If You’re Looking For A Sign, This Is Not It
If you’re looking for a sign that you should give up on fighting for every part of your life, this is not it. If you’re looking for a sign that you’re not good enough, that everyone else is more qualified, skilled and capable than you, so that must be an indicator that you should quit, this is not your sign. If you’re looking for a sign to predict future failure with hopes of escaping before you even start, this is not your sign.
This isn’t your sign to give up on love. Just because you’ve had failed relationships and unrequited attachments doesn’t mean it’s the end of the road for you. You do not need a sign to look closely at your life and examine the details. You do not need a sign before you take responsibility for your healing. You do not need a sign to tell you that you cannot escape into another person hoping that they will change your life.
You do not need a sign to collapse on your knees and break down. You do not need a sign to release. You do not need a sign to gather the remnants of yourself that you’ve given to others only to have them thrown out as scraps. You do not need a sign to pick up these pieces and weave them into something new. You do not need a sign to open your heart again. You do not need any more performance indicators that you are capable enough to survive the outcome. Right now, right here, every breath you take is all the evidence that you need. You do not need a sign.
If you are looking for a sign that you should continue to torture yourself for the things you did not know and lessons you learned along the way, this is not it. If you’re looking for praise in your suffering to use as fuel for your motivation. Know that this will not sustain you in the long run. And if you are looking for a sign to hold back, this is not it.
In your search for a sign, please remember to start living. Please remember to move forward and figure things out along the way. Please remember that it’s the momentum that brings results. Please remember that you are constantly evolving. Moving. Molding. Shifting, breaking, exploring, releasing, and expanding. If you’re looking for a sign to doubt your worth, significance, or purpose in this life, this is not your sign.