Mercury Retrograde In Sagittarius Challenges 3 Zodiacs Blind Faith (11/25)
Mercury retrograde season is upon us. From November 25 to December 15, 2024, the planet of communication begins its trek backward. This Mercury retrograde occurs in the realm of Sagittarius, challenging our beliefs.
Three zodiac signs will have their blind faith and assumptions about life put to the test. Are you one of them? Read on for your zodiac or sun sign. You may check your Sun, Moon, and Rising signs if you know them!
With Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius impacting Gemini’s relationships, things get interesting. This zodiac sign can no longer ignore the call coming from within. What needs to be addressed in their social life? What feels off in their partnerships? It’s time to hit the rewind button. They must return to the time in their mind when they started repressing problems rather than facing them head-on.
There’s excitement around the corner for Gemini after they take introspection seriously. By reframing their perspective, they take blind faith and transmute it to grounded knowledge. There’s no need to decide about love from a place of toxic positivity. You can have concerns, hurt feelings, or take your time processing.
With Mercury retrograde occurring in their sign, naturally, Sagittarius finds this time impactful. This zodiac will be pushed to navigate autonomy, resilience, and self-awareness themes. They’ve likely repressed parts of their identity or needs to fit in or cope with the moment’s challenges. However, this approach has become more harmful than helpful.
During this retrograde, Sagittarius will be challenged to put themselves back at the center of their decisions. Mindset shifts are required to make choices that reflect their potential. Self-love is more than a feeling; it is an act of acceptance, with our flaws and all. This introspective era will welcome Sagittarius to be reborn by the end, more confident and sturdy in their being.
Capricorn will notice themselves retreating within during Sagittarius Mercury retrograde. The planet of communication treks backward in their subconscious sector, where rationale matters lose meaning. The more abstract and emotional the thought, the better. Capricorn must feel it all and reconnect with their inner knowing, disregarding materialistic aims or worldly distractions.
By the end of Mercury retrograde, this zodiac will have officially let go of the emotional baggage holding them down unconsciously. The past will be revisited. It’s time to rewrite your story and reclaim your power, Capricorn.