Ride The Stream Of Consciousness
A stream of consciousness, Oh what wise words!
Let it sing like the poet to his words,
Let it sail through the navy white foam of the sea,
Let it wander, Oh! Through those Starry Skies as Van Gogh named the night,
Or let it Howl by the call of Ginsberg.
How could you Let It Be? If you haven’t even let creation transpire through you.
You must let go and swirl around the endless words of the finite world, beyond the schemes and rules.
May you let yourself be haunted by the calls of Captain! My Captain!
And may your head be silenced by the rustling, whooshing sound of leaves falling from Odes made to Autumn.
The immature self may be left behind,
For after a lifetime of enchanting bliss,
You may wake your eyes and open their windows, if you trust Shakespeare.
And the Soul.
The Soul that awaits, within the flesh, to be awakened.
Set it free and be.
For to be is to live, and to Live is to Love.
Oh to Love! To ignite such energy,
It requires the bravest of soldiers
That within a conforming society will be Self Reliant to honor Emerson.
Soldiers that honor the uncertainty of being and are acceptant of its solitude and nature.
For one must learn of solitude,
And its confusion for sorrow.
For To Be Alone is to be with You,
And you yourself only; in flesh, in soul and the unified separation of both.
A continuing paradox, always ongoing; nature being, energy flowing, and people dying.
The false identification of the self will decay at the end of days.
Yet its essence will remain in its purest, truest state.
And it will reign, as one, as Everything and Nothing.
If that’s what it ought to be,
Who am I to convince you of such madness?
I am nothing more than another sheep in the flock of pasts before me.
Ideas before me, all that has been and is repeated,
And Forever remains.
I don’t intend for my gospel to guide you to the answer,
But simply lead you to the road of Question,
To think and therefore to be.
This is only the beginning.
In the least of my humbleness, let me assure you, I am a speck of dust in what has come and what has yet to come,
And I share this for my own sake,
The beauty is in how this wondrous world can take hold of my words and sway them across a sea of migrating butterflies and into the eyes of others.
I thank Ginsberg for his leap outside the endless circle,
I take the leap with him,
And I invite you to do just the same.
In this bounded vessel, the most exhilarating of thoughts is to be one’s unmasked self in a world of hidden faces.
Continuously en passant, never-ending gamble with a lifelong opponent—Ego.
Ego is the one and only partner in the game of Life.
But it must be acknowledged or else it expands and overrules.
It must be looked at in the eyes and confronted.
And do allow yourself to rest, but never fall into the long Sleep.
And I don’t mean death as we know it,
For Death can be long before the end of Life.
It’s a comfortable trail, but Vincent warned us of the paved roads; there’s no space for Blooming.
So, to live while in life one must endure the battle courageously.
To be courageous takes appreciation.
Encouragement from your self to yourself.
For there will be plenty others in anger and loathe of your self.
So, without judgment, one must silence them to continue The Journey.
Awakeness is everlasting. It’s a thing of Beauty and therefore, as the romantic cry goes, it will never pass into Nothingness.
Don’t forget the ephemerality of the present, it will at times escape you.
And fairly so, as that is to be human.
We are borrowed anatomic representations of a single entity.
This body is the perspective permitted in this Stage.
Like Shakespeare, you and I are merely players.
Nobody asked for this opportunity,
We all came from a Mother.
Now that we are here, why not stay and play?
As long as the joy and abundance inward prevail overall.
Don’t let yourself be tempted by the seductiveness of the Ego.
Let yourself bathe in the waters of Vulnerability instead.
They will lead you with the strong forces of nature to what is righteous, what is rewarding.
So, ride, ride away in the stream of consciousness.
Fair Winds