Mikhail Nilov

Tarotscope For Today: Saturday, July 27, 2024

Table of Contents


Your Card: Queen of Swords Reversed

Feeling uncertain or unclear makes you hesitant to cut out what you know isn’t working. Today, the Queen of Swords reversed visits. You could improve your current line of thinking. The world is far more expansive and freeing than what you currently perceive. Break free from the cynical brain fog. It’s time to reclaim your power. You are redefining and reorienting your life as needed.


Your Card: The Tower

A sudden, unexpected turn of events temporarily knocks you down today. The Tower represents your Saturday experience. While you may be shocked, you’ll realize that you saw this coming and pushed down your instincts. Take the loss with a grain of salt. A lesson will be learned that will be valuable and carry you towards your authentic self. The truth always comes to light in the end. Welcome the revelations and try again tomorrow.


Your Card: King of Swords

The King of Swords is representative of classic Air sign energy. This card describes witty banter, strong social skills, and sharp communication. Therefore, this Saturday is all about coming home to yourself. Remember, you have just as many strengths as you do weaknesses. Getting out of a mental rut, you feel empowered today. It’s apparent what needs to be cut out to feel free again. You aren’t shy to swipe the sword of clarity with all your might and watch the pieces fall where they may.


Your Card: Page of Pentacles

It’s easy to commit to who and what matters most. Today, you feel aligned with your core values, bringing a wave of solid self-esteem. The Page of Pentacles describes your Saturday experience. Security, stability, and a robust inner world guide you. New beginnings emerge that reflect your hard work and investments. Don’t back down from opportunities out of imposter syndrome. Success is all about learning along the way.


Your Card: Strength

Leo is ruled by Strength in terms of Tarot cards. Therefore, you can expect this Saturday to fulfill your spirit sincerely. Your strengths are applauded as you take up space in the spotlight. Being a heart-based card, Strength shows that romance, creativity, and inner child activities peak. Happiness and laughter follow you. Your emotional intelligence has led you to a joyful path and a solid inner conviction. The sun shines for you today!


Your Card: The Four of Pentacles Reversed

This Saturday asks you to let go of your tight grip. The Four of Pentacles shows that you’re clinging to an outdated circumstance. What once brought you security and fulfillment leaves you drained and defeated. Changing your mind about commitments is okay if they no longer reflect your original intentions. Don’t hold yourself back out of fear. There’s a world out there beyond your comfort zone. Dare to explore it.


Your Card: Judgment

It’s time to assess. Judgment is your card this Saturday, carrying a serious vibe. There’s a time and a place to remain objective and impartial. While emotions are important, so is ensuring your life’s circumstances reflect the legacy you wish to leave behind. Today is not about settling. Your long-term goals and desires are on your mind. Allow this foresight and longing to guide you towards decisions made with integrity. 


Your Card: The Hanged Man Reversed

You’ve been waiting for your moment. Being in a holding pattern makes minutes feel like years. Luckily, this Saturday provides the relief you’ve been craving. Time moves faster. You know the answers to dilemmas that have left you stumped. Proactive pushes from the Universe encourage you toward the right path. Your patience has paid off up until this moment. However, now it’s time to take the reins back into your own hands.


Your Card: Queen of Wands

Feeling empowered is our birthright. So long as you follow your passions today, all will go well. The Queen of Wands highlights your need for free-spirited adventure and autonomy. There’s exciting energy in the air, encouraging you to embrace the present moment with an open heart. Don’t downplay your desires. Shrinking into the shadows will not serve you. Be you, loudly and proudly. Take up the space you deserve. So long as you aren’t causing harm to others, prioritizing yourself is essential to your happiness.


Your Card: Wheel of Fortune

The Wheel of Fortune visits you today, Capricorn. This card showcases the cyclic nature of life. We’re either taking part in empowering cycles, reaching higher and higher levels of fulfillment, or in self-defeating patterns that repeat pain and suffering. What you experience today, you’ve experienced before. The real question is, does it make you happy? Or does it leave you feeling high and dry? Take note. Act accordingly.


Your Card: The Six of Pentacles

A lending hand renews your sense of hope in humanity. When you thought you had to go it alone, someone blesses you with generosity, grace, or compassion. Accept the care. Know that the support you receive is never one-sided. You have likely either directly helped this person before or extended yourself to another and are getting your good karma through them. Relief finds you this Saturday. Teamwork makes the dream work.


Your Card: Nine of Cups Reversed

Sometimes, our prayers are answered only to find we didn’t want what we thought we wanted. The grass is always greener on the other side. Today reminds you to be present with your current blessings. It’s too easy to compare your life to others and diminish your happiness. While you may think you want what another has, you only know some of the battles they struggle with. Therefore, remain grounded and grateful for what you have. There’s a silver lining beyond what your current vision allows you to see.