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How Each Zodiac Can Use The Transformative Energy Of 12/21/22 To Manifest Change

This 12/21/2022 is a special day. Not only is it the winter solstice and start to Capricorn season, it also calls to many because of the angel numbers 1221. In numerology, 1221 ushers in a new phase of life. It’s all about new beginnings and making your dreams become a reality. Here are some ways you can manifest meaningful change this December 21, 2022.


Take a breath. You’re always finding ways to make things happen, and sometimes you jump too soon into asking people out or quitting your job or buying a fancy car. Sit with your thoughts and decide if you really want something, or if you’re just acting on impulse.


Say “yes.” When given the opportunity this 12/21, say yes to the thing that’s making you nervous. You sometimes get so caught up in your comfort zone that you miss out on life-changing opportunities. Taking that first step might fill you with anxiety, but it’s worth it.


Take a bath and relax. You’re often going full-throttle through your emotions, swinging back and forth form highs to lows. Rather than embracing the volatility, just take a deep breath and relax. Use a fancy bath bomb and shut off your brain.


Don’t let your negative emotions make decisions for you. It’s okay to feel these things, but trouble arises when you let your lows dictate what you do. Make a meaningful change by ignoring the inner saboteur who wants to watch your demise.


Text a friend and tell them something nice. You sometimes wait for others to come to you, which makes your friends feel a little bit like you don’t care. Show them that’s not true by texting them out of the blue with a compliment or encouragement. They’ll love it.


Take a day away from to-do lists and schedules. If you had set plans today, get out of them if you can. While planning is a good thing, being so strict with your calendar can leave you missing opportunities when they flit by.


Let yourself have some me-time. You’re often spending way more time with your friends than by yourself. Having a trusted inner circle is great, but if you’re never by yourself it can be easy to lose sight of what you actually want.


Make a therapy appointment. I’m not giving you shit. Therapy is good for everyone. But I’m saying this to you because you’re one of the signs least likely to actively seek out help from a therapist. Let your walls down a little, even just for an hour. It’ll do you good.


Invite your best friend from over for snacks, drinks, and a movie at home. You’re always on some type of adventure, big or small. It makes you an exciting friend, but it can also be hard for others to keep up. Show that you’re in this friendship even when it’s quiet.


Ask for help. No, you can’t do everything yourself no matter how hard you try. Though it can be difficult, use this transformational day to ask someone you trust for help. Not only is this good for you, but the person helping you will feel closer to you.


Plan something social. You sometimes get so caught up in work or hobbies that you go MIA for weeks or at a time. And when you do show up to events, it’s because you were invited. Show your friends that you care by actually doing the inviting this time. Also, you totally need the break.


Take your friends’ advice. Your friends are always giving you great advice, and you’ll freely admit that. But do you take it? Probably not. Take a leap and do one of the things your inner circle has been suggesting. Going out of your comfort zone like this will lead to bigger and better things.