Horoscope For Today: Wednesday, December 11, 2024
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Today, December 11, 2024, the Moon is in Taurus, which can fuel our imaginative energy, making this the perfect time to work on a new creative project or edit an existing one. But we will also be a lot more social for the next several days. Friendships can feel a lot more inspiring during this time and nourishing as we can get back to the things that matter. The Moon in Taurus can feel enchanting, especially with the square to Pluto, reminding us of our values and goals. The transit pushes us to keep working hard for what we want and not to lose sight of our dreams. See how the transit will impact your rising, sun and moon sign.
The doors that are right for you will gently open — and you will not have to push or force them. Because the things that are behind them want you, and need you, as much as you want and need them.
Brianna Wiest, The Pivot Year
Friendships come to focus during this lunar transit awakening your need for solid connections. You may be more appreciative of the people that continue to cheer you on and help empower you. The energy is being enhanced by the Venus transit, making it easier to meet new people and learn new things from them.
Preparing for your next phase as the Moon in your sign can feel like an enlightening period. This can bring more energy to your career house moving forward as you continue to gain clarity and alignment with your goals. Saturn in Pisces is teaching you about patience and the value of hard work, so you have the tools needed to make your plans a reality.
Growing more confidence each day through the Saturn transit has enabled you to face any obstacles fearlessly. With the Moon in Taurus, you will see more of why it is imperative to trust yourself and recharge accordingly. While you may be inspired to take on new things, be mindful of what you have in progress and utilize this transit to edit and make changes.
A period to explore your horizons with the Moon in Taurus making you a lot more confident with discovering new things that can make you feel happy. Luna in Taurus is teaching you how to be there for yourself through self care and exploring new hobbies. It can be a moment where you will evaluate how you give your energy and time to others. Be mindful of your boundaries.
Having the Moon in Taurus will bring a lot of focus to how you manage your business relationships as well as those with colleagues or classmates. You are understanding the value of balance and listening to others. Creating structure with your partnerships can also be a result of this transit. In order to thrive in your career or academia, you understand the importance of having reliable friends and colleagues once you take on leadership roles.
The Moon in fellow earth sign can feel like an awakening as you find your footing and give yourself grace. Luna helps you to discover the qualities that make you shine and stand out. It is a period to embrace the spotlight and not hide your light. During the transit you may also evaluate how you can switch up your routines to being more excitement and positive energy
During this lunar transit in a fellow Venusian sign, you may explore your talents. It is a good period to get back to writing, drawing, acting, or whatever you enjoy doing. Creative outlets can be a good source of energy and bliss. Utilize this period to bring a lot of alignment and positive emotions, especially if you have not felt motivated.
Luna will make an aspect to Pluto, bringing metamorphosis to your relationships for the next several decades. Opening your heart can feel ground breaking and beautiful during this time. It is a glorious period for you to elevate your romantic relationship, the Moon in Taurus empowers and reminds you of the beauty and compassion you have within and how you share that energy with others.
Getting back to a project you may have abandoned could be a result of this transit as the Moon in Taurus brings out the editor in you. Now that you will be a lot more focused, the transit can also help revitalize your daily experiences. You are also receiving a lot of insight with Jupiter opposing your sign. You are learning to trust the process and work smarter as long as you continue to be more patient.
Making a trine to your sign is Luna in Taurus, linking the past relationships to the present. A period to discover what love means to you and what you are looking for in a partner. During this time, you may also see a transformation with your philosophy. How you acquire information and share your message may be essential now. If you are in school, the transit can make working on things a lot more exciting since you will have some good ideas.
Understanding how to not settle for less will be a theme of this Moon. Luna in Taurus can bring you more comfort when it comes to sharing your vision and heart with others. Channeling your muses can help you experience innovative energy that elevates each project you are working on. You are learning to take pride in the work you do and show others your potential.
The Moon in Taurus makes this a very energizing period where you are able to collaborate with others and brainstorm some great ideas if you are pushed to work with others in group settings. Don’t be afraid to collaborate or ask others for help during this time. It can also be a valuable period where you can get closer to your romantic partner.