Sophie Oatman

How Every Zodiac Can Embrace The Divine Feminine, According To A Tarot Reader

“The Divine Feminine” is a spiritual belief of energy–soft, empathetic, intuitive, nurturing–that we all hold within ourselves. This energy transcends gender boundaries, so no matter how you identify, everyone has a masculine and a feminine side to them.

The Divine Feminine is about honoring who you are at your core. It’s about feeling love and being kind to ourselves and our bodies. It’s about creative expression, meditation, and being one with Mother Nature.

Here is how each zodiac sign can honor their Divine Feminine, based on the tarot cards:


Your card: Ace of Wands

You have the determination and courage to be a leader and to go after the things you want. To honor your Divine Feminine, embrace this part of you: how you are a force and an inspiration to all.


Your card: Eight of Swords

As a stubborn individual, you often get stuck into certain bad mindsets. You are connected to your Divine Feminine more than most, so if you want to honor it, go meditate in nature. You will find clarity on how to achieve mental freedom.


Your card: Queen of Swords

You are incredibly intellectual and perceptive, and you know how to communicate your thoughts and feelings. To honor your Divine Feminine, continue to express yourself creatively.


Your card: Three of Swords

Forgive those who have hurt you and honor the fact that you once cared so deeply. Embrace your sensitive, caring nature by speaking kind, loving words to yourself in the mirror.


Your card: Four of Swords

You are bold and fiery and know when to burn–but you also know when to heal, too. If you want to embrace your Divine Feminine, take time to meditate in a tranquil place to clear your mind. This is how you can replenish your strength and become your strongest, highest self.


Your card: The Moon

As a perfectionist, you live in fear that you’re being judged or making a mistake. Remember: you are strong enough, capable enough, smart enough, and so much more. Honor the connection to your Divine Feminine and speak loving words to yourself in the mirror.


Your card: The Star

This card comes after destruction, representing revival, truth, and justice. The hard part is over–now you are healing. Take time for yourself to do things that bring you joy, peace, and love.


Your card: Ace of Pentacles

You are the embodiment of fierceness and transformation. With this card about new opportunities, honor yourself and your Divine Feminine by embracing your power and confidence.


Your card: Page of Pentacles

You have a natural curiosity, eagerness, and courage that allows you to take on new opportunities and challenges. Embrace your Divine Feminine by being proud of your free spirit, and continuing to embark on journeys that bring you joy.


Your card: Knight of Swords

If there’s one thing about you, it’s that you are incredibly ambitious and competitive and ready to take on the world. Continue to push through glass ceilings and go after the things you want–that’s how you can honor your Divine Feminine.


Your card: Seven of Swords

You are all about intelligence and making discoveries. You want to make changes for the better. If you want to honor your Divine Feminine, continue to educate yourself on the world and how we can all (especially women) find freedom.


Your card: Six of Cups

You are connected to your Divine Feminine more than most, so be proud of the compassionate, caring, sensitive individual you are. People wish they could feel the way you do.