Late Bloomers Share What Surprised Them The Most About Finally Dating Someone
Nil Alves

Late Bloomers Share What Surprised Them The Most About Finally Dating Someone

“How much joy/pleasure I get out of doing something nice for my chick. My parents used to always say they got more happiness out of getting me and my brother gifts than receiving them themselves and I never understood that. Now I totally get it and doing/getting things for my chick gets me so hard.” — dudeman_chino

“Definitely how much time I was expected to spend with them and how much contact and communication was required. It was like I was so used to doing my own thing and being an adult and doing it on my own and it wasn’t a big deal with friends to not see each other every day or only talk a few times a week–romantic relationships, though? Totally different. It’s like if I wasn’t seeing them every day or talking to them every day, several times a day, I was ‘pulling away’ or ‘getting distant’. I had no fucking clue how smothering all of it would feel.” — LemonFake

“How good it feels to be touched. Not just sexually, but have someone connect with you, feel their warmth, the smell of their hair, grip your hands.” — vincentninja68

“How difficult it can be to share a bed. Didn’t share a bed with anyone until I was 24. I spent way too much time being spoiled with a full all to myself. Now my fiance and I have a queen and she spends most of the night jamming an elbow into my kidney because I’m pushing her off the bed.” — Infielder

“How pressing going to social events (gatherings) with your SO can be. Honestly it’s like we have to go here and a wedding there and meet my parents for dinner. Sometimes I just wanna stay home fart and play video games.” — CarneAsadaSteve

“Had my first (and current) relationship in my late 20s. What surprised me is that I could be myself around her. With other girls, I tried (and failed) to be something I’m not just to have a chance, but with her, I can be myself and she loves me for it.” — LupusLycas

“How much you second guess yourself. I was 25 when I started my first real romantic relationship, and yes, I was a virgin up until that point. My then SO was much more experienced than I. It surprised me how much it bothered me. It wasn’t even a logical thing. Even when you know the person loves you, accepts you, and finds you attractive and awesome you second guess yourself and compare yourself to the people they’ve been with.” — [deleted]

“How nice kissing is. I never really saw the point in it. Sure, what it represents is nice, but I didn’t see anything in the act itself. Then I actually had a kiss, in Central Park in the fall when I was 27, and it felt so nice it surprised me. We weren’t exactly tongue-wrestling on our first kiss, but just the warmth and softness and sharing breath and the sensuality of touching another person’s sensitive lips with my own, was thrilling.” — hobbified

“That sex and love are two separate things.” — [deleted]