Horoscope For Today: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
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Happy Aquarius new moon! Today the revolutionary energy of the water-bearer builds quickly, with the new moon going exact at 9° Aquarius at 7:36 AM EST.
As if the active, dynamic force that is a new moon isn’t enough, there’s a whole stellium in the rarest sign of the zodiac. Following closely behind in the lineup is a conjunction between Mercury and Pluto at 1° Aquarius, strongly suggesting radical shakeups to the way everyday people communicate their ideals.
Pluto might be small, but its power is vast, sweeping, and at times highly destructive. Today is a point in history at which radicalization, extremism, and political violence is likely to reach a turning point, but once all bets are off, it’s inevitable that everyday people, frustrated with the status quo, will feel empowered by what they perceive as a new and refreshing freedom of expression. The perception is that there are too many laypeople and not enough technocrats to stop the flow of information.
On that note, it’s possible that a major social media platform will be blacked out today due to hacking, spamming, or some other form of corruption. Or some people might just choose to quit altogether, feeling exhausted by ragebait and algorithmic content that is manipulating their emotions and telling them how to think. The mass exodus from X, formerly Twitter, for a perceived utopia on the alternative app BlueSky began in late November, so this is hardly a surprise.
When the moon trines retrograde Jupiter at 11° Gemini at 10:09 AM, there are likely to be breakthroughs and victories for the collective. However, it’s wise not to celebrate too prematurely: until Jupiter is direct, it’s difficult to count a win as a win.
Meanwhile, the nodes have ingressed into Pisces and Virgo after a gruelling eighteen months on the Aries-Libra axis, which resulted in massive escalation of geopolitical conflicts and the brutality of war.
With the North Node now situated at 29° Pisces, there is an increased sense of faith, optimism, and hope. In spite of the tumultuous, once-in-a-lifetime transits we are undergoing as a collective, this time period will reflect increased creative flourishing and innovation, as well as spiritual transformation.
What can you expect in your personal life, as history continues to unfold around you? The following is a generalized forecast for each of the rising signs.
The new moon takes place in conjunction with Mercury and Pluto in your eleventh house, kickstarting a radical new beginning in your social network and empowering you to achieve dreams that you may have never thought possible in this lifetime. Everything is changing, from your tribe to your biggest priorities in life. If you lose a whole lot of friends all of a sudden, it’s okay to grieve. But trust that you are being protected, and in the long run, you will understand why you had to lose some people you’ve outgrown in order to usher in a new group of likeminded confidants. Mid-morning, the moon’s trine to retrograde Jupiter in your third house offers a glimpse at the communicative breakthroughs you are likely to have in your local community once the king planet stations direct. Meanwhile, the North Node has now officially ingressed into your twelfth house, encouraging you to let go and let God. Your intuition has a lot to tell you this year. Listen to it.
With the new moon lighting up your tenth house alongside Mercury and Pluto, your reputation and professional status is about to change in a drastic, undeniable way. If you face a large-scale cancellation, you will have to pick up the pieces and move in a radically different direction, either changing your audience entirely or taking some time to reflect on your mistakes. Accountability has never been more important—and you will be held to a much higher standard than your peers right now, so be very cautious of what you say in the heat of the moment. Even the most innocuous comment could be taken wildly out of context. Halfway through the morning, the moon trines retrograde Jupiter in your second house, reflecting the financial changes that you’ll be making in regard to your career. Meanwhile, the North Node is now stationed in your eleventh house, reflecting the changes to come in your social sphere—and the grandiosity of your hopes and dreams. Don’t limit yourself. You can make the seemingly impossible possible with enough grit and determination.
The new moon occurs in your ninth house, in conjunction to Mercury and Pluto, indicating massive shifts to the way you communicate your beliefs. Furthermore, if you’re currently living abroad or studying in a specific academic discipline, you might find these plans get unexpectedly rocked by an inciting incident that forces you to decide: Is this really the most productive path for me? As your worldview is challenged by external and internal influences alike, you will begin to untangle the truth from the harmful fallacies you have been believing and perpetuating in your academic, philosophical, or religious community. Many of you will denounce childhood faith traditions and others will expose cults they have unwittingly supported. Mid-morning, the moon trines retrograde Jupiter in your first house, emphasizing the way in which your identity and sense of self will be rocked by these changes. Meanwhile, the North Node is now officially holding court in your tenth house, forcing you to uncompromisingly address the direction your career is headed in light of this radical paradigm shift.
