How Each Zodiac Can Survive Mercury Retrograde In Aries (3/15)
Mercury retrograde is an inconvenient part of life notorious for causing miscommunications, technological mishaps, and the revisitation of old themes both as a collective and in our individual lives.
This year, the messenger planet will go retrograde a grand total of three times.
Arguably, the most challenging of these periods is the year’s first, since it will overlap with the significant Venus retrograde taking place in the same signs: Aries and Pisces. But this doesn’t mean that all of the zodiac signs will be equally affected or in the same way.
This spring’s Mercury retrograde begins on March 15 at 9° Aries and wraps up on April 7 at 26°, so if you have any significant natal placements in these signs, you can anticipate some more intense disruptions to your communication—especially in the area of romance, finance, and beauty, since Venus is exerting its influence along with Mercury.
How can you expect this all to go down for you on a personal level? The two houses in your birth chart that are ruled by Aries and Pisces will be hit as Mercury appears to spin backwards in the skies. (It’s actually just an astronomical optical illusion, but the astrological influence sure feels real enough.) Read the following in accordance with your rising sign, rather than your sun sign, for advice on how to navigate the specific areas of your life that will be touched by the great cosmic crashout that is Mercury retrograde.
As Mercury retrogrades through your first house, you run the risk of putting your foot in your mouth. With your characteristic bluntness, you can expect to offend some people along the way, even if your brutal honesty comes from a place of sincerity. Be extra selective of which battles you choose to fight; sometimes things are better left unsaid. Later, when Mercury makes its way into your twelfth house, you can expect a period of harsh self-reflection and solitude, during which you may prefer to stay mute—or adjust your image accordingly if you have to deal with the fallout of a scandal. In general, just be more mindful of your words and how you use them around other people.
Mercury will first retrograde through your twelfth house, encouraging you to self-reflect and pay attention to your subconscious needs. At this time your vulnerability to toxic old habits and vices will be especially high, so try to avoid losing yourself in escapism. Instead, try a healthy practice such as journaling or speaking to your therapist. Later, as Mercury retrogrades through your eleventh house, you can anticipate miscommunications among your social network and wider group of friends, who may be gossipy at best and outright dismissive of your goals at worst. Take this time to evaluate your relationships and decide who deserves to join you in the next chapter of your life.
First, Mercury will retrograde through your eleventh house, increasing the potential for miscommunication and disagreements with your friends and professional network. Do your best to remain neutral and diplomatic, but don’t let yourself be a pushover, either; a friend to all is a friend to none, after all. The choices you make now will take center stage later when Mercury retrogrades through your tenth house and places you under a higher level of scrutiny. Be cautious before making any public statement, as there is a strong likelihood that you will be misunderstood.
Mercury retrograde season begins with the messenger planet moving backward through your tenth house, placing your every word under review at the very time you are most likely to say something impulsive and get yourself in trouble. Be very cautious about what you share publicly, as it is likely to become misconstrued; during this period of time it’s wise to take a brief sabbatical from social media. Later, when Mercury retrogrades through your ninth house, your beliefs and values will be under review—by the wider public and by yourself. Furthermore, if you are currently enrolled in an academic or spiritual program, you might find yourself struggling to keep up with the workload.
As Mercury retrogrades through your ninth house, a certain zeal for your religious, cultural, and ideological convictions will motivate you to speak out—at the risk of alienating certain people and outright offending others. Try to be as tactful as possible and give grace to those who disagree with you, as they are unlikely to be swayed by hostility and aggression but instead by calm and open dialogue. This is a great time to start utilizing the Socratic method. Later, Mercury will spin backward through your eighth house, causing you to re-evaluate your views on taboo and uncomfortable subjects such as your finances and your sexuality. You might find yourself acting in opposition to your own personal morals.
