It’s Not A Fluke, These 4 Zodiacs Are On A Good Luck Streak This Month
You’re no stranger to feeling yourself, Taurus, but that inkling you’ve had every time you look in the mirror this month has some truth behind it. Your hair is shinier, your skin is clearer, and your smile is brighter than ever before. Some might call it a glow-up, or peaking, but the point is every external sign is pointing towards signs not that the best is yet to come, but it’s arrived and not planning to leave any time soon. While others around you are focused on rebranding, rebooting, reimagining, rebuilding, and any other term that reeks too strongly of PR spin, you are simply in high demand as you are. No scams, no schemes, no shadiness. You deserve the rave reviews, look even better in person, and are worth every penny. All that’s left is for you to ride this wave of good fortune into the sunset.
Your anxiety is through the. roof this month, Gemini, and everyone knows it. You’ve been skating by in every area of your life, dodging near miss after near miss, and your poor heart can’t even take it. The close calls are grating on your nerves and you’re not sure how much more you can take before a breakdown is imminent. For once in your life you need to find the sweet spot between two extremes. It’s not the time to do anything reckless, but neither is it appropriate to dig a doomsday bunker and start canning all your food. You just need to take a deep breath and try to chill. Brush your teeth, but maybe grab a scratch-off just in case. You can’t let a series of adrenaline-inducing coincidences cause you to spiral out of control. Release your gratitude out into the universe, and then keep calm and carry on.
You did it, again, Virgo. You came out on top, you beat out the competition, and it’s your turn to gloat. Even though you trend towards achievement, because validation is just as necessary as caffeine in your world, you’re not used to receiving this much as once. It can feel like a fluke, feel a little premature, or undeserved at this moment, but you’ve just got to try and run with it without letting it get to your head. Just like those times when you order a four-shot latte and then have to try and mask the espresso buzz in public. Take a moment to recognize that this high, just like any other is temporary. The sooner you stop trying to replicate it and turn your focus to the sturdier satisfactions that come from your day-to-day accomplishments, the ones that come with much less fanfare, the sooner you’ll be able to level out again.
Your good luck streak isn’t magic, or fate, or accident, Capricorn, it’s the result of your hard work finally being recognized. It may feel like the raise, the promotion, the added responsibility is just pouring in out of nowhere, but after further reflection, you’ll come to the conclusion that this was all a long time overdue. You’ve just been stuck in a rut for so long you let others convince you you didn’t deserve it, weren’t ready for it, didn’t have what it takes to cut it at that higher level. Let this good luck be a reminder to reach beyond what you think is realistic or attainable. If you couldn’t see yourself where you are today, just imagine where else you’ll be able to go if you give yourself permission to try.