With the new moon, plus Mercury and Pluto, in your eighth house, your relationship to death, mortality, and debts is changing on a massive scale incomparable to anything you have experienced in your lifetime. Some of you may face tremendous loss that, ironically, brings just as much gain. Paperwork involving inheritances, wills, and estates are likely to be pushed upon you right now. Those of you who do not experience familial death as a manifestation of this transit will still, inevitably, undergo some kind of revolutionary ego death. Be prepared to confront deep-rooted psychosexual wounds and explore your relationship to your own body, recognizing and learning to rejoice in its limitations. You are a mortal being who will not exist forever in this current form. You will need to acknowledge this, possibly for the first time in your life. Midway through the morning, the moon’s trine to retrograde Jupiter in your twelfth house provides a glimpse at the coming spiritual and subconscious revelations you might have under this overwhelming, transformative period. Meanwhile, the North Node has now ingressed into your ninth house, emphasizing the importance of higher knowledge. Many of you will undergo religious conversions, while others will lean more deeply into their existing faith traditions.
The new moon takes place in your seventh house in close conjunction to Mercury and Pluto, marking a turning point in your closest relationships. Whether you’re happily partnered or single, you will be forced to confront the ways in which you have been too egotistical and self-focused in relation to others. Some of you will experience breakups that, at first, appear to shatter your entire sense of self. In time, you will discover that these endings needed to happen in order to redirect you onto the path you were born for. However, in the moment the pain and grief will be overpowering. There’s no getting around that. The key is to recognize your own prideful ways, acknowledge and take accountability for the times when your ego has driven others out from under your shadow, and let your close partners go if they must leave. This morning brings the moon’s trine to retrograde Jupiter in your eleventh house, hinting at an inevitable expansion of your social group as a result of this. You will only grow more after leaving a toxic relationship behind—and it’s more than likely that your friends will offer many shoulders to cry on as you work through the healing process. Meanwhile, the North Node is now in your eighth house, giving you the space to explore your sexuality, dive into the depths of your psyche, and seek therapy if you feel you will gain something from it.
With the new moon occurring in your sixth house in close conjunction with Mercury and Pluto, you are being called to recognize your own physical limitations and change the way you communicate your needs before you reach the point of burnout. In addition to possible health scares, you could face transformative shakeups to your workplace, either losing a job suddenly due to massive layoffs or shifting career trajectories entirely. However, you’ll be inspired to speak more earnestly about your physical health challenges and let others into the process as you begin your wellness journey. While major, sudden physical illnesses or injuries are possible, the majority of you will experience this transit more as a gradual, long-term adaptation to the natural process of aging—so don’t panic! If you’re entering a new decade of your life, especially your thirties, you’ve probably already noticed some physiological and hormonal changes that require your attention. Mid-morning, the moon’s trine to retrograde Jupiter in your tenth house emphasizes the possibility of major career glow-ups to come once the planet of expansion stations direct. You’re about to make big moves, but not quite yet. Meanwhile, the North Node has now officially set up camp in your seventh house, where it will usher in fated romantic partners for many, many of you. Those who are already partnered are highly likely to tie the knot this year. Love is in the air!
The new moon, conjunct Mercury and Pluto, unfolds in your fifth house, inciting new creative and romantic endeavors that are guaranteed to change the trajectory of your life—for better or for worse. Some of you will find yourselves entangled in a toxic, karmic codependent relationship, or an affair with someone who is forbidden; others will cut ties with casual dating entirely after a truly shocking situation gives you a reality check. It’s a good idea to delete the apps if you haven’t already. It will happen when it’s meant to happen, and there’s no need to force it. In addition to your romantic life taking a hit, the sheer intensity of your creative expression will startle and unnerve those around you, as you begin leaning into darker, more profound themes in your art. It’s the time to get radically honest and vulnerable. Halfway through the morning, the moon makes a trine to retrograde Jupiter in your ninth house, signifying your enhanced commitment to your beliefs, which you may choose to integrate into your work—and your romantic relationships—in a more obvious way. In other words, you’re about to go fully mask-off and unapologetic about who you are and what you think, leaving your people-pleasing tendencies in the past. Meanwhile, the North Node is now in your sixth house, encouraging you to infuse your work environment with more beauty and creativity as you begin a new chapter. Some of you will begin new jobs, while others will take the leap and commit to a new life of entrepreneurship.
The new moon in your fourth house is closely conjunct Mercury and Pluto, so you can expect your home and family life to take major, unexpected hits. Explosive arguments between relatives are to be expected, as are sudden physical disruptions to your home environment, such as natural disasters. Some of you may be entering the month of February in a hotel or other temporary lodging as your home goes through repairs. Others will experience painful endings to a toxic family relationship, cutting off an abusive parent or going no contact with someone whose love has proven itself to be conditional. Do what is best for your own psychological and mental health, but be aware that what you do now is unlikely to be forgiven quickly if you make a decision impulsively. What is done now will have a long-lasting ripple effect in your family. Once Pandora’s box is opened it cannot be closed again. Mid-morning, the moon’s trine with Jupiter in your eighth house promises good fortune in the near future—especially if you’re married and sharing resources with your spouse. You’ll see the level of true financial abundance once Jupiter stations direct. Meanwhile, as the North Node takes hold of your fifth house, you will become more focused on birthing new ideas—and babies, if that’s something you desire. Your romantic and artistic side will grow exponentially, and it’s a wonderful time to try to conceive.
