Humans With Toxic Hearts Will Never Love You Right
Toxic humans will never love you right. It doesn’t matter how much they claim to care about you because they will always put themselves first. They won’t stop to think about how their behavior impacts you because they only care about themselves. They only want what is best for them instead of thinking about what is best for you both as a team. A healthy relationship requires you to think of each other as teammates, to remember that you’re in this together, but a toxic human is only out for themselves. They will throw you to the wolves if it means making life easier for themselves because at the end of the day the only person they love is themselves.
Toxic humans aren’t going to show up when you need them the most. They are going to pick and choose when to pay attention to you based on how convenient it is for them. If what you’re asking for isn’t that big of a deal (or if they need brownie points to convince you to do something for them sometime soon), then they will be happy to help. But if whatever you need makes life more difficult for them, they aren’t going to bother. They aren’t going to stick out their neck for you, even though they know you will do the same for them. Your relationship will always feel one-sided because you’re going to be doing more. You’re going to be putting in effort to keep things strong while they let the relationship rot and wither.
Toxic humans are never going to give you what you need. They might say the right things – but they are going to fall short when it’s time to take action. They are going to break promises. They are going to disappoint you. They are going to fall short of your expectations time and time again. And they are always going to have an excuse about why things didn’t work out the way you wanted. They will blame someone else for their shortsightedness, or they will blame you for asking for too much when they already do so much for you. They might even apologize to soften you up in the moment, but that apology won’t be authentic. It won’t lead to changed behavior. It’s only a tactic to make you forgive them so they can do the same exact thing again and again.
Toxic humans are never going to give you what you deserve because that would require too much work on their end. When you’re with them, you’re settling. You’re doing yourself a disservice. You can’t keep telling yourself that the good times are worth the awful times because a healthy relationship doesn’t have this many horrible moments. A healthy relationship makes you feel better about yourself, makes you feel safe and secure, and makes you look forward to what the future has to bring. So if your person is only bringing you down, it’s time to say goodbye. Because you deserve so much more than their toxic heart.