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Look Out For These 5 Things During 2023’s Mercury Retrograde In Taurus

Le sigh. Starting on April 21st, 2023, Mercury will begin another retrograde, lasting until May 14th, 2023. Here’s everything you need to expect during this round of Mercury tomfoolery.

Wait, What Is Mercury Retrograde Again?

Before diving into the nitty gritty of this particular Mercury retrograde, it is important to give a quick breakdown for our astro bbs who maybe aren’t entirely sure of what Mercury retrograde actually is.

In simple terms, Mercury retrograde is when the planet appears as though it stops, switches directions, and then moves backward through its orbit. The key thing to note here is that Mercury isn’t actually putting its thang down, flipping and reversing it. Mercury retrograde is actually just an optical illusion.

Nonetheless, during Mercury retrograde, shit is expected to go haywire in v real ways. Think travel delays, technology issues, and miscommunications galore. This is because Mercury is traditionally the planet of communication, transportation, memory, and intellect. (Mercury also influences technology given our modern times.)

While these annoyances are the general themes of Mercury retrograde, each time the planet retrogrades, there are different types of f*ckery to expect, depending on what sign the retrograde is in. And this time, Mercury will retrograde in Taurus.

What To Expect During Mercury Retrograde In Taurus 2023

As a reminder, Taurus is the sign of the bull. A fixed earth sign, Taurus is associated with the material (i.e. money, food, personal items, etc.) Taurus is also all about beauty, steadiness, and practicality.

All of that said, here’s what to expect during this three-week span of Mercury retrograde in Taurus:

1. Financial stress

Again, because Taurus is associated with the material world which includes finances, there may be some additional stress with money during this specific Mercury retrograde. Your budget may feel extra strained or perhaps there will be an unexpected expense or maybe you’ll lose your debit card. Time will tell!

2. An identity crisis

During Mercury retrograde in Taurus, you could start questioning yourself and who you want to be. Remember, Taurus is a sign associated with security and having a stable sense of self is part of that. And because Mercury is in retrograde, your self perception may become a little…wonky to say the least. You may begin to feel unmoored and uncertain in who you are and what you stand for.

3. Misunderstandings

These misunderstandings will often be due to the rigidness of ourselves or others (or both). Fights are going to happen and disagreements are going to fester. Conclusions are going to be jumped to before all the information is available. You know, just classic Mercury retrograde things.

4. Travel delays

Ah, yes, the Mercury retrograde special! Getting anywhere is going to take longer than you think during this time. For example, traffic is going to be annoying AF during your commute or there may be long lines at the airport when you were already running late as is. During this time, always leave earlier than you planned to in order to offset the hold ups. You’ll thank me later.

5. Technology issues

Oh, you wanted to check your email? Haha, your password needs to be reset first! But wait, why won’t it let you use your new credentials? Gotta email IT! But…you can’t login to your email? Ok.

You get the picture. Tech is going to be more frustrating than it already is. Buckle up (and make sure to write down any new passwords).

Well, there you have it. May the odds ever be in our favors or whatever.