Relationship Advice To Remember During The Second Half Of 2023
Jayson Hinrichsen

Relationship Advice To Remember During The Second Half Of 2023

It doesn’t matter how the first half of your year has gone, because you can still make the second half fantastic. In order to make sure you keep your relationships healthy, here are a few pieces of advice you should try to remember moving forward:

“If you have to constantly push your partner for anything (moving in, going out, doing trips, improving anything, getting engaged..) it’s not a partner, it’s a WHEELBARROW! Do you want to live with a wheelbarrow? That made me laugh, but opened my eyes on a lot of things.” — bluebicycle13

“It takes a hell of a partner to beat no partner at all. Vet carefully and with a clear head: Does this person add to your life? Is being with them an improvement over your regular, solo life? Or are they an effort to be around, to accommodate?” — milescowperthwaite

“Remember that ‘relationships are SO HARD’ or ‘marriage takes so much work’ is terrible advice. Relationships take effort and maintenance and mindfulness, but it shouldn’t be work. It’s a garden, not a salt mine. If literally everything is an uphill struggle all the time, you’re not compatible. Move on. All ‘relationships are SO HARD, Y’ALL!’ teaches people is to stay in relationships that are bad for them. Get therapy and find healthy partners. And DEFINITELY don’t have kids if your relationship is already OMG SO HARD.” — TheAngerMonkey

“Make time. You’ll always have a million and one things that need your attention, but if you’re going to be with someone, and start a family with them, make time for them.” — JoshXH

Please and thank you go a long way. You should treat your spouse with respect and kindness.” — Ziggie520

“Even head over heals in-love people get on each other’s nerves once in a while. It’s not necessarily a sign of trouble, or that you’re growing apart, or you or he isn’t good or the right one. You’re together almost ALL the time. It’s a sign that you’re human.” — RetroactiveRecursion

“Your partner can’t read your mind. Talk to them why you are upset or what is bothering you. Don’t hold your negative thoughts inside, it will only make the situation more bitter.” — SuvenPan

“Discuss life goals (especially kids) and financial habits before you get married. If one person wants six kids and the other wants to be childless that’s not going to work. If one person has champagne tastes and spending habits but you as a couple have a boxed wine budget, then that is a problem. More than one marriage has been ended because one spouse is bad with money and refuses to live within their means.” — Amadeus3698

“There is no reason to keep score. You are both on the same team. If one (or both) of you starts keeping score with things it is time to evaluate the state of the relationship and why this is occurring. On a related note, all problems can be solved, but not all problems are worth solving.” — slytherinprolly

“A partner is the cherry on top of a cake. The cake is your responsibility. Translation: A good partner can make you happier in life but can never make you happy. It is your own responsibility to have a happy and fulfilling life. The inverse is a little different. A bad partner can ruin your happiness. But it is your own responsibility to (not let a bad cherry ruin your cake) not let a bad partner ruin your happiness.” — Ether_Freeth