Tarotscope For Today: Monday, January 20, 2025
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Your Card: Five of Swords, reversed
Have you had any conflict or tension with anyone lately? You might see some resolution today. The Five of Swords reversed advises you to let go of grudges and resentment, whether that means reconciliation or letting go of the relationship. Hear the other person out. Be open to compromise but honor your needs. If you’re the one with apologies to make, ask for forgiveness today. Restore peace in your life.
Your Card: Ten of Wands, reversed
Don’t take on more than you can handle, Taurus. The Ten of Wands shows up in reverse when you need to restore equilibrium in your life. You can’t possibly fill any more on your plate right now. In fact, you could afford to put off some things on your list for later—do so. Delegate what you can. Reprioritize. Ask for help. Most importantly, don’t be afraid to say no to others. There’s a difference between being there for someone as support and taking on their burdens as your own.
Your Card: Five of Wands
The Five of Wands calls for healthy conflict resolution. Whether you have a new disagreement with someone today or there’s tension with someone lingering in your life, do your best to view the situation from a different perspective. This card wants you to dive right into the issue and do your best to work it out. Open up the line of communication ASAP. Don’t let it boil over into something much bigger.
Your Card: Knight of Swords, reversed
Your patience is going to be tested today, Cancer. The Knight of Swords appears in reverse to remind you of the importance of keeping your cool. Reacting impulsively will bring you undesired consequences, so tread carefully. Breathe in and breathe out. Distance yourself from others today if you want to avoid any conflict and miscommunication. If you do come across any today, remember to be patient and hear the other person out. Assert yourself without being aggressive.
Your Card: The Star, reversed
Yes, it’s only just Monday, and yet, here you are, in need of restoring your energy. That’s because this goes beyond the usual stress of the work week and life’s daily demands. The Star in reverse indicates life has been difficult for you lately. This card reminds you of the importance of replenishing your spirit and reconnecting with yourself. Take some time to focus on self-care today. It’s not something you can afford to put on the back burner. You need renewal. More than that, you need to find hope and inspiration again.
Your Card: Four of Wands, reversed
The reversal of the Four of Wands denotes a lack of harmony in one of your relationships. Have you been clashing with someone at home or work? Do you and your partner have issues to address? Is someone in your life making you feel unsupported? Take this card as a nudge to address your issues with this person. Resolve any problems between you. Come to whatever compromises need to be made. Just don’t put it off any longer.
Your Card: The Emperor, reversed
Go with the flow today, Libra. You’d also do well to adopt this attitude if there’s a situation in your life that you’re not quite sure how to handle or that you keep trying to force. The Emperor in reverse wants you to relinquish control and embrace the unknown. Don’t deliberate or overthink it, just do what feels natural. Trust your instincts. This card is reaffirmation that sometimes the best thing to do is to let the Universe guide you. Have faith that it’ll all work out the way it should.
Your Card: Temperance
Burnout is imminent, especially if you keep going the way you’re going. The year has only just begun. Slow down today. Examine what you can do to avoid being spread out this thin. Pinpoint where in your life you’re overdoing it. Reflect on how you can start better managing your stress. Start today by incorporating a mindfulness practice in your routine—meditation, journaling, yoga. Hold yourself accountable in staying grounded during busy periods. Cultivate more harmony in 2025.
Your Card: Ten of Pentacles, reversed
Do your actions align with the stability you seek? Is your current path in alignment with your desires, values, and vision of the long-term future? Are you prioritizing the things that you find truly meaningful? If you’re proud of those answers, that’s wonderful, but you must remember that security is more than just what and how much you have. Working hard on your goals is great, but you need to also turn your attention to nurturing your spirit. This means finding inner harmony and strengthening your relationships with your nearest and dearest.
Your Card: Ace of Pentacles, reversed
It isn’t like you to hesitate and hold yourself back from pursuing something. So what is it that stops you? Is it fear? Self-doubt? Imposter syndrome? Whatever it is, the reversal of the Ace of Pentacles urges you to let it go. You might be missing out on a wonderful opportunity if you sit back any longer. Stop deliberating and take action. Start today by taking the first step. You’ve got this, Capricorn.
Your Card: Four of Cups
The Four of Cups wants you to come home to yourself. Today you need to prioritize just that. Reconnect with your inner world, Aquarius. Reflect on your path, desires, and fulfillment. If you’ve been feeling unmotivated or discouraged, maybe it’s time to adopt a new perspective to change your attitude. Or maybe it’s a sign that you need to change course. What lights you up? Is that what you’re doing now?
Your Card: Queen of Swords, reversed
If someone has been pressuring you to make a certain move, today is the day that you need to make it clear that it’s not their decision to make. Be assertive, Pisces. If it destabilizes your relationship with this person, then maybe they’re not someone worth having in your life. You can’t center your choices around pleasing others. Your sole focus should be your own needs and desires. Don’t be influenced by what someone might say or how they might feel. Do what’s best for you.