Jayson Hinrichsen

3 Zodiacs That Ought To Be More Patient


With your love of adventure and spontaneity, you rarely have any patience. Whether you’re waiting for the work day to end or getting ready to start your next adventure, you just can’t wait to jump right into the next thing on your schedule. You might even be guilty of planning your next vacation while you’re still on one. Your sign always needs to have something fun to look forward to, which can make you feel impatient no matter what you’re doing. But since you’re always looking ahead, try to appreciate the fact that you have so many new things to look forward to. Your sign will always be partaking in a new experience soon enough, and sometimes the wait to do something special makes it even more worthwhile.


You have to keep yourself busy to stay entertained, Gemini. When you stick with something for too long, it loses its shine – you always want a new passion, hobby, interest, and professional project to keep your mind active. This makes you highly impatient – when you’re done with something, you’re totally done. You want to move on right away, and hate having to stick with things for longer than your mind wants to. You often lose motivation too, which only makes you less patient. Though this generally gives you an interesting personal and social life, it can cause problems when it comes to your career. The best thing you can do for yourself is to keep your interests varied and unique outside of work so that you can focus in on long-term professional projects when you need to. 


Your competitive nature and spontaneous personality both mean that patience is not always your best friend, Aries. Though you’re highly dedicated toward your goals and usually don’t mind pursuing one thing for a long time if it means success, you can still struggle with being patient at times. You always want to achieve the next biggest or best thing, and you’re always chasing new successes. You don’t wait to celebrate one achievement before immediately planning another one, and the time between making goals and achieving them seems to stretch far too long for your liking. You’re always on the move and have endless energy, so any time spent not doing a million things at once (successfully, to boot) feels like time wasted. But you should get used to relaxing every once in a while and celebrating your achievements when you can. This can help you understand how far you’ve already come, re-motivating you towards your current goals and helping you be a little more patient with yourself at times.