They’re Forever Material If They Still Do These 7 Things After A Year-Plus Of Dating
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If They Still Do These 7 Things After A Year-Plus Of Dating, They’re Forever Material

It’s hard to tell whether someone is right for you early on in the relationship when you’re both on your best behavior. But as the relationship continues on, their true colors should come out. You should be able to tell whether the promises they’ve made in the past were serious or whether they were only pretending to be the person that you wanted in the beginning. If your person does the following things after a year or more of dating, then they’re forever material: 

They still make an active effort to make you smile.

They aren’t taking and taking without giving anything in return. They aren’t getting lazy about how much effort they put in now that they feel like you aren’t going anywhere, either. They are still trying their hardest to be the best partner possible. They genuinely care about your happiness and your well-being. 

They still show appreciation for everything that you do.

They never make you feel like your hard work is being ignored, and they never take your love for granted. Even though you’ve been together a while, they haven’t stopped saying thank you and making sure you realize how much you mean to them. It’s clear that they recognize how much you do every single day and are thankful for it.

They still make an effort to include you in their plans.

You don’t need to be attached at the hip twenty-four hours a day — but you shouldn’t be living completely separate lives either. Your person should include you in group outings with friends and family dinners. They should make sure you feel like their family is your family. Like you are always welcome.

They still make an effort to support you.

Your person should be encouraging you to chase after what you want, not giving you excuses to give up. They should be your biggest supporter, the person who believes in you even when you have trouble believing in yourself. They should never convince you to miss out on an opportunity that could be huge for you.

They still aren’t letting their eyes wander.

They never make you feel bad about yourself. They never make you wonder whether they regret committing to you and would rather be single again. You’re sure that you’re the only one they want, and that they are happy with their choice to be with you and only you.

They still communicate and keep you in the loop.

They still tell you all their secrets. They still have long, thoughtful conversations with you. You haven’t grown tired of each other. You haven’t stopped confiding in each other. You’re still able to talk for hours and hours, and never run out of things to say.

They still vocalize how much they love you.

Even though you already know how they feel, they still say the words out loud frequently. They never make you wonder whether they’re bored of the relationship because they’re constantly reminding you how much they love you and how lucky they feel to be your partner.