How To Comfort Your Girlfriend During That Time Of The Month
Meruyert Gonullu

How To Comfort Your Girlfriend During That Time Of The Month

“First and foremost, ask her what she needs. There isn’t going to be a cookie cutter answer for every woman on the planet. Does she want more or less space/physical contact? Ask what snacks she likes (or pay attention to what she picks out herself) and have that on deck. Does she want more or less affirmation that you still find her attractive than on days when she doesn’t have her period or would she prefer you don’t comment on her physical appearance at all? It all comes down to honest communication.” — Hototomoki

“If she sends you to buy pads or tampons, make sure you get her the right ones. If you don’t know, find out which ones she prefers.” — coffeeblossom

“I got both of my exes one of those portable heating pads on Amazon. It heats and massages the area and they both gave rave reviews and said it was one of the best gifts they’ve ever gotten” — TypicalJeepDriver

“Bake brownies. Right from a box. It’s really easy, the directions are on the package. $5 and 15 minutes will make you look like a superhero.” — Living_Act2886

“Don’t make ‘Are you on your period?’ cracks, or use it to dismiss her. (Matter of fact, don’t do that any other time of the month, either.)” — coffeeblossom

“Make her feel like she’s still desirable and beautiful. She’s bloated, she’s tired, maybe her skin is (or has been) acting a fool, she’s in pain, she’s wearing sweatpants, she’s probably feeling kinda gross.” — coffeeblossom

“Grab her heating pad (if she has one that goes in the microwave, like a rice bag or a hot water bottle, offer to warm it up for her). Bonus points if it has a massage feature.” — coffeeblossom

“My lower back always really hurts and and the only thing that relieves it is counter pressure. My boyfriend will lay on the couch with me and put the bottoms of his feet against my lower back and lock his knees and I love him for it.” — jinside

“At first, I thought my girlfriend needed cuddles. What she actually needs is warmth, and she’s just been using me as a heat source like some kind of thermal vampire.” — pyr666

“In my experience they will either need to be alone, or want extra attention and comfort, depending on the woman. Find out which she likes or needs at the moment and do that. The best advice I’ve seen here is to ask, because not every woman is the same. I was with her girl who wanted basically sex and chocolate while on her period. All the feel good stuff. I’ve met others who just pushed through like nothing was happening to them (maybe it wasn’t that bad for them?). Above all, don’t do anything to piss her off.” — nryporter25

“Offer to get pads or tampons if you ran out. Some people like chocolate and heating pads. Others will try and work out. Just talk to your SO to find out what’s needed. Don’t be a dickhead that goes ugghhhhh grossssssss.” — Adhbimbo

“Don’t make too big a deal. Some don’t want the whole week to be about it. Don’t be weird about it. It is something that is happening but not something that defines us at that moment.” — karlienneke