First, Mercury will retrograde through your eighth house, indicating a time period of intense evaluation of your finances, your sex life, and your relationship with the occult. You may suddenly denounce a certain spiritual practice in favor of a more materialistic lifestyle, or you might choose celibacy after a period of intense sexual exploration. On the other hand, you’re likely to pay off some debts around this time, releasing yourself of a burden that has weighed heavily on you for some time. Later, Mercury retrogrades through your seventh house, ushering in a potentially frustrating dynamic in romance. This could be anything from a “will they or won’t they?” situation with your crush or a toxic ex making a grand reappearance in your life.
Mercury retrograde season kicks off with the messenger planet freewheeling backward through your seventh house, drawing exes back into the picture and inciting all kinds of drama in your relationship sector. You might find some conversations with past lovers to be profoundly healing, and you might get the closure you’ve been waiting for. On the other hand, you might end up so frustrated you block them by the end of this period, just in time for Mercury to swing backward through your sixth house. During this time, you are likely to face misunderstandings and miscommunications between coworkers and perhaps even leave a toxic work environment. If your job is not serving you anymore, you’ll know.
First, Mercury retrogrades through your sixth house, reflecting conflict at work and difficulties with colleagues who you might not see eye to eye with. Whether you’re struggling with petty gossip or outright slander, it’s wise to try to remain as detached as possible and not fight back with the same level of cruelty. Allow karma to work its mysterious magic—and exit stage left if you find a job that suits you better in the meantime. By the time Mercury retrogrades into your fifth house, you’ll have other concerns, such as conflicts within short-term relationships or difficulty conceiving if you are trying to have a child. If your situationship isn’t down for long-term commitment, they are likely to walk away at this point. On the other hand, you can expect old flames to flock to you, so decide quickly whether you’re willing to indulge them or not.
Mercury will first retrograde through your fifth house, putting the end to short-term and casual affairs if they are not meant to continue into the future—and drawing toxic exes right back into your arms. This could be a messy time for you, but if you’re willing to embrace the chaos, you might actually find it kind of fun. On the other hand, if you’re in a serious partnership and the topic of kids arises, one of you might get cold feet. Later, when Mercury swings backward in your fourth house, you’re likely to experience conflict with your family and the people you live with. If you are uncertain about re-signing a lease on your current apartment or you haven’t been able to find your dream property, it might be a good idea to wait it out for a few more weeks until things are clearer.
Mercury retrograde season begins with the messenger planet spinning backward through your fourth house, reflecting the uncertainty you’re having with your family and your current home. This is far from the ideal time to buy or sell a property, so don’t get impatient and try to rush what is meant to happen in divine timing. For now, try to concentrate on settling disputes between your relatives, who are likely to be at each other’s throats during this time. You can play mediator as long as no one expects you to take a hard stance. Later, when Mercury retrogrades through your third house, your local community and extended family take on a new significance for you; watch out for drama involving your neighbors, siblings, and cousins. Oh, and don’t buy or lease a new car right now if you can help it.
As Mercury retrogrades through your third house, you are bound to face conflicts with your neighbors, siblings, and other members of your extended family—and if you have to buy or lease a new car right now, do so only after a very careful examination of the fine print. If you get caught in the middle of a familial fight that has nothing to do with you, don’t be surprised; if your vehicle needs lots of unexpected repairs, consider it a blessing in disguise. Later on, Mercury will retrograde through your second house, placing your attention solidly on your income. For some of you, this does mean that you will be cutting your losses and paying for necessary expenses, but for others, you might be receiving some free money. If a client from the past returns with an offer, by all means, take it.
Mercury retrograde season kicks off with the messenger planet in your second house, destabilizing your relationship with your own money and potentially forcing you to work extra hard. If you’re savvy, you will use this as an opportunity to brainstorm new ways to increase your net worth. By the time Mercury spins back into your first house, you will want to speak loudly and confidently about what you believe in, but it’s not the right time to step outside the box. The world isn’t quite ready for your genius yet, so instead of taking your voice to the public forum, try returning to an old creative project that you had previously laid to rest. You might see it with new eyes.