility and a chance to let your inner child play. However, you’re going to receive a reality check today as the sun and Mercury in your second house deliver you fast and urgent news relating to your finances. As they form a sextile to Chiron in your twelfth house, you can expect to feel triggered emotionally, especially when the moon forms an exact opposition with Saturn in your eleventh house. You may have to reckon with your priorities a bit tonight, placing your social life on the back burner as you commit to paying off long-standing debts or focusing on your career.
The moon in your fourth house may encourage you to stay home or spend more time with your family today, even if you’re fighting FOMO. With the sun in your first house, you’re likely feeling all the positive effects of Gemini season: increased visibility, popularity, and success. If you’ve gained new friends or expanded your social circle in any way, you’ve likely been riding that high. Today, the energy shifts somewhat, placing you in a more precarious situation. The sun and Mercury both form a sextile to Aries in your eleventh house, potentially exposing a bad-faith actor within your circle—or forcing everyone to have a deep heart-to-heart. Your relationships might have felt superficial, but now they’re about to take on a more profound meaning. This evening, the moon forms an exact opposition to Saturn in your tenth house, tearing your attention back and forth between home and work.
As the moon makes its way through your third house, your verbal and written communication skills are highlighted strongly, giving you an edge over the competition if you need to give a presentation or pull an all-nighter writing an essay. Try to stay focused and avoid distractions when the sun and Mercury in your twelfth house form a sextile to Chiron in your tenth, as your deep emotional wounds are likely to become more public—or at least visible to those who are paying attention—around this time. Don’t let your feelings run the show. Later this evening, the moon makes an exact opposition to Saturn in your ninth house, so you may wish to seek insight from a spiritual leader or mentor in your community.
The moon in your second house places your focus on all things money, while the sun and Mercury in your eleventh house offers you plenty of opportunities to schmooze and network with important people. You might feel as though success is just around the corner, but every transition comes with its own challenges; keep in mind that when these two planets make a sextile to Chiron in your ninth house, you may have to compromise your values and beliefs to increase your earning potential. Consider whether this is worth it to you. This evening, when the moon makes an exact opposition to Saturn in your eighth house, you will likely do some soul-searching. Don’t spiral or overthink. Instead, call a trusted friend who can offer some brutally honest advice.
The moon in your first house gives you a warm and welcoming aura today, causing others to be more receptive to your thoughts and ideas. As one of the two rising signs ruled by Mercury, today is an excellent day to get any kind of writing done or to give a sharp, concise presentation. The sun and Mercury in your tenth house puts the spotlight directly on you, and with both planets making a sextile to Chiron in your eighth, you can effectively use your pain and trauma to speak to a broad range of people. Since you already have the floor, use your platform to tell your story, speak your truth, and create a safe space for others to do the same. The moon makes an exact opposition to Saturn this evening, at which point your relationships become more important. After a long day of being emotionally and physically present for many other people, it’s okay to give yourself permission to be taken care of.
With the moon in your twelfth house, you might feel moody and quiet, unreceptive to others’ attempts to break you out of your shell. The sun and Mercury, however, sit in your ninth house, encouraging you to find camaraderie amongst likeminded people and go deeper into your study of subjects that you are passionate about. When these two planets make a sextile to Chiron in your seventh house, you might unexpectedly strike up a conversation with a potential new love interest or business partner. This evening, when the moon forms an exact opposition with restrictive Saturn in your sixth house, you are likely to feel the physical impact of ignoring your mental health—so pop a melatonin, turn on some white noise, and head to bed early. There is no shame in being proactive when you can feel your energy gradually depleting.
The moon in your eleventh house puts an emphasis on socialization and gives you plenty of opportunities to broaden your network. If you’re trying to meet more people, either for professional or personal reasons, today is the day to put yourself out there with all the courage that a Mars-ruled rising sign is known for. Meanwhile, the sun and Mercury hold court in your eighth house and form a sextile to Chiron in your sixth, so you can anticipate further opportunities to make money—without doing as much work. Isn’t that what everyone wants in life? The sky is the limit when it comes to your earning potential, so keep an eye out for flourishing side hustles or an unexpected promotion. This evening, the moon forms an exact opposition with Saturn in your fifth house, restricting your ability to have fun—or perhaps placing more responsibilities on your shoulders. If you’re a parent, you can expect your kids to demand more of your attention tonight.
Today the moon lights up your tenth house, placing you in important rooms with important people. Don’t shy away from introducing yourself and making yourself known. Your contributions are valuable, and it’s about time the world recognized them. Meanwhile, the sun and Mercury in your seventh house form a sextile with Chiron in your fifth, creating the potential for friction between a new partner and a former fling. If you’re still hung up on someone, you might need to be upfront and honest about this with your current person. If you’ve left all your exes solidly in the past, you can still be certain you’re bringing some baggage into the new relationship. Try to talk honestly with your partner about your insecurities rather than expecting them to read your mind. Tonight, the moon makes an exact opposition with Saturn in your fourth house, creating obstacles in your home and family life. It might feel like your responsibilities are never-ending. Even if you’re tired after a long day, you still need to do all the things.
The moon in your ninth house fixes your gaze on your religious and academic goals, plus any plans for international travel. Some of you may, in fact, be traveling for work, with the sun and Mercury in your sixth house pulling you out of your comfort zone. These two make a sextile to Chiron in your fourth house, meaning that you won’t exactly be able to escape your generational trauma, no matter how far away you run. You still need to undergo healing before you can make it successfully into the next chapter of your life, no matter where on the globe you have settled. This evening, the moon forms an exact opposition with Saturn in your third house, making you homesick or at least a little more grateful for your local community, your roots, and your closest friends and family. It never hurts to remind yourself of your roots.
Your eighth house is illuminated today as the moon moves through its dark and murky realm, encouraging you to focus on your inner thoughts, perceptions, and feelings than you might normally be comfortable with. Rather than detaching from your shadow self, learn how to make friends with it and outstretch a welcoming hand. The sun and Mercury in your fifth house sextile Chiron in your third give you plenty of opportunities to channel this energy into a flirtatious or downright romantic tryst: read your date’s birth chart or plan a spontaneous date night with that person from Hinge you’ve been seeing casually. This might be the night things become more serious with them. If you’ve been hoping and praying for an escape from the monotony of your office, you might also receive some good news tonight, when the moon forms an opposition with Saturn in your second house: your ability to earn more money is there, but can you handle a big financial change emotionally? Sometimes we undergo tests of faith just to see if we pass.
Your partnerships are highlighted today, as the moon transits your seventh house, so you can anticipate more external influence on your life as your loved ones and business partners place expectations on you or require more compassion than usual. Furthermore, the sun and Mercury are lighting up your fourth house, encouraging you to take action around your home and with your family. You’ll be likely find yourself more open to dialogue with those you share physical space with, even if you tend to disagree on many things. Tonight, when the moon makes an exact opposition to Saturn in your first house, your physical body might feel the impact of so much hospitality, encouraging you to indulge in some self-care. Run a warm bath, light a candle, and shut your bedroom door so you can be entirely alone for a while.