If You’re Looking For A Serious Relationship, Avoid Dating Men With These 15 Jobs
According to Ask Reddit, if you’re searching for a serious relationship, you might want to avoid dating men who work these jobs:
“Anyone who works on a cruise ship. Everyone acts single the moment they leave shore. Also STDs galore.” — SadGatorNoises
“I wouldn’t marry an influencer because I don’t like filming and posting everything that goes on in our/my life. I like to be by myself with my family.” — Rooseegirl
“Comedian… I dated one but ended it pretty quickly. I did not want to end up being part of his set.” — VEW1
“Those intense business guys, playing golf with the other business douches and talking about mergers and paying their employees as little as they can possibly get away with doing. To me you have to have a specific personality type to thrive in the world of business and it’s not conducive to a loving relationship.” — New-York-Mouse
“An actor. I always wonder if their spouses ever consider ‘romantic’ scenes as them being unfaithful? Because let’s face it, the casting people look for chemistry between actors to make scenes more believable. Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt got together during Mr. & Mrs. Smith, the chemistry was explosive!” — UbiSubject17
“Dating one right now, but if this doesn’t work out, in the future I’m going to avoid musicians. The schedule is really difficult to work around and I like to sleep at reasonable hours.” — Quirky_Wrongdoer_872
“Realtor. They are ALWAYS working. And weekends are peak time.” — 2Loves2loves
“I’ve dated lawyers. To some, everything is an argument. At one point it was a red flag for me.” — IvoShandor
“Corrections officer. They are surrounded by the worst of humanity and it colors the rest of their perception of the world.” – JustinChristoph
“DO NOT marry a coroner or a forensic medical examiner. You will stay forever thin from the lack of appetite after endless stories of ‘what I saw at work today…'”” — Fritzo2162
“A doctor, the money would be nice but I would like to actually spend time with them.” — Solid_Internal_9079
“Perpetual Student. Y’know, the guy who wants to go back and get another PhD — and expects you to support him during that time.” — DeeDee_Z
“A medical doctor, surgeon, or anesthesiologist. Every MD I’ve known is incredibly driven, intelligent, and unavailable. They also have enough self-confidence for a dozen people each, sometimes bordering on arrogance. I work at a hospital and am fortunate to work with doctors and surgeons who are very good, kind, awesome people as well, but they are some of the busiest people on the planet. If you want to be with them, they can’t simply drop everything at work just to have a date or some quality time with you. There’s a reason why so many doctors marry other doctors: during their 20s and 30s, when most of us would be finding partners and settling down, they’re still in the most intensive part of their education. Residents and fellows literally have no life but school and training. And it’s a rare thing to find someone who really understands this and could have a happy life with them, except for other trainees, other doctors. If you are a highly independent person who doesn’t need your partner around all the time, then a relationship with a doc can work just fine. I am not that person. I wouldn’t be happy with an MD.” — AnneBoleynsBarber
“Engineer. I am an engineer, and I want someone that does something that I can admire without necessarily relating to it.” — Skiddds
“A teacher. Sure, the salary, benefits, and retirement plan are really quite excellent, and they’d only work about 190 days per year, but the work/life balance is a mess. Even when they’re not at work, they’re still ‘at work’ whether planning, marking, or simply thinking about work and what to do next. They’re perpetually sick and exhausted, and every year are asked to do more with less. No thanks. Source: I am a teacher.” — krs4