Leeloo The First

How To Use Tarot to Open Up Your Mediumship Abilities

The Tarot is defined by Webster’s dictionary as a “set of usually 78 playing cards including 22 pictorial cards used for fortune telling.” Although that may be the surface level definition, the Tarot holds so much more than that. 

When utilized in a way that seeks to expand consciousness, the Tarot serves as a divination tool that can open up 4 core mediumship abilities:

  • Clairaudience: hearing Spirit through words and song. 
  • Clairvoyance: seeing Spirit through symbolism or direct vision (i.e. seeing a passed on loved one or an image of a lotus flower in your mind’s eye and immediately knowing you are going through transformation).
  • Clairsentience: feeling Spirit and the energy around you, most empaths resonate with this category.
  • Claircognizance: knowing Spirit, or a piece of information without ever having been told by an outside influence. 

There are many more than these, but typically, our ancestors and spirit guides like to start here when helping you expand your mediumship abilities. Chances are, you already have access to one of these. Now, through the use and study of Tarot, you’ll learn how to activate each a bit more intentionally. 

Each tarot deck when purchased is usually accompanied by a booklet that tells of the origins of each image as well as what it could potentially mean. However, one thing that many decks fail to express is that the meaning of each is up to its interpreter for ultimate divination. 

When you take a look at each tarot card, there are a variety of different factors to consider. 

In order to access the deeper parts of your mediumship, these are the 4 steps we recommend that you follow:

  1. Start With a Card a Day

Shuffling your tarot deck and asking for a message of the day will allow you to learn the core aspects of each card. As each message comes forward, in time, you will immediately know its fundamental meaning.  

To set the stage, let’s say you received the “Four of Swords” on a Monday morning. When looking at the definition of this card, there’s a chance that you may feel stuck on your journey or even trapped at your job. The core message here is Spirit’s acknowledgement of you feeling stuck. Where you can begin to activate your mediumship is to study the colors and numbers for a solution. Take in the image below before reading further.  

Tarot of the Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani 

Now, while the booklet may have told us the key theme here, as a becoming medium, we have to dive below the surface. 

  1. Study Numbers

The number on this card is four. Four is a number that represents stability and balance, like four pillars or legs that would hold up a table. Considering that the wolf is tied, one could say that Spirit is yielding you to understand that all 4 corners in the table of your life need to be present in order to call any movement forward and to help you get unstuck. 

Here is where we dive deeper into the work: what do you consider to be the four pillars of your life? Family, money, friendships, romantic love? Success, happiness, inner peace, or travel? This is for you to interpret and discover within. 

Ask yourself what four pillars matter to you and then identify, which pillar feels the most obstructed? Why is this so? 

Once you’ve identified that pillar, invoke your angels and ancestral team to communicate the answer to clearing this obstruction through one of the four clair’s listed above. The angels cannot assist us if we don’t know what we’re asking for. However, by diving into our unconscious to this degree, we can discover the road block and then, we can ask our spiritual team to step in and communicate the solution through our mediumship abilities. 

At first, it may seem like nothing is happening, but the key to accessing your inner medium is to remain open and trust the subtle promptings. 

After your morning meeting you may feel a call to listen to a certain song. Let’s say you listen and the song holds a clue, or key phrase that unlocks a realization within you. Follow through with the realization and it will lead you to your next step along your path. 

Or, you may get this sudden urge to go for a walk on your lunch break. You may see a dragonfly on that walk and decide to look up its spiritual meaning – only to discover that dragonflies speak to change and transformation. As in, change is coming! And your angels are working behind the scenes to help you move through.

You see where we’re going with this.

  1. Study Colors

The wolf in this four of swords is depicted in a dark blue, similar to the deep blue waters of an ocean. What deeper aspects of yourself need contact in order for you to gain further insight on your journey ahead? What lengths of your unconscious are you willing to swim to in order to receive the necessary information to move forward? What part of you is hidden that is holding you back from success along your path?

The wolf is tied in yellow; yellow is the color of the Solar Plexus Chakra. This energy center focuses on self belief and self confidence. 

In terms of the job or situation that you feel trapped in, what part of you doesn’t believe that it’s possible to obtain a new stream of income or way forward? Answer this in a journal prompting and your ancestors, spiritual guides, and surrounding loving entities will help you uncover this. 

Once you’ve identified the belief, ask your spiritual team to guide you through it and alchemize it into a belief that better serves you. This guidance may come through in the desire to listen to affirmations, or to read a certain book that works around confidence.

Remember, promptings from the angels are subtle, so be sure to follow through when you feel/see/hear the guidance. 

The wolf is also surrounded by a lighter blue and varying shades of red and black. Red speaks to the Root Chakra, an energy center that works with helping you feel stable, balanced, and safe in your reality, like the number 4 in “Four of Swords”. 

One could say that the angels are working to help you feel safe in your reality, they’ll just need you to dust off the parts of you that are focused on feeling stuck and shift into working to transform the energy. 

  1. Trust yourself 

When you look upon each image, you’ll want to ask yourself what each symbol means to you specifically. When I see a sword, there are many things that come to mind but primarily, a cutting (or desire of) ties and things that no longer serve the individual. As you trust yourself to interpret what the image means to you personally, you are in a better position to interpret for yourself and the situation you are inquiring about. 

Now, keep in mind this is only one interpretation of the 4 of swords, and one particular circumstance that it speaks to. Simultaneously, in studying the themes of each card, you have an opportunity to expand upon that definition through research, writing, and color and number interpretation. This work will help you to not only uncover the answer to your problems yourself, but connect to the entities that surround you at present. 

Integrating these steps will allow you to greater access to the divine. Through the use of imagery, numerology, color therapy, and much more, seeing synchronicities and receiving soul promptings will become much more exciting. 

Our ancestral team tends to speak to us in code in the earth plane. So next time you see a sign or symbol ask yourself, what are my ancestors trying to tell me? And as you interpret and integrate their advice, the window between one omen to the next will grow shorter and shorter, your trust in yourself much larger.

The most vital aspect in uncovering your mediumship abilities is beginning to trust yourself. Each time you interpret a symbol or sign from the universe and follow through with that guidance, you’re communicating to your spiritual team that you are ready for more. That you are ready to hear, see, know, and feel things more strongly. 

And your ability to activate your spiritual gifts: whether it is clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairsentience, claircognizance or any other, will become much greater and much easier.

Know this: you come from a long line of divinators, your vessel is no different. Believe in yourself to receive the guidance and we can assure you: magical transformation will unfold ahead.