If You Find A Man With These 5 Green Flags, Marry Him

You know how thoughts swirl around in your head, like a tornado of emotion, every time you meet someone new? You can’t help but wonder, “Is he the one?” Sometimes, you stumble upon a rare gem – a man who makes your heart beat faster and your soul sigh with relief. You just know he’s worth keeping. Here’s how.

He listens. Like, really listens. Not the kind where his eyes are glued to his phone while you’re sharing the depths of your soul. No, love. We’re talking about the kind of listening that involves eye contact and thoughtful responses. The kind where he remembers the little things you said three Tuesdays ago, because your words matter to him. When you find a man who treasures your words like rare gems, you should know you’re always on his mind.

He encourages you to grow. Maybe it’s your career, or your weird obsession with bonsai trees, or your dream of backpacking through Thailand. He’s there, pushing you gently towards your dreams, his eyes lighting up at your successes. Is he the first one clapping when you succeed, and the soft hand that dusts you off when you stumble? Most importantly, when you’re veering off course, does he steer you right—not with harsh words, but with kind, constructive criticism? A man who gets that your individuality isn’t a threat but rather what makes you, well, you, is a man worth keeping.

He’s kind no matter what. During the good, bad, and downright ugly times in your life. Let’s face it, everyone gets angry. It’s how he behaves in those moments that really counts. Does he throw tantrums and harsh words? Or does he take a breath, compose himself, and discuss things calmly? Love is messy, complicated, full of ups and downs, but a man who stands by you in your worst, who understands that mood swings and bad days are part of the human package. A man who respects you, even in the heat of the moment, is rare and precious.

He’s emotionally available and understands your feelings. This is a man who’s not afraid to dive deep into the ocean of feelings, to navigate the whirlpool of emotions with you. A man who, when you’re feeling down, doesn’t just offer a “there, there” but sits with you in your struggle, acknowledges your pain, and helps you find a way through. You see, it’s easy to be around during the good times – the laughs, the victories, the highs. But what about the lows? This man, he’s there. Not just physically, but emotionally. He’s present, he’s supportive, and he’s not scared to show his vulnerability either. He knows feelings aren’t a sign of weakness, but of strength.

He loves you just as you are. Not the filtered, Instagram-perfect version of you, but the real, raw, messy you. He sees the you who gets anxiety over big decisions. The you who gets grumpy without your morning coffee. The you who still sleeps with a teddy bear or who dances around the house in your pajamas. The you with scars, with fears, with dreams. The you who’s been through hell and back and still has the strength to smile. The you who’s perfectly imperfect. He thrives in moments when you let your guard down. When you laugh so hard that you snort, or when you cry at commercials because the puppy was just too darn cute to not have a home (or $5 to donate monthly)? He doesn’t roll his eyes or tell you to pull yourself together. Your vulnerability, your raw emotions, they’re not a turn-off to him. They’re what make you human. They’re what make you, you. And he loves that.