Los Muertos Crew

Tarotscope For Today: Saturday, January 25, 2025

Table of Contents


Your Card: Four of Pentacles

Give up control today, Aries. Be more willing to go with the flow and give other ideas or ways of being a try. You’re working too hard at trying to manage everything at once because you have a vision that you’re trying to achieve. However, this is causing you to be too rigid in certain areas which will only hold you back. 


Your Card: The Lovers

The people that we attract in our lives and the people that we associate the most with are often reflections of ourselves. If there are people around you that you criticize and cast judgment towards, odds are you may be projecting right now, Taurus. While it’s easy to say that the other person is at fault, this isn’t a one-way street. In some way, you may be contributing to the problem. The Lovers card is a reminder to approach issues from a place of love, understanding, and empathy because, at the end of the day, you are no better than the people you blame. 


Your Card: The Moon

The random memories that are popping up right now aren’t by coincidence. There’s a reason you are finding yourself reflecting on moments from your past that have long gone. Sit with your thoughts and try to identify the reason for their occurrences. These random memories that are popping up may hold certain truths that will help you make sense of your day. 


Your Card: Six of Wands

You may be experiencing a setback of some kind today, Cancer. But whatever this setback is or how it may manifest, it is not something to worry too much about. The Six of Wands indicates that you are on the verge of success and so victory is certainly in the cards for you today. Soon whatever drama or issues you’re facing will get better and improve and it’ll all be a thing of the past. 


Your Card: Page of Wands

You might be waiting for something to happen but the Page of Wands is urging you to take the initiative. Life isn’t supposed to be easy. It takes a lot of work and perseverance to achieve the things that we want. It seems that in the past, regarding whatever your passion is or whatever goals you have, you experienced some beginner’s luck and lately you might be feeling as if that luck has run out. Some say that the purpose of beginner’s luck is the universe’s way of showing you what you’re gifts are and the passions you should pursue. But after beginners luck is when the real work begins. So whatever it is you experienced luck in yet have been feeling stagnant in, it’s not an indication that you should give up, but rather that by pressing on, you’ll reach the level you hope for. 


Your Card: Three of Wands

Shift your mindset on the long game, Virgo. You’re putting all your efforts in things that will yield quick results and instant gratification but this isn’t going to get you to where you want to be. Make the necessary sacrifices now and they will pay off big time in the future. Accept that things are going to be limiting now but it won’t be like this forever. Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later if you lock in now. 


Your Card: Nine of Pentacles

People sometimes incorrectly equate being at peace with being bored with your life. But that’s just not the case. Some people get so used to the chaos as their normal state of being that they don’t realize that life doesn’t always have to be so all over the place. If anything, the boredom you might be feeling as a result of this newfound stillness is just a result of you not pushing yourself in other beneficial ways. Find passions that feed your soul and reignite that fire inside you, Libra. Don’t think that destruction is the answer. 


Your Card: The High Priestess 

The High Priestess might be indicating that you’re losing your connection to the divine. Maybe you’ve been feeling as if something is missing in your life yet cannot pinpoint what. Reconnect with yourself, the world around you, and with the divine. If you can, immerse yourself in nature. Spend some time in the sun. Connect with the physical world in a way that is meaningful for you. Disconnect today, leave your phone on do not disturb, and sit in your divine. 


Your Card: Page of Cups

Try not to take life too seriously today. You might be making things a much bigger deal than they are. You might be getting too stuck in your routine and so when something throws you off where you have to deviate from that routine, it starts to get to you. It’s okay to go a little off-course. Not everything must go perfectly according to plan. 


Your Card: Four of Wands

Use your secret hidden talents, Capricorn. Today might present an opportunity where something is being asked of you that requires a different approach. Capricorns tend to be very multifaceted people in general and have many random skills that most of their friends or family members don’t even know about. This is partly why Capricorns tend to achieve so much, because of the different skills and traits they can bring to the table that help solve problems or get the job done. So with that said, you might be challenged in an area you’re not used to but trust that you do have the skillset to get it done. Feel invigorated by the opportunity to prove yourself in other ways and show off your hidden talents. 


Your Card: The Star

The path ahead of you today will be incredibly rewarding, Aquarius. The Star card indicates that today you are at the height of your power (especially since The Star tarot card is connected to your sign). If you’ve been in a cycle of negative thinking, break that cycle today. Believe that there is hope. Believe that you can move forward and you will. It’s as simple as that yet easier said than done. But remember that you’ve experienced hardship before and managed to overcome it. So if you could do it then, you can do it again now. 


Your Card: Eight of Cups

Give up today, Pisces. This sounds so cynical but I don’t mean it this way. Sometimes life beats us down and that doesn’t mean that we should completely surrender but rather take a step back. So with that said, give yourself permission today to just give up, take a breather, and give it another go tomorrow. Life is a shit show and sometimes the best way to deal with that is just giving in to the chaos and being okay with that. Like the meme of the dog sitting at his table while his home is on fire and he says “This is fine.” That’s you today and that’s okay. Find the humor in it because this will help you not take things so seriously.