People Who Never Dated In High School Reveal Whether They Feel Like They Missed Out
Jonathan Meza

People Who Never Dated In High School Reveal Whether They Feel Like They Missed Out

“Yes, even in high school I feel that experiencing a real relationship that you are invested in can be a major catalyst for personal growth in general. A lot of people like myself who don’t date in high school or even college and end up fine though. I guess it’s also a thing where I wish I could have had those adolescent experiences/memories with someone I was really close to.” — Breadstix01

“Absolutely not. Getting attached to someone during that time would have only made it more difficult to leave that horrible town in my rearview mirror forever.” — risenphoenixkai

“No, not at all. Maybe I feel like I missed out on the innocence of a teen romance? But nothing significant, anyway. I’ve always been a late bloomer in life. And I think I’m ultimately all the better for it.” — GothamRoyale

“No. I was able to focus on school and sports. High school was one of the best times of my life and I still look back on it fondly. Never went to a dance or prom. I wouldn’t change it.” — teclado_sw

“I was too shy to date in high school and I had a lot of responsibility at home with my mom being sick and my dad out of town 50% of the time. I used to feel behind and hated that I didn’t date until I was bit older, but now I’m glad I didn’t. I have always been very emotional. I feel like I would have gotten my heartbroken and been very immature about it. I wasn’t ready. I had plenty of dating experiences in my early to mid-twenties so I more than made up for my lack of dating/relationships in high school.” — substantialabsurdity

“Yes. Most women aren’t interested in guys with no experience. We are playing catch-up.” — bootyhunter69420

“No. I knew plenty of people who dated and cheated a lot on other people in high school. It sounds like more trouble than it is worth.” — skirtskirtouttie

“Yes, I missed out on experiencing how to talk to women. I had nowhere to learn, so I know nothing of flirting or how to have a conversation that isn’t me just treating them like ‘one of the guys.’ Of course, girls asking me out as pranks when I was in school didn’t help me learn anything positive either. Thus, forever alone.” — shaolin_tech

“Knowing what I know now? Absolutely not. At the time? Yes, I wished I had been in the dating pool more but I classified myself as awkward and unapproachable and that’s why people didn’t date me.” — gnarcolepsy_

“I’m a natural introvert so things like dating were always seen as a bonus rather than a goal. Basically no regrets.” — wave_327

“Not really. I didn’t date in high school because I was not really popular. I guess what I missed out on more in high school was being part of a social group. Made it back and then some in college so I think all is well.” — CronkleDonker

“I regret nothing about high school, including not dating. High schoolers are miserable. I was miserable, so was everyone else. Can’t say I missed anything in high school, honestly. Just something to be endured until the better part of life comes around.” — smorkoid