I Hope You Choose To Give Your Fears To God
As each of us grows in age and stature, it is inevitable that we will endure hardships and pain. When God created the Earth, he said in his word that in this life we would have trouble. ‘John 16:33’: “We either cast our cares on the Lord or we carry them around causing dis-ease all around and within us.” In biblical terms, we either cast them in the Dead Sea or the Sea of Galilee.
According to the biblical narrative, the Dead Sea region was once vibrant and filled with life. It was only after God rained down fire and brimstone on the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah did the area become a wasteland and the sea became a hyper saline salt lake, filling the sea with tar, gunk, and death. The Sea of Galilee is known to Christians because it was the scene for many episodes in the life of Christ the King, including his Sermon on the Mount, at which he gave the blessings of the Beatitudes and first taught the Lord’s Prayer.
The question I want to ask you is: What do you see? When problems surface in your life, do you see the glass as half empty or half full? Are you casting your cares into the Sea of Galilee, the sea of good and plenty where things grow, or are you stuck in the Dead Sea with fear? Nothing ever grows in the Dead Sea, you know.
Even though fears arise in all of our lives, God gives us choices and free will to endure and overcome or be defeated. That’s the thing about God, he is always going to be a gentleman and is never going to force us to do something. I have found that in my personal life, when I find myself getting fearful, loathing over the past, lacking understanding, or struggling with unbelief, I turn to the glass as half full. Over years of having trials, you become stronger and are able to build up this healthy perspective time after time.
Even though I’ve never seen it, I am most certainly hanging out at the Sea of Galilee, sun kissed with a good book and Sangria in tow. I hope you will join me!