Men, Women Are Begging You To Do These 16 Basic Things In Relationships
Jessica Hearn

Men, Women Are Begging You To Do These 16 Basic Things In Relationships

“I think a huge one is the guy putting more consideration into things. My husband is wonderful, but I wish he (and every guy I had dated before him) thought through things a bit more. It’s exhausting to be the one who always has to make the plans and make chore lists and think ahead more than two hours. Life just seems to happen for him and it would be so much nicer if I didn’t have to shoulder the majority of the burden.” — i_am_regina_phalange

“Tell me that you have reached home safely. Tell me that you will be spending the weekend with your boys in advance. I need peace of mind knowing you are safe and sound. So I can sleep happily knowing that you’re having fun. So I don’t have to wonder where you are, who are you with. I deserve that peace of mind as much as you deserve your me-time with your other important humans.” — Cardasiti

“This goes for both sexes but it’s crucial that they know what they want. So maybe that’s a pre-dating thing but when I’m ready to date again, I will never again entertain a man who doesn’t know if they want a relationship or not.” — skyandsunshine123

“Be considerate and helpful, but don’t override my agency when I want to do something myself. I could be alone in this, but to me there’s a difference between being helpful and doing everything for me.” — sunsoutbunzout

“I really love romantic words. Like the cheesy stuff. So sometimes I wish guys would say more romantic things or just verbally express how they feel about you/how they appreciate you/how good you look. I don’t know if this is an all women thing but words are definitely my love language.” — [deleted]

“Put in effort. Maybe it’s the guys I tend to date but they seem to believe that relationships are about being happy and having a good time. As soon as they are required to put in effort it’s like ‘woah I have to do so much I’m trying really hard’. Like, dude seriously? Did no one tell you that relationships take effort and work and compromise and doing things you are uncomfortable with so you can grow as a person, with another person? I wish men would understand that relationships are about doing the work.” — p_tuvstarr

“Don’t expect anything after the first date. It’s like they expect a relationship or to fuck after one date and if you don’t reciprocate you wasted his time. A lot of men are this way but not all.” — udidntfollowproto

“Genuinely listen and do your best to remember what we’ve said. So often women are ignored or undermined and it hurts when someone that we feel a connection to does it. Having to repeat things can make us feel like what we have to say isn’t important to you. (‘I didn’t want salmon! I said it four times!’)” — sunsoutbunzout

“Be honest, be a straight shooter, be blunt and direct. If you want something, say so. Don’t be wishy washy, don’t bullshit, don’t lie.” — [deleted]

“In new relationships… I wish men were more straightforward and less elusive. They love to keep things vague when they don’t actually want to date you but they kind of want to keep you on the bench. I’ve faced a lot of rejection (of all kinds 😂) in dating, but it’s just a hell of a lot easier when somebody just tells you directly they’re not feeling it as opposed to just fucking with your head or doing a slow fade and then popping back up.” — smith_hannah

“Don’t mansplain. Don’t interrupt to tell me what I am trying trying to say and offer your own opinion. Better yet, don’t interrupt me at all if I’m talking.” — imoitis

“Listen and let me vent. I don’t always need advice – it’s actually very rare that I do. I know what I need to do/will do. I just need you to lend an ear and be of support. That’s all.” — pourmeoneplz

“If we’re sleeping together, please make noise. Moan, groan, whimper, grunt, do something. Don’t just sit there watching me go to town.”– ArchiveSQ

“Talk through their feelings. I just want my guy to know that I’m not there to judge them I want to help support them through whatever it is they’re feeling. I want someone who can be 100% honest and open to me. I want them to feel comfortable.” — LeDerkenPail

“Ask questions- about my interests or my childhood, family, etc. It makes me feel really loved when a partner shows interest in my life rather than just nodding when I’m sharing things about my day or my life. Also, planning things in advance like a trip or just a fun outing. I like when a man takes the initiative to do that. Spontaneity is good too though so even just calling me up to suggest a fun idea. I just like when men have fun ideas and plans I guess!” — deetdoots92

“Cut themselves some slack. Online dating sucks. It’s not a reflection of your worth as a person. Being an adult is hard, and we’re all dealing with lots of expectations that people try to push on us. Everyone is dealing with their own shit – a rejection doesn’t mean you’re not amazing. I think there’s a lot of empowerment advice and content for women in the dating world, which is great. But I wish men felt more romantically/emotionally empowered and hyped up too.” — all_thehotdogs