Maybe You’re Still Waiting Because Not Everyone Has The Eyes To See You
I know it feels like an eternity. It’s as if you’re floating in an abyss of despair. You keep asking, “When will it be my turn?” “Isn’t what I’ve been through enough already?” I’m sure you’re fed up with hearing that you need to hang on. I understand that you’re sick of waiting. But maybe you’re still waiting because not everyone has the eyes to see you.
Please know that you haven’t been abandoned. You haven’t been forgotten. You aren’t unworthy. You’re not rejected. You’re being protected because you’ve been looking for love in all the wrong places. You don’t need to be with someone who refuses to learn how to handle your heart. You don’t need to be with someone who refuses to participate in their healing. You don’t need to be in a one-sided relationship.
You’re a breath of fresh air to those around you. Some people are drawn to you simply because of your light. However, they have no intention of caring for you. They’re interested in seeing how far they can break you down. The fact that you thrive despite obstacles makes their skin crawl. They’re supposed to be your partner, but they drag you down every chance they get. They loathe you, yet want to be with you. You see, it was never about having you. It was always about keeping you hidden from everyone else.
People who aren’t meant for you will never truly see you, nor do they want to. Make no mistake, they’re well aware that you have a unique way of igniting this world. They simply don’t care about the details. They care that you make them feel good for long enough.
Because you like to see the best in others, you become entangled with people who aren’t on your path. Sometimes you mistake these desires as evidence that you should be in a relationship. Most often, this isn’t true.
After everything you’ve gone through, I hope you see the blessing of being overlooked by all the wrong people. I hope you see the benefit of failed relationships. I know you’re wondering if there’s anyone left for you. And even if there is, could you ever trust again? Could you give your heart over the same way?
Your story is not over. But please know that your heart is unlike any other. And maybe that’s why you’re here: to thrive in a world where it isn’t always comfortable to love. You’ve had some trial and error with your heart. But you’ve also had beautiful moments where your soul bursts with warmth, meeting people, hearing their stories and creating intimate connections.
Those who can see you recognize you in an instant. You finish each other’s words. You have a sense of calm, ease, and satisfaction.
You are rare. You aren’t supposed to be in the hands of just anyone. It’s time to stop entertaining the lowest bidder. It’s time to stop depriving yourself of all that you are. You see, not everyone has the eyes to see you. Open your eyes to those that do. Most importantly, open your eyes with compassion to yourself.