If He’s Not Willing To Do These 3 Things, You’re Better Off Single
Some relationships are just not meant to be. If he’s not willing to do these three things for you and the relationship, then you’re better off being single —
Communicate with you.
Communication is the absolute bare minimum in a relationship. It’s more than just being able to hold a conversation, it’s about being compassionate, honest, respectful, and a good listener.
This goes for arguments, too. Fights are inevitable and normal in a relationship. When they happen, your partner should communicate effectively, not ignore the issues, consider some conflict resolutions, and be willing to compromise.
If you’ve expressed your concerns to your partner about how you want him to communicate better or differently and he hasn’t made the effort to change, then maybe you should reconsider the relationship and let him go.
Respect you.
Every relationship should have a foundation of trust and respect. While trust is something that is built over time through honesty and reliability, respect is something that should be established early on in the relationship. Your partner should respect you as a person and a partner.
If he values you, he will be loyal and will keep his promises. If he respects you, he will be compassionate and understanding of your needs and desires in the relationship. If he values you, he will make you feel secure and confident in the relationship.
If you’ve expressed your concerns and needs to him and you still feel as if you can’t trust him or that you still feel disrespected, then maybe it’s time to let him go. You’re better off being single.
Commit to you.
If he is investing time and energy into other people and wants multiple no-strings-attached relationships and you don’t, then you are not meant to be with him. If he says he wants to be in a committed relationship with you but doesn’t act like it, then you are not meant to be with him. If he is prioritizing other things over your relationship, then you are not meant to be with him. If you feel as if the relationship is a bit one-sided or unsatisfying, then you are not meant to be with him.
If he is unwilling to be in a committed relationship with you, then you are better off single.