As the new moon in your third house closely aligns with Mercury and Pluto, your relationship to neighbors, siblings, and everyone you see on a daily basis is guaranteed to undergo drastic changes. While some of you will cut off siblings or extended relatives who refuse to see things from your perspective, others will face off with neighborhood naysayers. On a more general level, your local community is likely to be rocked by something major, such as a tragedy, natural disaster, or scandal. You may be forced into cross-cultural dialogue with people you strongly disagree with and learn how to handle conflict in the process; the overwhelming sense of darkness in the spaces you occupy on a daily basis will empower you and everyone around you to come together for a common humanitarian goal. When the moon trines retrograde Jupiter in your seventh house this morning, you are likely to experience a breakthrough with a close friend or partner, reaping the benefits of their success by proxy or seeing things from their perspective with more clarity. Meanwhile, as the North Node settles into your fourth house, your relationship to your family intensifies, and your desire to spend more time at home will inevitably grow, even if you have more responsibility at work. This paradox may encourage you to seek a work-from-home job or to request fewer hours so you can prioritize your family.
The new moon in your second house, closely conjunct Mercury and Pluto, kicks off a new chapter in your financial life. Major losses are just as possible as major gains, but they’re likely to fuel uncomfortable conversations with your colleagues, partners, investors, and financial advisors. Your typical approach is all business, keeping your personal opinions and political leanings out of your work, but now, just when everyone is expecting the most from you, you feel the call to make a revolutionary statement. Decide whether it’s worth the potential risk to your bank account and blow to your ego when you face the inevitable backlash. This transit guarantees ups and downs, uncertainty and instability. If you’re used to living the high life, you might need to lower your standards quite a bit. On the other hand, if you’ve overcome extreme poverty, you are now humble enough to use your money to donate to causes that are near and dear to your heart—even if it offends some of your apolitical peers. The mid-morning trine between the moon and retrograde Jupiter in your sixth house all but guarantees that your work environment is about to change as much as your tax bracket, and when the king planet stations retrograde, you might find it easier to adapt to slightly different working conditions. Meanwhile, the North Node is now hanging out in your third house, drawing your attention to your roots. If you’ve spent a great deal of time jetsetting around the world these past few years, something in your soul might be yearning for the comforts of home.
This new moon is profound and probably life-altering for you, with the lunation conjunct Mercury and Pluto occurring in your first house. Your physical body, along with your sense of identity, might suffer injury or illness. Take a long, hard look at yourself in the mirror, and think about what you want your legacy to be when you leave this earth. Are you living up to your true potential, or placing too much of your identity on how you appear to the world? Doubts and struggles about aging, along with various manifestations of body dysmorphia, are to be expected under this transit, but the best possible way to work with it is to be radically honest and upfront about any procedures you undergo. There is immense healing to be gleaned from your personal story, and you never know who in your audience might be listening. Midway through the morning, the moon trines retrograde Jupiter in your fifth house, bringing a sense of levity to your creative and romantic life. Even as your entire sense of self suffers a radical upheaval, you can use the sorrow and pain from this experience to bring tremendous joy to many people. Some of you will become pregnant or give birth around this time, and this will be the cause of your bodily changes; if it is a difficult pregnancy or you struggle in childbirth, you will never be the same, psychologically, after the experience. But the beauty of a new life is worth all the pain you might have to face in the process. Meanwhile, the North Node’s station in your second house guarantees fated financial change, either in the form of humbling loss or comfortable increase.
The new moon conjunct Mercury and Pluto is kickstarting a new chapter in your twelfth house, so some of you may experience mental health crises that force you to take control. Avoid over-indulgence in substances at this time, and seek help if you are in need of it. There is no shame in admitting you are struggling, as cliché as that may sound when you are actually desperately in need. Past struggles with addiction, alcoholism, and psychological trauma may resurface, so arm yourself with a solid support system who can remind you of how far you have come. Those of you who work in the healthcare sector and spend a lot of time in hospitals may witness a great deal of physical or mental trauma from your patients around the time of the new moon, and when the moon trines retrograde Jupiter in your fourth house you may feel the need to seek comfort at home. It’s difficult to work in such a space without bringing the empathetic burden home with you, but your family might surprise you with some valuable advice on how to balance these two sides of your life constructively before you run yourself right into the ground. Meanwhile, the North Node in your first house stands as a promise from the divine that you are about to undergo a huge identity shift: over the next year or so, you might step into a new role as a leader, become a parent, or decide that you are going to embark on a totally new and unfamiliar spiritual path.