Seriously, Stop Judging Women Over These 12 Personal Decisions

Seriously, Stop Judging Women Over These 12 Personal Decisions

Women are always expected to behave in a certain way — but they should have the freedom to do whatever they want without feeling judged. Stop judging women over these basic things:

“Speaking! Women are constantly criticized for talking too much. Studies have shown that men speak more frequently and for longer in public speaking arenas, however it is women who are seen as being too talkative. I heard two researchers talking on the radio about an experiment that they did where they divided the presentation of their findings exactly 50/50. The female researcher was criticized for having talked too much. When women are strong in their views they are seen as hysterical or bossy. When men do the same they are seen as strong or convincing. Women are more likely to be interrupted than men. Women should be able to speak as freely as men are.” — belleoftheride

“Getting angry because of very understandable things, without getting called bossy, bitchy, being on our periods, being called difficult or crazy, or gaslighting.” — DatWasAJoke

“Not wearing makeup. I don’t like makeup (just not a fan), and as a 40-year-old woman the amount of comments I get is staggering. ‘Did you forget to put on your face this morning?’ Or ‘you look sick’ or ‘whoops look like you forgot something!’ My face is mine, I don’t have to decorate it if I don’t want to. — GreenHeronVA

“Not wanting to have children. Every time I’ve been asked why I don’t have children yet (26 years old) and I say it’s because I don’t want any, I get looks of absolute horror and treated like a monster. The culture surrounding birthing is so toxic and bizarre. I get told I don’t know what I want yet. I’m 26 fucking years old. I know exactly what I want it doesn’t involve children in any capacity.” — AnimeDreama

“Liking sex. A lot of men (and unfortunately a lot of women, as well. Sexism, right?) honestly think of sex as something that ‘men want from women’ and men have basically convinced women to do. Leading to awful consequences: not only women deliberately ‘withholding sex’ as means of emotional pressure, but even moreso, because of the aforementioned concept, judging women that do like sex and are upfront about it (because of course then something must be ‘wrong’ with them). By the way, I guess the opposite of the sexist view is the idea that while men supposedly need to ‘convince’ women to agree to sex, that women need to ‘convince’ men to enter a long-term romantic relationship, especially marriage, for which the cliché is that the woman is overjoyed but the man is ‘losing his freedom.’ E.g. bachelor parties celebrating your ‘last day as a free man’ etc. which of course is also completely ridiculous.” — itsthecoop

“Being single. Especially older and single. Have you had the ‘when are you getting married? You’re so pretty though…’ Like those are valid reasons for marrying when you don’t want to…. Bruh, I didn’t design my face…” — Charmie6

“Not using tampons. I know girls who judge me for not wanting to use one.” — Peterporker18

“Not having hair. Fun fact: Women can go bald, it’s just usually connected with some disease. I’ve been losing my hair a lot lately, and my boyfriend was like ‘women don’t go bald.” Yes, yes, they can. It just doesn’t happen as often.” — Head_Razzmatazz7174

“Aging. I feel this every time I see an ad for anti-aging products. Just let me wrinkle in peace!” — FrustratedCalico

“Not wearing a bra. The amount of people offended by the fact that I don’t wear bras is kinda ridiculous. Especially when it’s cold. I got a scoop of titties, a bra ain’t doing nothing for me.” — No_Birthday_1620

“Farting. I dated a girl who farted one time in front of me and started crying because ‘it’s so gross.'” — snackfood109

“Be ugly. It sucks so much how women are pressured into being physically appealing, as if their whole life should revolve around that. And then big companies and media make a profit of selling young girls all those freaky and sometimes dangerous way to ‘become beautiful.’ Bruh. Just let me be ugly in peace. That’s just how I am.” — Goblinora