How Each Birth Month Defines A True Friend
Thought Catalog

How Each Birth Month Defines A True Friend


To you, a true friend is someone who is loyal. Who won’t walk away when you’re going through a tough experience and need a shoulder to cry on or a helping hand. Someone who sticks around through good times and bad.


To you, a true friend is someone you can count on. Someone who follows through on plans and promises. Who never leaves you hanging or waiting weeks for a text.


To you, a true friend is someone you can trust with all your secrets. Someone who is never going to judge you, so you feel comfortable telling each other anything.


To you, a true friend is someone who will embark on wild, spontaneous adventures with you and is always up for a fun time. Someone you’re always making a ton of memories alongside.


To you, a true friend is someone who is happy to spend quality time together, even if you’re both sitting in silence doing your own thing. Someone who is happy just to be near you.


To you, a true friend is someone who will defend you, protect you, and always have your back. Who will take your side no matter what because you’re ride-or-dies.


To you, a true friend is someone who will comfort you when you’re upset and always knows the right words to use to cheer you up again. Someone who knows you better than you know yourself.


To you, a true friend is someone who will cheer you on and support you. Who will be your biggest cheerleader and celebrate the good times without turning anything into a competition.


To you, a true friend is someone who listens closely when you’re speaking and genuinely values your opinion. Who gives you advice when needed and honestly cares about your well-being.


To you, a true friend is someone you feel entirely comfortable around. Someone you can be your authentic self in front of without worrying about how you’re coming across.


To you, a true friend is someone who is happy to listen to you rant for hours — or gush about something (or someone) you love for hours.


To you, a true friend is someone who knows how to make you laugh until your stomach hurts. Who has a thousand inside jokes with you that no one else would understand.